Metrocon 2009 – Snake’s Build a Better Mech Contest

Posted on Dec 14 2009


As a rare treat for you today I’ll be sharing something that, normally, only our fanatics would get to see.

Back at Metrocon we visited a few panels and had the chance to record them. A few people asked where they’d be able to see them, so we let them all know, and now they’re wondering where their videos are! Well instead of making them become fanatics, I’ve decided to post it up on the front page for everyone to enjoy! So without further ado, here’s the Metrocon Panel: “Solid Snake’s Build A Better Cardboard Mech.”

Part 1:

Part 2:

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  • Shadows Revenge December 14, 2009 at 11:07 PM

    yes!!! freebies… wait a moment… 😛

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