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91.8 The Fan

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Old 07-27-2010, 10:10 PM   #1
JinnRemona's Avatar
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JinnRemona will become famous soon enough
Battle for 91.8 The Fan

Alright, so I've been wanting to do this for awhile now, and since I'm in a very crazy writing mood, I might as well as attempt this now. Alright, this won't be too complicated to begin, but at the same time, it probably will end up to be in the end. Anyway, There is a war happening for possession of the planet, "9.18 The Fan". Two factions of military are battling for ultimate control of the planet, and it's up to the members of each faction to do battle in order to determine the victor. Alright, To anyone reading this that wants to participate, I will need some kind of profile of your character to be posted here. Now, before I put up anything more, I need your opinions on this concept.

Alright. Since there is some interest in it, I'll throw up a profile. This is just the basics of what I would need for each character. Feel free to add anything else you want to it. It would be great to get some of the DJs into this, as the higher ranked members of each faction. Though, I won't be picky if they don't want to join. Anyway, Here is the basic profile.

Also, I only want one character per person. That way it won't get too overcrowded on my part.

Account Name:
Character Name:
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc)
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc):
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Skin Tone:
Personal History:
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later):
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Picture(If Possible):

Good/Bad- Now this will determine what Faction you will be apart of. Though I'm putting it into the profile to give you all a choice, if too many people side with one side, I'll forcefully switch some players over, which may require they change their profiles slightly.

Abilities/Magic- This is one I'll be keeping a close eye on. A person cannot have both Weapon Based Abilities and Magical Attributes. For example, you can't be a swordsman that can throw fireballs. Also, for Magic. I don't want everyone having uber powerful skills. I may restrict extremely powerful spells and weapon abilities for the higher ranked characters. I want to see Healers, Support, Attack, Tacticians, etc. Be original.

Osenia World Map(Thanks to Elk for perfecting my rough design of this map. It's amazing.)

Current Player Rank Positions - In need of a strong character for the Fuhrer Position of the Good Faction. Any staff member hiding up there?
Fuhrer -> Staff
Kanashimi - Good
Darghan - Bad

War Leaders -> Staff
Kleeblargh - Bad
Captain Angus McAwesome - Good
Remy - Bad
Amui Sorel - Good
Marc - Good
Henry - Good
Zale - Good

Squad Leaders -> Fanatic
Bob - Bad
Sin'lorien - Good

Captains -> Fanatic
Viridis Levitas - Good
Frost - Good
Tray - Good

Lieutenants -> Fan
Jinn Remona - Good
Katanashi Jesus Maxwell - Good
The Necro - Bad

Soldiers -> Fan
Marcus Solo - Bad
Guts - Good
Steve - Good
Kate - Good

Recruits -> Fan
Kisa Janelle Torren - Good
Mathias - Bad
Orson - Bad

Mercenary -> Any
Renasa Renatosa

Characters submitted so far:

Originally Posted by ZshadowX View Post
Account Name: ZshadowX
Character Name: Guts
Weight Athletic
Height Tall
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: black
Skin Tone: light brown
Personality: stubborn, wish to be the strongest, incredibly loyal and incredibly selfless, cold hearted, thirst for demon blood
Personal History: all his friends were kill by demons, he wish to avenge them
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): both
Stengths: Killing, protecting, hunting, Swordmaster,
Weaknesses: the ones he cares about
Weapon: a huge sword called the Dragonslayer, and a prosthetic left mechanical arm that has a magnetic grip and also conceals a cannon & repeater crossbow
Abilities/Magic): due to the sacrificial Brand on his neck he attracts evil spirits and Demons, goes "Berserk" mode
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Zehutsumei View Post
Account Name: Zehutsumei
Character Name: Viridis Levitas
Age: 30
Weight: Thin
Height: Average
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Personality: Stern, Precise, Bold, Short Temper
Personal History: Born and raised in a small village, he was born with the innate ability to produce electricity and manipulate it. After this power was discovered at the age of 9, he was banished from his village, the elders and villagers, and even his own parents, being afraid of his power. He ventured eventually to Greece, where after defeating a corrupt ruler of a small town, he was given the name of Viridis Levitas by the scholars, meaning Green Lightning, representing the green hue that his electricity gives off.
Good or Bad: Good
Strengths: Very agile, even more when using electricity to power his body, and has knowledge of pressure points from former teachings
Weaknesses: If used too much, electricity will run out and will leave him exhausted, short fuse and boldness make him easily provokable, personality makes him very unsociable.
Weapon: A chainmail glove fitted with sharp blades on each fingertip.
Sequor Claw: A claw swipe that leaves behind a trail shaped like the glove weapon. The trail hangs in the air for 3 seconds and is charged with electricity, making immediate contact painful.

Cancer Sequor: Similar to Sequor claw, but done in a pincer motion that launches the trail 5 feet forward causing damage to anything hit. Kinda like a Sonic Boom.

Veneficus Requiro: Viridis builds an electric energy ball in his hand, puts his arm straight forward, places his other arm over it as a brace, and shoots the ball out inflicting the same impact power as a pistol, but filled with electricity.

Veneficus Flatus: A stronger form of Veneficus Requiro that uses 2 energy balls merged into one large burst. Slow to activate, but quick when released.

Desumo: Enhances either an arm(s) or leg(s) with electricity for added impact from normal blows.

Fist of Odin: Concentrates all of his energy into one of his arms, and leaps forward with a punch, paralyzing and launching back anyone hit by it. Whether it lands or not, once used, will paralyze the arm until revived through electric shock.

Desumo Recro: Uses the same principles as a defibrillator and revives a limb using electricity. Can be used on others the same way for stopped hearts.

Zeus' Armageddon: Uses all of his electric energy and pulses it into his arms and legs, enhancing his speed, strength, and defense astronomically for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes are up, all of his limbs are paralyzed and can only be revived through heavy rest or a bolt of lightning. If used too much, it will kill the user.

Picture(If Possible): N/A

Originally Posted by Mollybibbles View Post
Can content providers take part? Too bad, 'cause I already started :P

Account Name: Mollybibbles
Character Name: Henry
Age: 30
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Thin, a tad lanky.
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Tall (hence the lankiness)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale (from lack of contact with the sun)
Personality: Serious about his work and the processes that go into it. Has a tendency to obsess over results (especially failure), though has a subtle air of pride when it comes to his many inventions if they seem to play a pivotal part in the team's success. He knows how to pull strings in a pinch. He is good for a laugh or two over coffee or tea.
Personal History: Once happily married with a son and daughter, he pushed them away with his constant work and experimentation with dangerous chemicals and machinery. After an experiment gone awry, resulting in a small explosion, Henry's wife took his children away deeming his lifestyle too toxic for their son and daughter. Since, he has worked tirelessly as an inventor to aid to efforts of his faction.
Good or Bad: Good with some personal demons
Stengths: Quick, creative problem solving.
Weaknesses: The sight of children. General close combat. Extended activity thanks to reduced lung function from years of smoking his beloved pipe.
Weapon: His miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
Abilities/Magic: Incredible intellect.
Picture: No, but think victorian scientist (ie: Henry Jekyll from Jekyll and Hyde. Got my reference? :P )

Originally Posted by Lite View Post
This could be interesting, I'll gladly take part! ^^

Account Name: Lite
Character Name: Zale
Age: 19
Thin, bordering on athletic
Height: Average, about 5'6?
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Skin Tone: Pale
Personality: He is motivated to protect that which he loves, and refuses to back down - generally resulting in him recklessly throwing himself into battle too, regardless of the danger levels. A regularly cheerful character, who's mood can change on the battlefield - to the point where he can mentally snap and enter a 'rage mode'.
Personal History: Having watched his homeland destroyed as a child, alongside other village survivors, Zale entered a long period of silence and desolate training, aiming to master his inner music so that he could utilise it in battle. Eventually crossing the world on his own, Zale came upon his weapon of choice, "The 181", a Bass Guitar through which his burning passion to avenge his fallen homeland and defend his faction, whom he stumbled upon during another journey.
Good or Bad: Good
Stengths: Fast and agile, able to create plans on a whim on the battlefield. His height and weight also allow him to utilise some parkour skills. Able to compose incredible bass solos for devestating effect.
Weaknesses: His devotion to protect everyone from feeling his pains can hamper his own fighting ability - protecting the wrong people or at the wrong time. Physical strength is not particularly amazing either.
Weapon: "The 181", a Bass Guitar that can be used to stun, destroy, cast magic, or just generally smash things very very hard. Also possesses electricity-based powers. To use, Zale has to plug The 181 directly into a special port on his hip.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Bass Solo: Demolish a target through mighty bass riffs!
Vertical Frequency: Unleash a high pitched riff that temporarily stuns the enemy.
It's Party Time!: Using a solo, The 181 becomes electrically charged, and Zale's own gravity becomes under his own control, allowing for crazy lightning based melee attacks.
Inch Up: Zale disconnects the 181's cable from himself, plugging it directly into the ground. Proceeding to sit cross-legged on the floor and play a powerful solo, Zale generates a frequency-based shield that absorbs incoming attacks. Frequently used to defend others on the battlefield.
Leave All Behind: Zale's ultimate attack, that can only be used during Berserk mode. Breaking down into the ultimate bass solo, Zale generates a large lightning wall around himself, which can then focus charged bolts upon any enemies within 10 meters.
Picture(If Possible): I'll try and get something drawn later.

