Anime Bites – Ichiban Ushiro no Daimao – 05

Posted on Aug 18 2010

This one’s a bit later than usual. Sorry about that, work has had me tied up a lot recently.


Demon King Daimao – Episode 05 – Beware The Underground Maze

Sit tight, blip botched something, it’s reuploading.


Insert witty comment about the text pat of the review.

Did fairly well this episode. We’re also back to our old fanservice habits, which is good, considering we’d had a bit of a shortage the past few episodes.

OP is finally in the server, request it, request it now! The soundtrack is, as always, okay. The music during the action scenes is okay, but somehow seems lacking at times.

I hope that’s the last we see of green-hair. She was almost as annoying as purple-hair. I’d also like to finally be introduced properly to the protagonist, now that we’re almost halfway through the series.

A little bit of development, I hope purple-hair keeps on with the less b*tchy attitude. She might actually be worth caring about later on.

Wrapping up
A rather entertaining episode this round, I’m glad to see things moving forward, but we’ve wasted a lot of time up front, I don’t know where the plot is trying to go, but with only 7 episodes left, we’re going to have to hurry the plot along.


You can watch Episode 5 on Crunchyroll or on The Anime Network.
Or if you’re a stickler for censorship, you can pick up the DVD here.

For anyone following along with the series, tell me what you think so far in the comments. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Let me know!

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