iStalk – 201

Posted on Nov 24 2009


Mamoru Hosoda turned down the chance to direct Haruhi, Snuggies become more evil with Viz’s help, and your PSP just updated, is it something sinister or manga related? Find out in todays episode!


Mamoru Hosoda passes on Haruhi
Naruto Snuggies
PSP Manga

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  • destructorv2 November 24, 2009 at 6:33 PM

    Heyy, the snuggie did something worst, which is to have Street Fighter 4 characters in a Snuggie, i dun mean the outfit on you, i mean their face on your Snuggie! yeah its like a chick repellent XD

  • Sandgolem November 25, 2009 at 5:19 AM

    lol yeah, although a precious few chicks will be wearing them..and those are the chicks you want to bring home to mom :3

  • EagleEyes November 26, 2009 at 12:52 AM

    I have a snuggie…….

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