Originally Posted by EagleEyes View Post
Account Name: EagleEyes
Character Name: Darghan
Age: 16
Weight: Thin
Height: Short
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White
Skin Tone: Pale

Personality: Darghan has a morbid sense of humor, laughing as his toxins inflict damage on his enemies. He prefers to observe and inflict damage subtly rather than full on physicality. He has an amazing ability to read body language and uses his skills to avoid conflict at all costs, utilising toxins to finish his foes. He will use his vast finance to further his goals. He won't let his goals fail, and will do anything to make them succeed.

Personal History: Growing up in one of the countries noble families, Darghan found himself thrown into the world of politics and wealth. His mother running their nations political faction, brought a period of long lasting peace to his country. In his land the country may only be led by a woman, their husbands job being to guard them against danger. In doing this Darghan's father served as the towns doctor, creating treatments and cures to many chemical agents which may be used against his family to cause instability.
Darghan's growing frustration that he may never lead his country climaxed as he utilised toxins developed under his father's watch to poison his family leaving him the sole survivor. With no Female to take charge the countries future is left in his control. With his new found power of Despite his age, he looks to bring an unforseen reign of terror over the land and eliminate all who oppose him.
Good or Bad: Bad (Pure Evil)
Strengths: Wealth. Poisons. Influential. Intellect.
Weaknesses: Frail. Low physical endurance.
Weapon: A Sceptre engraved with his families crest. It is the symbol of his families power, but has been modified to secret a poisonous mist incase of confrontation.

Toxins: He can release airborne toxins in forms of powers and gases, which are highly dangerous in enclosed areas.
Elixirs: Using his medical knowledge he can create cures to most toxins and revive injured allies.
Concealment: Creating a smokescreen from his sceptre he hides himself away from sight.
Vast Wealth and Influence: He uses his vast wealth and influence to bribe foes and allies to work to his goals.

Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Zero Gravity View Post
Account Name: Zero Gravity
Character Name: Tray
Age: 22
Weight: Slim, not very athletic, fast
Height: Tall at 6 ft
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Average Caucasian
Personality: Normality, he likes to live as he sees fit and doesn't want trouble and avoids it as much as he can. Strong sense of moral, despite how he tries to be sensable and honorable, he does have a weakness for fan service be it any gender. He Also can usually be found playing music, and has a love for spicy foods, and a detest toward sour food.
Personal History: Grew up with an abusive father and a mother who "showed him how to be a man" early on. Tray longed for a sense of normality, despite his off childhood he always kept a good sense of humor, because of his bad relationship with his mother, he's incredibly bad with talking to girls and gets shy by "trying to be a flirt". He also exhibits a love for cats, and hot sauce. He's always wanted to be "one of the guys" but doesn't know how to go about "being a guy".
Good or Bad: Good
Strengths: Good with computers, can run great distances, street smart
Weaknesses: male or Female fan service, cats/kittens, not very strong, gullible
Weapon: Spear/Staff, he took many self defense courses practicing with a staff after his history of being abused by his father.
Abilities/Magic: Incredible with computers, tends to be able to solve viral problems and can create 'Super Viruses" that destroy computer systems to the core.

Originally Posted by Amui View Post
Account Name:Amui
Character Name:Amui Sorel
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Thin, not very athletic.
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Average (5'5'')
Eye Color:Right eye is Hazel, left is Blue.
Hair Color:White, Pure White.
Skin Tone:White Fur.
Personality:Spastic, Random, Can be completely and utterly serious if need be.
Personal History:His father left when he was 8, his stepfather abused his sister/mother and ever since then he has had a flare for the dramatic and an over developed sense of justice.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later):Good.
Stengths:Ice Magic, Fur Coat protects him from the cold, Mid Ranged fighter.
Weaknesses:Close Range is somewhat weak, Fur Coat can get extremely hot in warmer weather.
Weapon:Can create an Ice Saber with his magic as a last resort.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.
Ice Coffin- Creates a MASSIVE amount of ice surrounding an enemy, freezing them in place (Does not last nearly as long as SubZero).
Glacier Drop- Create a Glacier of ice above an enemy, and then drop it directly onto them. (Takes a couple of minutes to perform, synergizes well with Ice Coffin)
Frigid Defense- Can Create portions of Ice to block incoming hits, Could break if the impact is ridiculously strong.
Frozen Field- Creates a Snowstorm in the area, Camouflaging him in his awesome White fur
SubZero- Everything within 1 mile is near-instantaneously frozen, extremely hard to cast correctly and takes quite a bit of time to use it, even freezes the user (Thick Fur protects him from the cold for an amount of time)
Picture(If Possible):

Not very good at this, so let me know.

Originally Posted by Jubilee View Post
Account Name: Jubilee
Character Name: Remy
Age: 19
Weight: Thin
Height: 5'8''
Eye Color: Light Brown
Hair Color: Grey
Skin Tone: White
Personality: Likes to hang back and observe. Is quick witted and has a good sense of humor. Has problems with being serious. Masochistic.
Personal History: Remy grew up in a small village, but was quite the outcast. He spent many days in the forest playing by himself, but having an obsessive intrest with plants. Deep in the forest, Remy met a young witch, who soon grew to be Remy's best friend. The witch specialized in magic and taught Remy much of it. Remy soon grew frond (Couldn't help it, fond) of magic that involved the earth around him, namely plants. As Remy grew up, his knowledge of plants and their uses, medicinal, constructional, etc. grew with him. One day, Remy's witch friend convinced him to practice his magic...on the village. Remy obliged and slaughtered the village that had outcasted him all his life.
Good or Bad: Evil
Strengths: Knowledge of plants, Earth Magic, Immune to most disease/poison
Weaknesses: Lonely, Not Physically powerful, relys heavily upon his magic.
Weapon: Thorn Whip

Uproot - Causes roots to fly up from the ground and immobilize the foe.

Drain - Absorbs health from the enemy.

Bark Skin - Can transform his skin into bark, increasing Physical defense for a short while.

Poison Barbs - Sends out small barbs which dig into the foe and poison them.

Wooden Spear - Conjures a spear made of wood to impale the enemy from long range.

Dirt Clone - Creates a clone of the caster, allowing enough time to escape.

Rejuvenate - Allows the caster to heal his wounds, as long as focus on casting is maintained.

Seed Cannon - Unleashes a barrage of seeds upon the foe.


Originally Posted by grimdefeat View Post
Account Name: grimdefeat
Character Name: mathias
Age: 19
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): athletic
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): average
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: silver
Skin Tone: tan
Personality: short tempered, lazy, smart
Personal History: he was raised in the U.S. by a bar owner who found him on the streets
he doesnt know who his parents are or where he was actually born. His whole life in every school
he went to he was kicked out for getting into major fights but was smart enough to always be top of the class
he now lives out his life as a sword for hire.
Good or Bad: neutral
Stengths: fighting, thinking, adapting to enemies streangths, incredible streangth
Weaknesses: his lazy attitude.
Weapon: he wields 2 claymores

double edged mayhem: an incredible slash attack wich involves both his claymores cutting multiple times into the enemy

x factor: using his incredible intellect he looks at his oponents style and adapts accordingly

reliable defence: using both claymores he blocks most attacks coming towrds him

rage: when getting to angry he gets 5 times stronger than before but also looses his intellect for the entire fight

Picture(If Possible): n/a

Originally Posted by homie_jiraiya View Post
Account Name: homie_jiraiya
Character Name: Orson
Age: 32
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): heavily muscled
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): really tall
Eye Color: silver
Hair Color: red,shaven bald with dreadlocked beard
Skin Tone: olive with many runic tattoos
Personality: level headed tactical
Personal History: he fights to avenge his young sister whos death was quite mysterious
good/bad:bad but dosent like his faction
strength:emence strength
weakness:no powers
weapon:massive octagonl club

Originally Posted by Chibi-Katanashi View Post
Account Name: Chibi

Character Name: Katanashi Jesus Maxwell


Weight: Heavy Muscular

Height: Tall (approx 6'2")

Eye Color: bright blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown/copperish

Skin Tone: Tanned

Personality: Fun loving, laid back, tends to drink a lot, gets VERY protective over property and people he is close to.

Personal History: Was kidnapped during a bandit raid on his home town, learned how to fight during his years with the bandits, and learned of hidden abilities carried by his bloodline, which was much sought after by all sorts of evil people.

Good or Bad: Chaotic Good.

