Welcome, all, again. Today's discussion will focus upon The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent, a quiet isekai offering one of the least flamboyant--yet one of the most solidly constructed--storylines ...
Welcome, all, again. Our last discussion concerned a dark plot by an abused healer to remake his world, so I thought a much lighter take on world conquest might ...
Welcome, all, again. 2020 was a rough year the world over, and almost everyone I know is feeling lingering effects in some way. I myself lost relatives, coworkers, ...
Welcome, all, again--and happy holidays(!), of whatever flavor you prefer. This time around, we'll be looking at I'm Standing on a Million Lives, a show that has me puzzled ...
Welcome, all, again. This last was a slow viewing season for me, with my favorite genre (slice-of-life) severely underrepresented. Only three new shows managed to catch my interest, ...
Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant? Have you ever dreamed of being the only employee at your own restaurant, forced to juggle tasks and keep up with ...
Dorothy Elias-Fahn returns to the Korner to chew gum and kick butt; and she's all out of gum.
Welcome, all, again. As this viewing season winds down, at least one favorite show of mine is really ramping up: slice-of-life offering Comic Girls, which follows the efforts of ...
After what seems like forever, you can now listen to our interview with voice actress/singer/online personality Kayli Mills!
Did you ever play D&D and think that you'd rather stop talking and just run around and hit things? Dragon's Crown Pro is the game for you.
Today we have Ewen Cluney, who brought over the Maid RPG over to western shores.
Welcome, all, again. This new viewing season seems to have gotten off to a slow start, but I waited, and good things arrived! One of the best so ...
We got Cissy Jones here for you today. You may know her from such roles like Delilah from Firewatch or Sloane from Destiney 2.
Witness the ultimate fast food battle with Alejandro Saab!
Posted on Jan 13 2016
Welcome to the New Year everyone! This year we’ve got some great things over the horizon for 91.8 The Fan and The Current. Specifically, this article is going to be the first in a run of occasional op-ed pieces where I’ll voice my thoughts and opinions, and even speak with many of The Fan’s personalities to get their Current Thoughts.
Posted on Apr 22 2015
Those who may have been keeping track of the website’s coming’s and going’s know that I am still one of the newer guys here at 91.8 The Fan. As such, I haven’t had many opportunities to meet, let alone work with, my fellow crazy nutjobs until I volunteered to help our very own Kanashimi at Chi-Fi on my only day off.
Posted on Sep 04 2014
In this special series of articles, I aim to highlight some of the best that Chicago has to offer to fans of anime, manga, and Japanese culture. As a native of the Chicago suburbs, I’ve attended numerous conventions, large and small, and have always come away with great times and greater memories. No convention has given me as many memories, opportunities, friends, and great times as Anime Central, and this year was no exception at all.
Posted on Aug 27 2014
The Current is back after its brief hiatus to bring you some high flying, anime girl fighting, bullet hell action! Just recently released back in July, the Suguri Collection consists of two shoot-em-up games: SUGURI and Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition HD. However, these two games introduce some interesting mechanics to switch things up within the genre.
Posted on Apr 09 2014
It’s rare for a player like me to experience the pure excitement and energy that comes from receiving an adrenaline rush during a heated battle, but that is exactly what happens every time I jump into a match in Titanfall.
Posted on Feb 12 2014
It happens to every gamer: The game is turned on, or a cutscene just ended, and the player is back in control... except they aren’t really in control. The game flings them across the map or under the world, and the player can’t help but sit in disbelief.
Posted on Jan 29 2014
It is common knowledge that our society values a good education and hard work, but, at the same time, it is understood that there should be time to relax and unwind. What happens when your education becomes about that which relaxes you most?
Posted on Dec 18 2013
Many people look back at their high school years and remember days full of awkward moments, hilarious adventures, tough teachers, new friends, and hoping to find that special someone.
Posted on Nov 20 2013
In 2006, the Nintendo DS was making its way through the first years of what would become a monumentally successful reign over handheld video gaming, full of great games, interesting redesigns, and new innovations in game design and development. One of the most interesting games to ever hit the handheld was iNiS’ Elite Beat Agents.
Posted on Oct 23 2013
As a huge gamer, I always keep my eye out for games that look interesting and get me pumped up! With the advent of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, many games are popping up to push these new powerhouses and bring video gaming to new heights; both old and new games are showing off their quality graphics, smooth gameplay, and new features left and right.
iStalk? uStalk!