iStalk – 500
Posted on Jan 25 2011
Today, some news concerning BONES’ Towa no Quon anime project, Golden Kids on your iWhatever, and Funimation pumps out another simulcast.
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Today, some news concerning BONES’ Towa no Quon anime project, Golden Kids on your iWhatever, and Funimation pumps out another simulcast.
ohai live action iStalk
OH MAH GAWD! My mind is blown. :O
Expect some fixes in the new few iStalks.
Well, I must say, when I heard Live Action iStalk, I wasn’t sure if it’d be this, or Cosplayers acting out the news. 8D
:O … O_O … it is so live-actiony
I like it. once Kana gets more comfortable reading while filming she’ll be able to look directly at the camera instead of almost looking like she’s glancing at the cards or whatever’s scrolling her news stories. Course she could have been looking at the camera but the light was off so i couldn’t tell where her eyes were looking.
Good job Kana
I am glancing up at the camera, it’s mostly the position of the camera in comparison to the teleprompter. As I said earlier it should be fixed in the next few iStalks.
Lighting was a test, I currently have nine different lights in that room, but as you pointed out the light was “off”. So different arrangements will have to be made, obviously this comes with experience.
As for me being comfortable, it’s about the same thing I do when I record the script audio wise. Not much change in terms of what I’m personally doing.
Very awesome! but it looks like your reading something offscreen
I really love this new style you got going on now. Live-action = Better
Oh yeah, Happy 500th iStalk!
“Holy sh*t, Kana, you’re back…
Holy sh*t, Kana, you’re on camera.”
This was my train of thoughts.
Yes, I was purposely away for the surprise, haha.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cerulaine, 91.8 The Fan. 91.8 The Fan said: iStalk – 500 @ #anime #manga […]
Wow..500th is special! Nice Sailor Moon poster and bookcase of anime goodies. You have been proven worthy..yet again…though someone wasn’t wearing her 918 t-shirt (marketing op).
I promised Sawa I’d wear her t-shirt today, but check for tomorrow’s iStalk. xP
ZOMG Kana!
Mind thoroughly blown 😀 Great graphics, Kibbles!
This is awesome… The news was great but, I must say the live episode was cool and then how the video thing was right next it made Istalk even cooler.
awsome!!! im looking forward for more live action istalk.