Stengths: Hand-to-hand combat, heavy weapons, pillaging, explosions, sailing, and has an eye for expensive things.

Weaknesses: Unable to wield light weapons, gets too carried away in fights, always one to backtalk superiors, can not run fast.

Weapon: Twin broadswords.

Abilities/Magic: Heavy weapon duel-wielding, Use of heavy weapons with one hand, turn water into wine.

Originally Posted by PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB View Post
PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB enters the battle.....

Account Name: PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB
Character Name: Bob
Age: 23
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Athletic
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Average
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: White
Personality: Silent
Personal History: Went through childhood withdrawn from others and quiet, Picked on often until he smashed a bullies head into the wall. Trained on the streets and visited multiple Asian countries hunting down bounties. Enjoys the thrill of fighting, challenging strong enemies to test his skill, he has only lost 2 battles.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Bad, but for the right price.........
Stengths: Hand to hand combat, Stealth, Agile, Tactics
Weaknesses: Cute animals, Females and people who talk alot, Money
Weapon: Fists, occasionally Katana, throwing knives
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):

Swift Fury - Able to attack opponent with fists at blazing speed, but stresses body, lasts a few seconds

Throw - Throws knives at target from the shadows with great percision. 15 second cooldown

Silencer Slash - Attacks with Katana with blazing speed, but stresses body, lasts a few seconds.

Escape Artist - Uses sword to reflect light into opponents eyes and run away. Only useable on one target and during daylight,

Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Momo View Post
Account Name: Momo - Leaps at the idea -
Character Name: Taikutsu
Age: 17 GIRL! >.>
Weight-Thin-light build
Eye Color: light blue
Hair Color: light orange shade
Skin Tone: paleish white
Personality: a vary calm person never shows much emotion weather in battle or just talking.. Tends to be quiet even in large crowd the even chance of provoked emotion draws out the craziest in her.. Her calm and passiveness is only equaled by her massive intense rush of blood crazed violence in battle highly easy to provoke in heat and a lack of patients for people.. Never listens well and is more focused on the pay roll then the assistince
Personal History: nothing from before the age of 15 is easily recalled.. Only a need for money and a familiarity with firearms.. has a follower that has been a only and long time friend both on and off the battle feild
Good or Bad: tends to shy away from moral choices and is played upon by money and favors to officers in the ranks then a a true choices
Strengths: speed , long term endurance , lack of food and water , practically sleepless , flexibility , high class acrobatic skill
Weaknesses: high amounts of heat , seeing a cute girl , easily bored even in battle has an emotional attachment to Zale
( Fuka-bu ) highly tempered alloy hand gun with a reinforce barrel- Shine’s a light silver with a single thin black streak of chrome going down the handle -12 shot clip- has and open sided magnetic holster on her left hip
( Tsuru ) highly tempered alloy dragunov Sniper rifle which at the stock of the gun is connected to a small shotgun with the end filled down.. The loading chambers for both sides is near the stock- shotgun barrels rounds clip - dragunov 12 rounds -
All of the wood on the gun has been tinted a shade of orange and the metal has been stained a pale red.. it hangs strapped to her shoulders with a simple shoulder strap - a orange leather casing is over the shotgun barrel at all times
( Nise no yume ) a simple sheath of a Katana formed with a handle made solid with no space for a blade.. Hangs of her right hip loosely
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later): no real abilities to speak of..

Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Camajak View Post
Account Name: Camajak
Character Name: Kisa Janelle Torren
Age: 16 (birthday 9-27-93)
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): 128 lbs (average)
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): 5'5" (average)
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Normal Caucasian (Slightly tanned)
Personality: A sweet girl. Loves cute things, but she's not completely innocent. She loves her twin brother, Satoshi, dearly. She's average at school,but had a natural ability to fight, which she learned when she was almost 15 (she's almost 17 now). She wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally, but she's only human (well, sort of...) so she can always make mistakes.
Personal History: When she was younger, she was abused by her father, because her mother neglected to tell him that, well, she could be a shape-shifting dog. Kisa and Satoshi were born with the genes of a German Shepard implanted in them (long story, basically dates back hundred of years to medieval times) and it activates when they turn roughly 15 years old. It's passed down on her mother's side. When her father couldn't take it anymore, Kisa's mother left and got into a traffic accident right outside of their house. Kisa and Satoshi watched their mother get fatally wounded, and she passed away a few days later in the hospital. Their father left, and Satoshi and Kisa went to live with their aunt. Now, since Kisa knows of her powers, she harnesses them and works in her German Shepard form a lot of the time, secretly from the rest of the world with her twin brother who has the same ability.
Good or Bad: Good. Very good XD
Stengths: Doesn't give up easily, has high attack power (fangs and claws when a dog) and is fairly skilled with certain weapons (bow and arrow, swordfighting). Is very acrobatic.
Weaknesses:Not too quick with her mind, so if she's in a situation where she's taken aback by something someone says, she's physically vurnerable. Also, if her brother is in danger, she will do anything to make him safe again.
Weapon: Her own strength as a German Shepard, European-based sword (cutlass) as human, Purple low strength archery set(Idfk, someone get specific with this one lol. She got it for her birthday one year and got really good idk).
Abilities/Magic: After transforming, can communicate with other dogs and her brother. Has much higher attack strength and speed.
Picture(If Possible): This is the best picture I could find that was just her (decently old but you get the point) Ask if you want a picture of her as a German Shepard or her regular outfit, not her fighting outfit.

Originally Posted by yugiboy360 View Post
Account Name:Yugiboy360
Character Name: Renasa Renatosa
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc):Thin
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc):Tall
Eye Color:Light purple
Hair Color:Dark purple
Skin Tone:Caucasian
Personality: Tends to be quiet unless with those shes comfortable around. She can come off a bit strong.
Personal History: Renasa grew up with her twin brother and they would always train off of each other. She would always read every book that was in her site and by the time she was 12 had read every book in the entire area. She is also fluent in just about every language and loves to come up with a strategy for battles in any era. She also had developed some magical powers that were water based while able to use a katana in case an enemy got to close. She has since started stalking around a very well known mercenary. Protecting her with all she can to make sure they never fail their objective. She see's her like a sister and knows not to involve her to heavily in her plans for she knows she does as she wish's.She also has grown to stand Syh shen although she will talk to him and heals his minor scratch's when needed.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later):Neutral she follows Taikutsu.
Stengths:Can read and speak any language, Skilled tactician, Water magic mastery, Fast.
Weaknesses:Not the best people person, Zombie Head-buts.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later): Full control over water, Can also cast water magic, Can come up with strategies at the drop of a hat, Can also use her water magic's healing properties but only for minor wounds.
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by gannon133 View Post
eh?...I might as well take part in this, I am not good with scripts.....

Account Name: Gannon133
Character Name: Marcus Solo
Age: 19
Weight: Athletic
Height: Average
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Skin Tone: light tan
Personality: Anti-social, but opens up for those he trusts.

Personal History: His past was a horrible memory for him. Abandoning his horrible parents when he was small, lived in a small village that used discipline in fighting and mystical arts to protect them from the war that had been going around. All the village children saw that he was better than they are that they ganged up on him. He took revenge on them by stealing the weapons and beating them up with minor injuries. He wonders around with his stolen weapons and items, which he sold some for money. By meeting a Thief named Naomi, he called her a friend, but her life ended short when the war came to the town they have met. Now he wants to end the war with the conflict to end at peace

Good or Bad: Unknown-I suggest rogue, because he hates the war and kills any faction that he comes by. Do whatever you want with him. Scrap him if you must.

Strengths: Learned battling with different weapons, learned some spiritual magic. Agile for thievery, able to do makeshift items for living around in his journey

Weaknesses: losing a cared one, hates talking, mistrust

Weapon: carries two weapons: A sword shaped like a claw or tooth with some jagged edges and symbols sealed to slice like the beast it was from. The next one is a gauntlet that allows the user to convert his spirit energy into many attacks
(check Abilities/Magic)

Abilities/Magic: Ability: Thieving, able to use many weapons that are using in close combat other than his main weapon.

Magic: Spirit Barrier-allows the user to make a barrier that is only good for ranged attacks with his energy that fades with every hit , does regenerate but will cost more energy to start again

Spirit assist-allows the user to use his energy to summon a unknown clawed beast that hovers around the gauntlet and attack on command.

Spirit Ball/Dart- ball/dart that uses energy to cause physical damage to the opponent. Grows bigger but uses more energy (same with darts-more darts=more energy)

Picture: no picture-not a good artist.

