Welcome, all, again. Today's discussion will focus upon The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent, a quiet isekai offering one of the least flamboyant--yet one of the most solidly constructed--storylines ...
Welcome, all, again. Our last discussion concerned a dark plot by an abused healer to remake his world, so I thought a much lighter take on world conquest might ...
Welcome, all, again. 2020 was a rough year the world over, and almost everyone I know is feeling lingering effects in some way. I myself lost relatives, coworkers, ...
Welcome, all, again--and happy holidays(!), of whatever flavor you prefer. This time around, we'll be looking at I'm Standing on a Million Lives, a show that has me puzzled ...
Welcome, all, again. This last was a slow viewing season for me, with my favorite genre (slice-of-life) severely underrepresented. Only three new shows managed to catch my interest, ...
Have you ever dreamed of running your own restaurant? Have you ever dreamed of being the only employee at your own restaurant, forced to juggle tasks and keep up with ...
Dorothy Elias-Fahn returns to the Korner to chew gum and kick butt; and she's all out of gum.
Welcome, all, again. As this viewing season winds down, at least one favorite show of mine is really ramping up: slice-of-life offering Comic Girls, which follows the efforts of ...
After what seems like forever, you can now listen to our interview with voice actress/singer/online personality Kayli Mills!
Did you ever play D&D and think that you'd rather stop talking and just run around and hit things? Dragon's Crown Pro is the game for you.
Today we have Ewen Cluney, who brought over the Maid RPG over to western shores.
Welcome, all, again. This new viewing season seems to have gotten off to a slow start, but I waited, and good things arrived! One of the best so ...
We got Cissy Jones here for you today. You may know her from such roles like Delilah from Firewatch or Sloane from Destiney 2.
Witness the ultimate fast food battle with Alejandro Saab!
Posted on Jun 27 2012
You know Tony Stark's floating, touch-controlled hologram screens in Iron Man? What if everyone had one of those, and only they could see their own? That's exactly what happens in this show's version of Japan, year 2046. Let's take a trip to the future this week with the futuristic fantasy, Accel World!
Posted on May 23 2012
This weekend is a historic one: this Saturday marks the return of Toonami! You may have plans to just chill at home and watch, or be like me and have a mass viewing party. However you plan to celebrate (and watch,) let's take today to look back onto everyone's favorite Toonami classic: Dragon Ball Z.
Posted on May 09 2012
If you have been any form of anime fan in the past fifty years, odds are you've at least heard of Lupin the Third. If you haven't, just say you have to prevent immediate execution. Starting as a manga in 1967, this series has managed to find its way into almost every medium possible. Today we look at the most recent installation, the ongoing show "The Woman Called Fujiko Mine."
Posted on Apr 25 2012
The thought of a comedy anime about history seems just ridiculous; I mean, who would watch that? Yet somehow getting people to watch the show wasn't an issue at all for this convention favorite. Whether you like them or not, you'll see hoards and hoards of cosplayers from this show coating the con. So for better or for worse, today we look at Hetalia: Axis Powers
Posted on Apr 11 2012
A little over a year ago a show called Cardfight!! Vanguard came out in Japan. After seeing it I thought that it would be the next big tcg craze. Shopping at the store I came across a booster pack for none other than this same show. In honor of this funny coincidence, today we take a look at Japan's newest card game NOT on a motorcycle.
Posted on Feb 08 2012
Today's show is one that I, and probably many other Fans, have been looking forward to for months now. Based on the OVA based on the music video based on the Supercell song "Black Rock Shooter," today we look at the long awaited Black Rock Shooter!
Posted on Jan 25 2012
Honestly speaking, I've only seen maybe four or five mech series. I'm obviously no expert (or novice for that matter) in this genre. That said, today we look at a mech series that I thought was one of the few diamonds in the rough of the off season. So let's dig into the new show, Rinne no Lagrange!
Posted on Jan 11 2012
It's the beginning of a new year, which in TV Land means it's off-season! The first show to catch my eye this off-season was the mystery/horror anime based on Ayatsuji Yukito's novel. Let's dig in to the darker side of the new year with Another!
Posted on Dec 28 2011
2011 is coming to a close this week, so this is the last Sampler of the year. No I'm not going to talk about a New Year's anime (and not just because I couldn't find one.) I'd like to round off the year with a show that, sadly, not too many people have heard of. This is probably my personal favorite older anime. Today we take a trip back to 1988 with Gunbuster.
Posted on Dec 14 2011
It's Christmas time here at the Fan. As if you couldn't tell by all the ear-murdering Christmas music covers blasting in every single store. In light of the season, I picked an anime that when I started I could've sworn couldn't exist. That's right, an anime [loosely] about Santa.
iStalk? uStalk!