Anime Bites – Ichiban Ushiro no Daimao – 04

Posted on Aug 09 2010

Not late this week, eff yeah!


Demon King Daimao – Episode 04 – Steamy Alone Time


And now the part with those things called “words”.

Aww, animation fails for this episode, don’t tell me they ran out of budget money already.

No real comment, I still like the OP, and am trying my darnedest to get it into the server.

It seems like we’re actually getting into some semblance of story, but I’ve been fooled before, let’s not cross our fingers, but let’s at least hope that something interesting happens next week.

It seems like there was absolutely no character development this round, and we’ve been introduced to two new characters, one I know nothing about, other than the fact that he’s apparently evil, and the other one is too forward. So I don’t really care about her.

Wrapping up
And we’re back down on the roller coaster ride of absolutely nothing happening.


You can watch Episode 4 on Crunchyroll or on The Anime Network.
Or if you’re a stickler for censorship, you can pick up the DVD here.

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  • christmas4477 August 9, 2010 at 2:28 PM

    Ah crap, now I have to watch more episodes to get ahead again. But this was good since I forgot entirely about this episode since I was also bored by it

  • Kibs August 10, 2010 at 1:40 PM

    Tell me about it

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