Originally Posted by Drago142222 View Post
Account Name:Drago142222
Character Name:Frost
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc)athletic 160
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc):average 200 cm
Eye Color:Sky Blue
Hair Color:Pure White
Personality:Friendly but also very cautious towards strangers.he has a natural leader instinct that allows him to order other wolves as he meets them.
Personal History:He was Abandon as a pup but slowly he learned how to fend for himself he lives alone in the mountains but sometimes visits the town only as the illusion of a human.During his years he also took lead of the wolves becoming the alpha male.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later):good having been treated nice by the local town
Stengths:his speed .his bite.he can wistand cold weather.He Also has hieghten sense of smell and hearing
Weaknesses:long range
Weapon:his teeth and his claws
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):he has the ability to look like a human and has the ability to speak to other wolfs and his natural leadership instinct makes it so other wolves he meets instinctively follow his command.
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by twillÿ View Post
Account Name: twillÿ
Character Name: Sin'lorien
Age: 27
Weight: Medium build, athletic tone, yet very agile. (Average)
Height: 6'2" (Tall)
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Midnight Black, shoulder length.
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned.
Personality: Laid back. He isn't the first one to start a fight, but will certainly end one. Cynical. He never believes that the spoken motives of others are all that they appear to be. Underneath all the mistrust, those few who he does consider friends are those he would truly DIE for. ;) *hint hint* He is a good strategist, making him ideal for scout missions and planning. He works best alone.
Personal History: He came from a troubled past, never really knowing his parents. Growing up as a street orphan, hopping from one unreliable shelter to another shaped his ability to live off of the street and fend for himself. He grew up trusting very few people, the ones he thought he could ended up always double-crossing him in the end. Rogue at heart, he quickly gained the ability to alter gambling outcomes in his favor and as a result, learned to evade a lot of incoming attacks and counter the strikes. He only loved once and that love was cut short when shadows from his past showed up to repay some of his past cheating. Left with nothing, Sin'lorien is now an assassin type of mercenary, only 'trusting' his next employers for as long as he is being payed.
Good or Bad: Surprisingly, good.
Strengths: The shadows. He is as quick as wind and silent as night. The element of surprise is his forte.
Weaknesses: Himself, fighting the demons of his past regrets. He is also mortal, what could kill any man can kill him as well.
Weapon: Dual-wields 2 small daggers, as well as a few throwing knives. Martial Arts when disarmed.
Abilities/Magic: Extremely agile to the point of invisibility. Mixed Martial Arts prowess and bar fighting tactics. No magic.
Picture(If Possible):N/A

Originally Posted by AnarchoELK View Post
Account Name: AnarchoElk
Character Name: Kleeblargh
Age: 254 Morovian years.
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Very heavy, but only due to the density of his alien flesh
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Tall
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: None
Skin Tone: Purple
Personality: Kleeblargh is wants to to enslave the world.
Personal History: Kleeblargh Grew up on Morov, a planet in a far off galaxy. The Morovians are peaceful people who explore the galaxys, Kleeblargh, just out of space college, is setting forth to discover the planets his people have not discovered. Upon landing on 9.18 The Fan he tried to establish contact with it's life forms, but a wolf attacked him, and wouldn't respond when he tried talking to it. His hatred for wolfs warped his mind, and turned him evil. Now he wants to enslave the world so no wolfs attack him again.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Evil
Stengths: His alien body is far denser and stronger than a regular body.
Weaknesses: wolfs send him into a rage making him loose control and do everything in his power to catch them all.
Weapon: A cage of wolfs he has captured on a chain, that using his alien strength, he swings around like a morning star.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Wolfs Cage: He uses his Alien Cage to capture wolfs, which he has a hatred for. The more wolfs he has the stronger his weapon is. The cage expands to fit in all the wolfs, and brainwashes them to be under his control.
Wolfs Bite: The cages bars widen enough so the wolvs's heads stick out enough to bite his enemies.
Wolfs Missile: The cage turns into a cannon and fires out a wolf which explodes on contact. He rarely uses this as it makes his weapon weaker.
Wolfs Rain: He throws his cage in the air, and it unlocks and rains out all the wolfs which explod on contact. This is his desperation move that he would only use in super life threatening situations as it drastically reduces the power of his weapon.
Wolfs Juice: The cage contracts crushing all the wolfs and turning them into a liquid juice which holds all their power. He drinks the juice, making him have the powers of a wolf multiplied by the amount of wolfs he drank. This is his second desperation move for when he needs the extra powers of wolfs.
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Nirvash_Redemption View Post
Account Name:Nirvash_Redemption
Character Name: Jack Crowley
Age: 17
Height(5’11, lannky):
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Skin Tone: pale
Personality: Quiet, bookworm
Personal History: Normal, grew up in suburbs. Practiced Capoeira as hobby turned training. Later survived through a massacre in his home town, and resented most people afterwards. Has since taken kendo to help with swordsmanship.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Evil, of course.
Stengths: Martial Arts, and kendo. Cooking.
Weaknesses: lightning, and rocks.
Weapon: feet, and saber.
Abilities/Magic: Capoeira, and kendo. For saber, he could throw like shuriken, and have fly back. Uppercut, and dash cuts. For Capoeira, he is evasive, and uses mainly counter moves.
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Kibs View Post
FINE, I'll be descriptive

Account Name: Kibs
Character Name: Captain Angus McAwesome
Age: 22
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Athletic
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Average
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Pretty darn white
Personality: good natured, but doesn't care as much about you as you think he does.
Personal History: abandoned as a kid he was raised by a jaguar and a bear, which occasionally broke out into song and dance
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): chaotic neutral
Strengths: dexterity
Weaknesses: insatiable lust for mountain dew and low physical strength
Weapon: umbrella
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later): speed unmatched
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by JinnRemona View Post
Account Name: JinnRemona
Character Name: Jinus Adol Remona
Nickname: Jinn
Age: 29
Weight: Lean
Height: Very tall
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Personality: Jinn is the calm, serious type. Rarely joking when he's on duty and doing his job, but is a very friendly and kind person when off duty. Cares alot about the people around him, and will go out of his way to heal their wounds if injured. In battle, Jinn is clever, and dangerous, but refuses to kill anyone.
Personal History: Jinn grew up in a war torn village, that was constantly under attack as the villages locations was directly in the middle of the two warring participants. Ever since Jinn learned of his ability to control water, and use it to heal the people around him, Jinn began to do his best to help the people around him. The village is completely gone now, many people either having died, or moved away, including Jinn's parents who now live in the city where Jinn in currently working. Jinn continues to work to help those that need his help.
Good or Bad: Good
Stengths: Water Control, Medical Science, and Battle Tactics
Weaknesses: Heat, Seeing people around him in pain, and women.
Weapon: Water
Abilities/Magic: Jinn has the ability to control water. He can either use the water to attack, by manipulating it around his opponant. Jinn can also change the temperature of the water at will, making it into seering hot water, or freezing it completely into Ice. Jinn can control this Ice as well. Finally, Jinn can turn his entire body into water, but in this form, he loses control of any external water until he resolidifies, so it is mainly used to escape.
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by SaiQ View Post
Account Name: SaiQ
Character Name: Sai
Age: 20
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Thin
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): 6'
Eye Color: Dark Grey
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Personality: Ruthless, Cold, Twisted Humor
Personal History:

Sai was born into a family of witches. Over one night, a female Assassin, sent by the government, massacered Sai's family. The Assassin was about to finish off baby Sai, but at the last minute, had a change in heart. Instead, the Assassin adopted Sai, and protected his identity from the government.

The female Assassin raised Sai like a son, teaching him the arts of assassination. Sai, not knowing about his past, thought the Assassin was his biological mother.

Little did the Assassin know, Sai inherited Empath ability from his biological father. As Sai grew older, so did too his abilities. One day, his innate ability evolved, and he could suddenly read people's thoughts. He read the female Assassin's thoughts and learned about his bloody past. Enraged, Sai accidentally killed his adoptive mother.

After realizing what he done, Sai deeply regretted his actions. To honor his adoptive mother's death, Sai tries to make amends, by continuing the Assassin's work. But he swears no allegiance to the government, the ones who killed his biological parents in the first place. Instead Sai works as a mercenary.

Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Bad
Strengths: Stealth
Weaknesses: Girls
Weapon: Disguise, Throwing Daggers, Poison, and Ninjato
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later): Agility, Invisibility, Empath (Reading Minds and Emotions)
Picture(If Possible):


Originally Posted by TheNinja4759 View Post
Account Name:TheNinja4759
Character Name: Steve
Age: 22
Weight: Athletic
Height: Average
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Peach
Personality: A battle-hardened killer with little emotion
Personal History: Raised in a small village deep in the forest, his mother was killed by his father during a domestic dispute, thus Steve killed his father. He later fought in the great Ninja War of 2010, where he lost his arm due to backfire from his Kunai Kannon. He then had it replaced in 2015 with a robotic replacement, where it holds a backup sword on the inside, and a smaller, more accurate version of his Kunai Kannon mounted in the wrist. He swears that he will protect the Planet, regardless of the outcome.
Good or Bad: Good
Stengths: Intel, Operations Planning, and Ability to f*** s*** up.
Weaknesses: Kittens and little girls
Weapon: Twin Katanas (one on each side of body); Hidden katana in robotic arm; Kunai Kannon (wrist-mounted in robotic arm (fires kunai from the palm))
Abilities/Magic: Slight regeneration (from the nanobytes in his robotic arm)
Picture(If Possible): A ninja with a robotic arm, duel-wielding katanas..

