Welcome, all, again. Today's discussion will focus upon The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent, a quiet isekai offering one of the least flamboyant--yet one of the most solidly constructed--storylines ...
Welcome, all, again. Our last discussion concerned a dark plot by an abused healer to remake his world, so I thought a much lighter take on world conquest might ...
Welcome, all, again. 2020 was a rough year the world over, and almost everyone I know is feeling lingering effects in some way. I myself lost relatives, coworkers, ...
Welcome, all, again--and happy holidays(!), of whatever flavor you prefer. This time around, we'll be looking at I'm Standing on a Million Lives, a show that has me puzzled ...
Welcome, all, again. This last was a slow viewing season for me, with my favorite genre (slice-of-life) severely underrepresented. Only three new shows managed to catch my interest, ...
Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant? Have you ever dreamed of being the only employee at your own restaurant, forced to juggle tasks and keep up with ...
Dorothy Elias-Fahn returns to the Korner to chew gum and kick butt; and she's all out of gum.
Welcome, all, again. As this viewing season winds down, at least one favorite show of mine is really ramping up: slice-of-life offering Comic Girls, which follows the efforts of ...
After what seems like forever, you can now listen to our interview with voice actress/singer/online personality Kayli Mills!
Did you ever play D&D and think that you'd rather stop talking and just run around and hit things? Dragon's Crown Pro is the game for you.
Today we have Ewen Cluney, who brought over the Maid RPG over to western shores.
Welcome, all, again. This new viewing season seems to have gotten off to a slow start, but I waited, and good things arrived! One of the best so ...
We got Cissy Jones here for you today. You may know her from such roles like Delilah from Firewatch or Sloane from Destiney 2.
Witness the ultimate fast food battle with Alejandro Saab!
Posted on Aug 27 2013
Today, The Melancholy of Suzumiya manga to end next month, Nintendo wants to know if you are good enough to enter their fan art challenge, and BoA to release new single in November.
Posted on Aug 06 2011
One year ago today, I joined 91.8 The Fan. As I have spent the majority of my time either on the site or in the IRC, I have loads of memories to share, but I will generally stick to memories from 2010. In the process, I will be profiling some of the staff members as I have perceived them.
Posted on May 26 2011
Today, Persona 2 portable, Haruhi shipping madness, and Blue Exorcist brings down the behemoth that is Girls Generation.
Posted on Apr 24 2011
Greetings fanatics! It is I, Mothra, QUEEN OF THE INSECTS, and I am back for another weekly recap of the news, (a.k.a: News Jumble). After a wild week of…wildness…my vocabulary is drained, and I have collected everything from George Takei (Oh Myyy!), to our, (most likely), last dose of Mortal Kombat for a while.
Posted on Apr 22 2011
Today, Nico Nico English, Haruhi makes a record, and Nendroid vidja game.
Posted on Mar 11 2011
The incredible Wendee Lee stopped by the show! Wendee is known and loved by fans for her many roles in Bleach, Lucky Star, Cowboy Bebop, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and many, many more! You're sure to know at least one of her voices, so why wouldn't you tune in?
Posted on Mar 09 2011
EagleEyes' Round Table returns to its regular format this week with questions a plenty. Important topics are discussed this week, with ponies and cupcakes strangely taking the spotlight. I would say that it is random but compared to other weeks...not so much. So join us and see what your fellow 91.8ers have to say. Let’s rock it!
Posted on Feb 27 2011
Hello Fanatics, and welcome to the final News Jumble for this Fantastic February! (Unless, of course, you count next Monday…but just forget about that so I can use my witty alliteration). This week, I have corralled all the news you people crave into a nice, little pen, and am now fattening it up so it is good and tasty! But wait, Jubi, isn’t this the Moos Jumble?! Yes, yes it is. Get your healthy helping of Moos. This week, I ...
Posted on Feb 23 2011
Who has made the grade? Who has been left out? Who is that girl in the swimsuit? The real question is who takes #1 Ringo or Shizune? Let’s join EagleEyes as he presents part 2 of his Top 50 anime characters and find out!
Posted on Dec 27 2010
Today, loads of new manga for your iPhone, next Haruhi novel dated for "the world", and Cyborg 009 gets a new manga for the first time in 18 years.
iStalk? uStalk!