iStalk – 394

Posted on Aug 31 2010

Today, Arizona’s hatin’ on Animu, One Piece manga hiatus, and and pants will NEVER be safe!

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  • toyNN August 31, 2010 at 11:04 PM

    Suzi Stingray is a bit Revy. I like but no way she could go on a blillboard or bus ad no matter where you live.

  • AnarchoElk September 1, 2010 at 12:39 AM

    They actually HAVE her on a billboard no complaints… That’s why it’s so odd she got declined by the city transit…

    • toyNN September 1, 2010 at 2:29 PM

      Ok my mistake – about Suzi up on billboard ads…

      There is the added issue they have of “The cartoon character’s skirt was very short that her panties were showing,” said spokeswoman Marie Chapple.”

      Their FB profile pic for Suzi is a bit different, Now she is drinking, w/gun, and it a too short skirt…

      Definitely a must visit while in Phoenix.

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