Originally Posted by Rocco View Post
Account Name: Rocco
Character Name: The Necro
Age: 42
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc):Thin
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Tallish
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Bald
Skin Tone: Pale
Personality: Cold, bitter, sad.
Personal History: Unpopular as a youth, he was driven to the dark arts by his incredible ronriness. He began to develop an... attraction to the dead. Now he seeks to kill everyone and have a harem of undead slaves.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Evil
Stengths: Incedible mental strength, can control the dead, fast.
Weaknesses: Low physical strength, infatuated with dead people, in need of a friend.
Weapon: unarmed
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later): He controls dead bodies much like marionettes. He can combine them to make larger undead horror terrors. Can resist most mental attacks and see through most illusions. Can make a temp. force field arround himself.
Picture(If Possible):

Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Account Name: Chris
Character Name: Marc
Age: 21
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc) Thin built
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Average 6'0
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Crimson Red
Skin Tone: Slight tan
Honorable tactical swordsman who holds great respect for all of his opponents and avoids excessive violence when possible. Calm, cool, and collected. Carries a slight temper when those who he holds close to him are harmed.

Personal History:
Marc grew up sheltered from the life of a warrior. His father was killed during an attack on his village by bandits. He was raised by his mother who tried for as long as she could to keep him from the brutal life as a warrior, but to no avail. Growing up, when Marc wasn't busy with his studies or chores, he would sneak out to the woods with his best friend Oliver to spar and practice their fighting skills. They had dreams to climb their way to the top and avenge the deaths their village suffered in the past. On the eve of Oliver's 16th birthday, the village was once again raided by bandits. Marc and Oliver set out against the wishes of their family to help defend the village. When Marc first picked up his sword, Oliver his axe, they didn't know what they were getting into. They valiantly battled bandit by bandit together. They were skilled, but over confident. While Marc and Oliver were back to back fending off their own opponents, Marc heard a gut-wrenching cry of pain followed by the sound of gasping. As he turned around, he saw sword wielding bandit pulling his blade from the abdomen of his best friend. As Marc screamed out the name of his friend Oliver, the bandit, who was at least a foot taller and twice his weight approached. Marc was afraid. Too afraid to speak, and too afraid to pick up the sword that he had disposed of in favor of his deceased friend's hand. To this day, Marc does not know how he mustered up enough strength to run, but he managed to escape the scene with his life. After the battle was over, Marc retrieved the body of his friend Oliver from the bloody wasteland and gave him a proper burial. Ten years after saying good bye to his father, Marc has to say good bye to his one and only true friend. It was at that moment during the burial that Marc made the vow to become the most successful warrior and tactician in his land. He never wanted to have to run, ever again. What he lacks in size, Marc makes up for with intelligence and nimble sword wielding abilities. After five years of training himself and other local fighters in his own village, he lead the village through two more bandit attacks minimizing casualties with his careful planning and skilled sword work. Marc realized he had learned all he could learn, and on his 21st birthday, he said good bye to the place he had called home for the first twenty-one years of his life. He left behind his mother and his younger sister entrusting the village to those he trained with in previous years. Along his journey, he survived by acting as a hired hand as both a tactician and a warrior. Wandering village to village honing his skills and earning enough gold to survive. During his last days in his home country of Ciel, Marc was drawn to a bright green light radiating from a forest to the west. Choosing to travel there alone, Marc soon found himself face to face with this radiating light which promptly transported him to an unknown country. No, an unknown world.

Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Good.
Stengths: Planning, battle strategy, leadership, swift sword work.
Weaknesses: Long range attacks such as archery or magic.
Weapon: Generally, his weapon of choice is a rapier. Also known to wield a small axe as a secondary weapon in tight situations as an ode to his deceased friend, Oliver.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Picture(If Possible):

When I imagined Marc, I subconsciously based his physical appearance loosely off the character Eliwood from the Fire Emblem series, since I happen to be in the middle of his game. But please, run wild with your imagination. I really only based basic features off of Eliwood, and the fact that they both wield a rapier. But in all fairness, the rapier is my personal favorite weapon. But to give you a visual, here is a picture of Eliwood for reference.


Originally Posted by syhshen View Post
Account Name: syhshen
Character Name: syhshen
Age: 25
Weight: 160 lb
Height: 6'
Eye Color: emerald
Hair Color: waist length silver hair
Skin Tone: tan
Personality: lade back, stubborn and WONT do anything unless he is getting paid or actually wants to. works well alone or in small groups. hates guns with a burning passion but will use them as a desperation move.
Personal History: for most his life he's remained pretty much a loner. He could careless who lives or dies as long as he gets paid. trained in all forms of blade combat as well as archery. Out of all the weapons he has learned to use dual blades and chains have been his most used and favored. He may have guns on him but truly hates to use them. He will put his life in danger long before he fires a gun. although he may work alone a lot he has worked very close to Taikutsu through the years. Even though they fight a lot they make a powerful team. His left arm got blown of after trying to take down a government base solo. after returning home he had a robotic arm made with a surprise inside he returned to the base and finished his contract the moment his arm was done.
Good or Bad: neutral
Stengths: blades, bows, descent shot with fire arms, runs fine when low on sleep.
Weaknesses: hunger, boredom, too much money (sees no reason to work)
Weapon: dual blades(sheaths on the back of his waist), dai-katana (sheaths on the right side of his waist. normally one arms it), throwing knifes (2 rows of 5 on each leg), bow set (will go on his back. 20 arrow quiver), 10ft chain (raps up his left arm and unhooks for quick use. can be used as a small shield), 2 old style magnums (hidden in his jacket for quick use. 6 shots in each clip), left arm is fake with a hidden machine gun in it (20 round clip with a 5 shot burst). does not carry reload ammo for bow, knifes, or guns.
Abilities/Magic: Zha yanjing (works like flash step) used manly on gunners and mages. uses light weapons for this move like his dual blades, Dianli bagong (works like the wind scar) used to take down large groups or get through strong defenses. can only be used with big weapons like a buster sword or his dai-katana.

Originally Posted by Kanashimi View Post
Hopefully I'm not too vague or indecisive, but I really want to see what Jin does. I think it'll be interesting to see things from your perspective. Also, I was lazy and didn't edit this, I just wrote. Awwwwaaaaaaaaaaaay!
  • Account Name: Kanashimi
  • Character Name: Kanashimi
    • Nickname(s): Kana
    • Notes: It's more fun to be yourself, and it doesn't look like many other people were themselves as such I hope you don't mind. Most of the information will be a characterized version of me (my parents never wanted me to be a doctor and I don't have magic powers, etc). I'll redo anything if it's too literal or make a character from scratch if necessary.
  • Age: 19
    • Notes: Legalities make this a freer age to work with. I prefer the age of seventeen since it's technically untouchable, but it works out with the whole Fuhrer thing.
  • Weight: Fairly Thin (110lbs)
  • Height: Average Height
    • Notes: Kana has a short torso, but has awesome-tastic legs---just sayin'
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Blue
    • Style: In all the logic of anime, Kana should have blue, wavy hair to frame her face. Styled bangs that adjust around the eyes to bring them out is a must for any girl, no matter how stern she is.
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Personality: Kanashimi is very driven in terms of 91.8 The Fan, and despite being good is willing to sacrifice plenty for her dream and ambition. While generally focused, she has a tendency to do well ordering others instead of taking too much on herself. Regardless, if she notices anything wrong she will take charge to make sure whatever job is up to her high standards.

    Business and personal have to be separated very finely or else there might be trouble, and she is fully aware. As such, as energetic as the girl can appear in her downtime the tables do turn when work is calling. Being the workaholic she is, Kana has a tendency to make sure everything is done to satisfaction before letting her have a moment of down time.

    In relation, even she knows that struggling away too long can lead to sickness and chooses her team carefully. She needs to know she can trust someone else to have the same carefully placed standards as herself.

    Though those she works with might be somewhat bewildered by the fact she might not take their friendship as seriously. This is easily mistaken considering Kana has a tendency to joke when relaxing, make harsh jabs, or even make sure to check up on someone else’s personal life. Besides, if they’re not in good shape, they can’t do proper work… can they? She has a tendency to laugh even when something isn’t funny, and has somewhat addictive hobbies (both work-related and not) such as sustaining collections of rare items.

    In the war over 91.8 The Fan while she is fighting for the decency of the country (or site), she will make sure things get done to achieve her goal. Whether this means a sacrifice for a greater means, then it will more than likely be pursued. She uses her strengths to her own advantage and makes sure her team can cover up her own weaknesses. That makes the “perfect” spotlight all the more sweeter , and her possible skills seem better than they might be.

    On a more fluffy note, Kana also understands why being a girl in this sort of situation might be beneficial. It can be used during an event that might aide her or her team. It also doesn’t hurt that she has a tendency to like cosplay or cutesy things despite being the boss-lady.
  • Personal History: She originally had a normal childhood with normal parents. Despite this, her parents were very contradicting the fact of telling Kana to do something she loved while trying to force her to do something of her parent's choosing. Her parents strongly desired for her to become a doctor of sorts, but this was not in her master plan. As such, she personally strives for her own wants and desires with a fiery determination.
She tossed aside regular schooling and college while instead proving she could do great things in an unconventional way. Assuming her position as the boss and driving force for 91.8 The Fan has been a quickening climb throughout the ranks to better asset herself and claim center attention for her own goals.
  • Good Or Bad: Good
  • Strengths: She has a tendency to go after what she wants even if it's with half of a plan, she is more confident in her ability to manage a team as well as come up with some sort of strategy as time goes on. Common-sense is a virtue after all.
In times where she needs to be she can be fairly friendly and the advice giver in a good deal of situations involving some of her close acquaintances.
  • Weaknesses: Kanashimi commonly desires to be the one receiving attention for her deeds, but at the very least she puts herself in a position to garner that consideration.
She loves cute things as many girls do, but also seems to showcase these far easier and perhaps a step farther. For example, the innocence of wearing a maid costume might not be so innocence in certain situations, but don't tell the Fuhrer (or maybe she knows...)!

She can become obsessive and miss noticeable things, and when feeling lost she would preferably want to... pretend to ask those on her team or that she trusts. Regardless, she wouldn't want to admit such a thing.
  • Weapon: As per the tradition here on 91.8 The Fan, Kana will have a small hammer at the ready... whether this is used merely to bop annoyances who make poor jokes or to actually attack her enemies is truly up to debate.
  • Abilities/Magic: Despite Kana's more bossy personality, her kinder skin is more apparent when she gets down to her magical abilities. She focuses squarely on becoming a better cleric by calming her mind while she heals teammates and victims alike. She expels her own energy to tend to others, and can work with sores as well as full blown gashes. Depending on the severity she could damage her own being however, and as such she is limited in what she can and can't do. She would be very careful not to give her life to help someone else, they better deserve it!
In relation to tending to others, she knows the basics of regular medicine and hospital protocol since she was forced to take some classes on this. Stitching a wound is something she'd rather not have to do... just sayin'

On some occasions, depending on her energy level she can create shields to protect herself until someone else assaults the enemy for her.

While she doesn't have any powers that could necessarily kill anyone, she is certainly fine with ordering someone else to do so (why would she want to get one of her adorable outfits bloody as is?).
  • Picture: I'd prefer you use the picture as a vague reference, it's never exactly what you want in these types of things as is (cause... you know, the hair is the complete opposite of what I described).


Originally Posted by TheDrunkenShadow View Post
Account Name: DS (DrunkenShadow)
Character Name: Crowley
Age: 24
Weight: Somewhere between thin and athletic
Height: Average
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned

Personality: Crowley is a laid-back individual that hates conflict. As a result, he's known to step in on someone else's fight and beat both sides to a bloody pulp out of annoyance. Inquisitive by nature, he goes about gathering information on anything that suits his fancy, which often results in him turning seemingly useless information into a powerful tool. As a result, he'd make both an excellent commander as well as an excellent fighter, but would never take up arms in such a way. Works for equality rather than frivolous things such as king and country.

In terms of interest, his lineage of nobility shines through. He enjoys classical music pieces and enjoys the pleasantries of conversation. Especially when he gets to be a flirt with the ladies. But he's just that: a flirt.

Personal History: Crowley is the illegitimate son of some high-end nobility that he never speaks of. During his time in the House, he was given education in martial swordplay, academics, and sorcery. However, hating the nobility and all it stands for, he refused their demands to become a subject and left. Obviously, they didn't take to kindly to this, and put a bounty out on his head. Now hunted, he moves about the world to broaden his horizons while foiling the plans of both sides.

Good or Bad: Neutral; Doesn't take sides. Seeks to even the odds a bit and take out both sides.

Stengths: Excellent swordplay, limited mid-range magic, able to read situations enough to turn terrain or other factors into an advantage quickly during combat

Weaknesses: Loses out in melee combat against those who are insanely focused on it; same for magic (though he usually notices this quickly and changes up his plans). Also dislikes harming females.

Weapon: Longsword

Abilities/Magic: Swordplay that seems reminiscent of fencing, but refined more to his own style that mixes clever footwork and quickness with seemingly random instances of reckless swings.

Can fire elemental blasts from a free hand that can take the form of fire or lightning, though the max range is about 100 feet and using this too often causes mental fatigue, eventually bringing him to a state of unconsciousness.

Picture: I dunno.

It should be noted that when he appears, he should be focused more on gaining an advantage during battle than outright overpowering his opponent and will often avoid the whole incident entirely if he can set a trap to weaken or possibly kill his foe. His real strength lies in his ability to process a situation and use the advantages, materials, and information present to bring about a victory.

It should also be noted that he often has trouble with money and has to pick up the random odd job to make some.

Originally Posted by Kate View Post

Account Name: Kate

Character Name: Kate

Age: 19

Weight: Thin, 112lbs.

Height: Average, 5'7

Eye Color
: Hazel

Hair Color
: Brown

Skin Tone: Slightly tan

: Kate is a kind-hearted girl who cares about others more than herself. She tries to help as much as she can when it comes to solving problems, working, and helping other people. Having a love for children, she tends to play with them whenever she gets the chance. While using magic, or anything else needed for it, she has a great focus and concentration.

She can be random at any given moment, usually to help cheer up friends or people. She can also be klutzy at times, usually tripping. When it comes to magic Kate gets all interested, mostly fully interested when it's something she doesn't know. Her attitude easily changes when she's serious or angry. She yells and says stuff she doesn't mean when angered.

Personal History: Growing up in a village with a normal family, Kate was like any other child with a brother, sister, mother, and father. Her father had began to teach her magic at the age of ten, learning the basic spells like summoning fire and using healing abilities. At the age of thirteen, she had lost her father. As a result, her personality changed. She quickly had to grow up faster than anyone else and become the responsible older sister. During times alone, she continued to practice her magic soon advancing the spells her father taught her.

At the age of seventeen, she had left to travel to where ever fate had in store for her.

Good or Bad: Good

  • Learning all she could from her mother, Kate is a great cook.
  • A huge knowledge of magic.
  • She's good at certain puzzles. These puzzles are usually math or moving objects around.
  • Very agile.

  • Kate has moments of becoming very clumsy either from tripping on objects (like rocks, sticks, etc) to tripping on absolutely nothing. This usually happens on the most unexpected times or when she doesn't want it to happen.
  • The sight of people suffering saddens her, especially those that are close to her. Such thing can affect her magic greatly to the point where she might not be able to control it correctly. Anger is also included in this list as well.
  • The two animals she has a fear of, snakes and spiders. She can't stand the sight of these and panics whenever there's one nearby, even if it's the tiniest spider.

Weapon: None. She prefers magic over weaponry.

Magic (Defenses/Other)
  • Heal - Can heal the wounds of one person.
  • Heal Group - Can heal more than one person that's around her. She can use it multiple times, however the more people it's used on, the more energy it consumes.
  • Barrier - Used to protect from attacks. How much power it can withstand depends on how much energy is put into the defense spell.
  • Poison Cure - Can cure poison.

Magic (Attack)
  • Wind Scythe - Commands the winds to become a blade-like strike on whoever it's casted on. The stronger the winds are, the more damage it inflicts to the target.
  • Fire Ball - Basic fire attack that creates balls of fire and launches them at the target.
  • Lightning Surge - A powerful lightning based spell the builds up the energy within her body, transforming it into lightning and firing it at her target. This takes much focus, though.
  • Ice Tornado - Water begins to form a waterspout around the target. Seconds later, parts of the spout turns into ice and hits the foe continuously.
  • Glomp - When all else fails, build up some quick power and tackle hug the opponent.
-Also, some minor elemental spells too-

Picture: It's just the outfit and hair style. Nothing else.

Side effects of reading the above post may include nausea, headaches, itchiness, impotence, temporary blindness, weakness in knees, mild pregnancy, and a loss of faith in humanity. If death occurs, consult a mortician.

Last edited by JinnRemona; 10-22-2010 at 12:37 AM. Reason: I added spoiler tags for everyone......
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Old 07-27-2010, 10:14 PM   #2
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

I think it's a pretty good idea, but with the way things have been happening around here..im not sure how long it will last and how long it will take before all the drama starts again.

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Old 07-27-2010, 10:16 PM   #3
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

i think this is an awesome idea

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Old 07-27-2010, 10:18 PM   #4
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Well, it's not going to be a roleplay. It'll be a story written by me, as I gather info from people who want to submit their characters, as to how they would react to different situations, and so forth. That way it can be much quicker, and no one can argue if their character is defeated or killed.
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Old 07-27-2010, 11:29 PM   #5
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Is it intended to be just plain silly (ie: EE with laser beams attached to his head, Kana shattering the earth with her mighty fist) or something more serious?

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Old 07-27-2010, 11:48 PM   #6
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Alittle of both. It'll be serious enough when it needs to be, and hilarious a fair amount of the time.
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Old 07-27-2010, 11:52 PM   #7
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Hmmm.... sounds like it would be interesting, It would be easier to make a list of things you want from people like:

Petty things even, just to get a good sense of the character

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Old 07-28-2010, 03:52 PM   #8
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: ZshadowX
Character Name: Guts
Weight Athletic
Height Tall
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: black
Skin Tone: light brown
Personality: stubborn, wish to be the strongest, incredibly loyal and incredibly selfless, cold hearted, thirst for demon blood
Personal History: all his friends were kill by demons, he wish to avenge them
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): both
Stengths: Killing, protecting, hunting, Swordmaster,
Weaknesses: the ones he cares about
Weapon: a huge sword called the Dragonslayer, and a prosthetic left mechanical arm that has a magnetic grip and also conceals a cannon & repeater crossbow
Abilities/Magic): due to the sacrificial Brand on his neck he attracts evil spirits and Demons, goes "Berserk" mode
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Old 07-28-2010, 05:08 PM   #9
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: Zehutsumei
Character Name: Viridis Levitas
Age: 30
Weight: Thin
Height: Average
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Personality: Stern, Precise, Bold, Short Temper
Personal History: Born and raised in a small village, he was born with the innate ability to produce electricity and manipulate it. After this power was discovered at the age of 9, he was banished from his village, the elders and villagers, and even his own parents, being afraid of his power. He ventured eventually to Greece, where after defeating a corrupt ruler of a small town, he was given the name of Viridis Levitas by the scholars, meaning Green Lightning, representing the green hue that his electricity gives off.
Good or Bad: Good
Strengths: Very agile, even more when using electricity to power his body, and has knowledge of pressure points from former teachings
Weaknesses: If used too much, electricity will run out and will leave him exhausted, short fuse and boldness make him easily provokable, personality makes him very unsociable.
Weapon: A chainmail glove fitted with sharp blades on each fingertip.
Sequor Claw: A claw swipe that leaves behind a trail shaped like the glove weapon. The trail hangs in the air for 3 seconds and is charged with electricity, making immediate contact painful.

Cancer Sequor: Similar to Sequor claw, but done in a pincer motion that launches the trail 5 feet forward causing damage to anything hit. Kinda like a Sonic Boom.

Veneficus Requiro: Viridis builds an electric energy ball in his hand, puts his arm straight forward, places his other arm over it as a brace, and shoots the ball out inflicting the same impact power as a pistol, but filled with electricity.

Veneficus Flatus: A stronger form of Veneficus Requiro that uses 2 energy balls merged into one large burst. Slow to activate, but quick when released.

Desumo: Enhances either an arm(s) or leg(s) with electricity for added impact from normal blows.

Fist of Odin: Concentrates all of his energy into one of his arms, and leaps forward with a punch, paralyzing and launching back anyone hit by it. Whether it lands or not, once used, will paralyze the arm until revived through electric shock.

Desumo Recro: Uses the same principles as a defibrillator and revives a limb using electricity. Can be used on others the same way for stopped hearts.

Zeus' Armageddon: Uses all of his electric energy and pulses it into his arms and legs, enhancing his speed, strength, and defense astronomically for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes are up, all of his limbs are paralyzed and can only be revived through heavy rest or a bolt of lightning. If used too much, it will kill the user.

Picture(If Possible): N/A
Gamertag - Zehutsumei
Games I play online
Super Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter IV, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Lost Planet 2, Halo 3, Borderlands, Splinter Cell: Conviction

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Old 07-28-2010, 05:14 PM   #10

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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Can content providers take part? Too bad, 'cause I already started :P

Account Name: Mollybibbles
Character Name: Henry
Age: 30
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Thin, a tad lanky.
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Tall (hence the lankiness)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale (from lack of contact with the sun)
Personality: Serious about his work and the processes that go into it. Has a tendency to obsess over results (especially failure), though has a subtle air of pride when it comes to his many inventions if they seem to play a pivotal part in the team's success. He knows how to pull strings in a pinch. He is good for a laugh or two over coffee or tea.
Personal History: Once happily married with a son and daughter, he pushed them away with his constant work and experimentation with dangerous chemicals and machinery. After an experiment gone awry, resulting in a small explosion, Henry's wife took his children away deeming his lifestyle too toxic for their son and daughter. Since, he has worked tirelessly as an inventor to aid to efforts of his faction.
Good or Bad: Good with some personal demons
Stengths: Quick, creative problem solving.
Weaknesses: The sight of children. General close combat. Extended activity thanks to reduced lung function from years of smoking his beloved pipe.
Weapon: His miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
Abilities/Magic: Incredible intellect.
Picture: No, but think victorian scientist (ie: Henry Jekyll from Jekyll and Hyde. Got my reference? :P )

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Old 07-29-2010, 12:17 AM   #11

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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

This could be interesting, I'll gladly take part! ^^

Account Name: Lite
Character Name: Zale
Age: 19
Thin, bordering on athletic
Height: Average, about 5'6?
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Skin Tone: Pale
Personality: He is motivated to protect that which he loves, and refuses to back down - generally resulting in him recklessly throwing himself into battle too, regardless of the danger levels. A regularly cheerful character, who's mood can change on the battlefield - to the point where he can mentally snap and enter a 'rage mode'.
Personal History: Having watched his homeland destroyed as a child, alongside other village survivors, Zale entered a long period of silence and desolate training, aiming to master his inner music so that he could utilise it in battle. Eventually crossing the world on his own, Zale came upon his weapon of choice, "The 181", a Bass Guitar through which his burning passion to avenge his fallen homeland and defend his faction, whom he stumbled upon during another journey.
Good or Bad: Good
Stengths: Fast and agile, able to create plans on a whim on the battlefield. His height and weight also allow him to utilise some parkour skills. Able to compose incredible bass solos for devestating effect.
Weaknesses: His devotion to protect everyone from feeling his pains can hamper his own fighting ability - protecting the wrong people or at the wrong time. Physical strength is not particularly amazing either.
Weapon: "The 181", a Bass Guitar that can be used to stun, destroy, cast magic, or just generally smash things very very hard. Also possesses electricity-based powers. To use, Zale has to plug The 181 directly into a special port on his hip.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Bass Solo: Demolish a target through mighty bass riffs!
Vertical Frequency: Unleash a high pitched riff that temporarily stuns the enemy.
It's Party Time!: Using a solo, The 181 becomes electrically charged, and Zale's own gravity becomes under his own control, allowing for crazy lightning based melee attacks.
Inch Up: Zale disconnects the 181's cable from himself, plugging it directly into the ground. Proceeding to sit cross-legged on the floor and play a powerful solo, Zale generates a frequency-based shield that absorbs incoming attacks. Frequently used to defend others on the battlefield.
Leave All Behind: Zale's ultimate attack, that can only be used during Berserk mode. Breaking down into the ultimate bass solo, Zale generates a large lightning wall around himself, which can then focus charged bolts upon any enemies within 10 meters.
Picture(If Possible): I'll try and get something drawn later.

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Old 07-29-2010, 06:29 AM   #12

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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: EagleEyes
Character Name: Darghan
Age: 16
Weight: Thin
Height: Short
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White
Skin Tone: Pale

Personality: Darghan has a morbid sense of humor, laughing as his toxins inflict damage on his enemies. He prefers to observe and inflict damage subtly rather than full on physicality. He has an amazing ability to read body language and uses his skills to avoid conflict at all costs, utilising toxins to finish his foes. He will use his vast finance to further his goals. He won't let his goals fail, and will do anything to make them succeed.

Personal History: Growing up in one of the countries noble families, Darghan found himself thrown into the world of politics and wealth. His mother running their nations political faction, brought a period of long lasting peace to his country. In his land the country may only be led by a woman, their husbands job being to guard them against danger. In doing this Darghan's father served as the towns doctor, creating treatments and cures to many chemical agents which may be used against his family to cause instability.
Darghan's growing frustration that he may never lead his country climaxed as he utilised toxins developed under his father's watch to poison his family leaving him the sole survivor. With no Female to take charge the countries future is left in his control. With his new found power of Despite his age, he looks to bring an unforseen reign of terror over the land and eliminate all who oppose him.
Good or Bad: Bad (Pure Evil)
Strengths: Wealth. Poisons. Influential. Intellect.
Weaknesses: Frail. Low physical endurance.
Weapon: A Sceptre engraved with his families crest. It is the symbol of his families power, but has been modified to secret a poisonous mist incase of confrontation.

Toxins: He can release airborne toxins in forms of powers and gases, which are highly dangerous in enclosed areas.
Elixirs: Using his medical knowledge he can create cures to most toxins and revive injured allies.
Concealment: Creating a smokescreen from his sceptre he hides himself away from sight.
Vast Wealth and Influence: He uses his vast wealth and influence to bribe foes and allies to work to his goals.

Picture(If Possible):

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Old 07-29-2010, 07:16 AM   #13
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: Zero Gravity
Character Name: Tray
Age: 22
Weight: Slim, not very athletic, fast
Height: Tall at 6 ft
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Average Caucasian
Personality: Normality, he likes to live as he sees fit and doesn't want trouble and avoids it as much as he can. Strong sense of moral, despite how he tries to be sensable and honorable, he does have a weakness for fan service be it any gender. He Also can usually be found playing music, and has a love for spicy foods, and a detest toward sour food.
Personal History: Grew up with an abusive father and a mother who "showed him how to be a man" early on. Tray longed for a sense of normality, despite his off childhood he always kept a good sense of humor, because of his bad relationship with his mother, he's incredibly bad with talking to girls and gets shy by "trying to be a flirt". He also exhibits a love for cats, and hot sauce. He's always wanted to be "one of the guys" but doesn't know how to go about "being a guy".
Good or Bad: Good
Strengths: Good with computers, can run great distances, street smart
Weaknesses: male or Female fan service, cats/kittens, not very strong, gullible
Weapon: Spear/Staff, he took many self defense courses practicing with a staff after his history of being abused by his father.
Abilities/Magic: Incredible with computers, tends to be able to solve viral problems and can create 'Super Viruses" that destroy computer systems to the core.

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Old 07-29-2010, 07:46 AM   #14

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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name:Amui
Character Name:Amui Sorel
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Thin, not very athletic.
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Average (5'5'')
Eye Color:Right eye is Hazel, left is Blue.
Hair Color:White, Pure White.
Skin Tone:White Fur.
Personality:Spastic, Random, Can be completely and utterly serious if need be.
Personal History:His father left when he was 8, his stepfather abused his sister/mother and ever since then he has had a flare for the dramatic and an over developed sense of justice.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later):Good.
Stengths:Ice Magic, Fur Coat protects him from the cold, Mid Ranged fighter.
Weaknesses:Close Range is somewhat weak, Fur Coat can get extremely hot in warmer weather.
Weapon:Can create an Ice Saber with his magic as a last resort.
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):
Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.
Ice Coffin- Creates a MASSIVE amount of ice surrounding an enemy, freezing them in place (Does not last nearly as long as SubZero).
Glacier Drop- Create a Glacier of ice above an enemy, and then drop it directly onto them. (Takes a couple of minutes to perform, synergizes well with Ice Coffin)
Frigid Defense- Can Create portions of Ice to block incoming hits, Could break if the impact is ridiculously strong.
Frozen Field- Creates a Snowstorm in the area, Camouflaging him in his awesome White fur
SubZero- Everything within 1 mile is near-instantaneously frozen, extremely hard to cast correctly and takes quite a bit of time to use it, even freezes the user (Thick Fur protects him from the cold for an amount of time)
Picture(If Possible):

Not very good at this, so let me know.

Last edited by Amui; 08-02-2010 at 11:12 AM.
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Old 07-29-2010, 09:46 AM   #15

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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: Jubilee
Character Name: Remy
Age: 19
Weight: Thin
Height: 5'8''
Eye Color: Light Brown
Hair Color: Grey
Skin Tone: White
Personality: Likes to hang back and observe. Is quick witted and has a good sense of humor. Has problems with being serious. Masochistic.
Personal History: Remy grew up in a small village, but was quite the outcast. He spent many days in the forest playing by himself, but having an obsessive intrest with plants. Deep in the forest, Remy met a young witch, who soon grew to be Remy's best friend. The witch specialized in magic and taught Remy much of it. Remy soon grew frond (Couldn't help it, fond) of magic that involved the earth around him, namely plants. As Remy grew up, his knowledge of plants and their uses, medicinal, constructional, etc. grew with him. One day, Remy's witch friend convinced him to practice his magic...on the village. Remy obliged and slaughtered the village that had outcasted him all his life.
Good or Bad: Evil
Strengths: Knowledge of plants, Earth Magic, Immune to most disease/poison
Weaknesses: Lonely, Not Physically powerful, relys heavily upon his magic.
Weapon: Thorn Whip

Uproot - Causes roots to fly up from the ground and immobilize the foe.

Drain - Absorbs health from the enemy.

Bark Skin - Can transform his skin into bark, increasing Physical defense for a short while.

Poison Barbs - Sends out small barbs which dig into the foe and poison them.

Wooden Spear - Conjures a spear made of wood to impale the enemy from long range.

Dirt Clone - Creates a clone of the caster, allowing enough time to escape.

Rejuvenate - Allows the caster to heal his wounds, as long as focus on casting is maintained.

Seed Cannon - Unleashes a barrage of seeds upon the foe.


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Old 07-29-2010, 01:03 PM   #16

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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: grimdefeat
Character Name: mathias
Age: 19
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): athletic
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): average
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: silver
Skin Tone: tan
Personality: short tempered, lazy, smart
Personal History: he was raised in the U.S. by a bar owner who found him on the streets
he doesnt know who his parents are or where he was actually born. His whole life in every school
he went to he was kicked out for getting into major fights but was smart enough to always be top of the class
he now lives out his life as a sword for hire.
Good or Bad: neutral
Stengths: fighting, thinking, adapting to enemies streangths, incredible streangth
Weaknesses: his lazy attitude.
Weapon: he wields 2 claymores

double edged mayhem: an incredible slash attack wich involves both his claymores cutting multiple times into the enemy

x factor: using his incredible intellect he looks at his oponents style and adapts accordingly

reliable defence: using both claymores he blocks most attacks coming towrds him

rage: when getting to angry he gets 5 times stronger than before but also looses his intellect for the entire fight

Picture(If Possible): n/a

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Old 07-29-2010, 10:41 PM   #17
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: homie_jiraiya
Character Name: Orson
Age: 32
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): heavily muscled
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): really tall
Eye Color: silver
Hair Color: red,shaven bald with dreadlocked beard
Skin Tone: olive with many runic tattoos
Personality: level headed tactical
Personal History: he fights to avenge his young sister whos death was quite mysterious
good/bad:bad but dosent like his faction
strength:emence strength
weakness:no powers
weapon:massive octagonl club
eternaly nerdy homie_jiraiya

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Old 07-30-2010, 01:15 AM   #18
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Wow. I don't check the thread for one day, and everyone posts. Awesome. ^-^
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Old 07-30-2010, 01:40 AM   #19
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Re: Battle for 9.18 The Fan

Account Name: Chibi

Character Name: Katanashi Jesus Maxwell


Weight: Heavy Muscular

Height: Tall (approx 6'2")

Eye Color: bright blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown/copperish

Skin Tone: Tanned

Personality: Fun loving, laid back, tends to drink a lot, gets VERY protective over property and people he is close to.

Personal History: Was kidnapped during a bandit raid on his home town, learned how to fight during his years with the bandits, and learned of hidden abilities carried by his bloodline, which was much sought after by all sorts of evil people.

Good or Bad: Chaotic Good.

Stengths: Hand-to-hand combat, heavy weapons, pillaging, explosions, sailing, and has an eye for expensive things.

Weaknesses: Unable to wield light weapons, gets too carried away in fights, always one to backtalk superiors, can not run fast.

Weapon: Twin broadswords.

Abilities/Magic: Heavy weapon duel-wielding, Use of heavy weapons with one hand, turn water into wine.

Last edited by Chibi-Katanashi; 07-30-2010 at 01:44 AM.
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Old 07-30-2010, 02:14 AM   #20

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PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB enters the battle.....

Account Name: PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB
Character Name: Bob
Age: 23
Weight(Thin, Large, Athletic, etc): Athletic
Height(Short, Tall, Average, etc): Average
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: White
Personality: Silent
Personal History: Went through childhood withdrawn from others and quiet, Picked on often until he smashed a bullies head into the wall. Trained on the streets and visited multiple Asian countries hunting down bounties. Enjoys the thrill of fighting, challenging strong enemies to test his skill, he has only lost 2 battles.
Good or Bad(I'll explain about this later): Bad, but for the right price.........
Stengths: Hand to hand combat, Stealth, Agile, Tactics
Weaknesses: Cute animals, Females and people who talk alot, Money
Weapon: Fists, occasionally Katana, throwing knives
Abilities/Magic(Explained more later):

Swift Fury - Able to attack opponent with fists at blazing speed, but stresses body, lasts a few seconds

Throw - Throws knives at target from the shadows with great percision. 15 second cooldown

Silencer Slash - Attacks with Katana with blazing speed, but stresses body, lasts a few seconds.

Escape Artist - Uses sword to reflect light into opponents eyes and run away. Only useable on one target and during daylight,

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