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Old 12-12-2010, 07:40 AM   #21
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

The alarm clock went off next to Tajah's bed. Her parents had put out the extra money so she could have a dorm room to herself with a guarantee that she gets no roommates. Tajah didn't even want to know how much extra money had to be saved for this upgrade since she knew that some of the students here had roomates.

It was a beautiful fall day outside she saw, glancing out the window of her dorm room. The leaves were just turning the colors. Turning around she saw her tododile Icefang just waking up.

"Morning Icefang, are you ready for your first day of school?" she asked Icefang.

"todo todo dile" was the excited reply. Icefang was clearly excited.

"Alright, alright" she said putting the pokefood bowl down in front of tododile so he could eat while she got ready putting on her clothing and eating a quick breakfast out of the refrigerator in the dorm.

Checking herself in the mirror and grabbing her fanny pack, pokegear, and pokeballs she nodded in approval.

In a calm serene voice she said to herself in the mirror, "Let's do this....Icefang come on we will be late."

Tododile had finished his food and moved to stand beside Tajah. As Tajah opened the door to leave the dorm room she turned to Icefang and smiled a faint smile and said to him. "wherever we go Icefang, we will be together. Let's go..."

Tajah and Icefang left the room to go to their first class, which was Pokemon Basics....after all one must start out with the basics, even if they knew stuff on their own.
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Old 12-12-2010, 12:36 PM   #22
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

~ Gotta catch em all Pokemon~
A alarm clock shape of a snorlax just started to play ♪ Gotta catch em all♪ song
~ Gotta catch em all Pokemon!~
A young delicate hand reach out to turn off the clock
" I was sooo exitcited yesterday that I couldnt go asleep"
~ Nishi started to look for something or someone
" Spirit are you ready boy! Today is our first day in PKMN!...... Spirit? Spirit?"
A little Cyndaquil pop out, wearing blue pajamas with a little blue hat.
Always happy to see his master Spirit cuddles with Nishi
" Let's get ready Spirit! I want to be the very first person for the welcoming cermony"
" But what to wear?"
Spirit jumps out of bed, and point a black kimono that Nishi has in his closet.
"That one?....... Fine I wear that, but you know the rules okay"
Nishi pick up Spirit, and dresses him up,
" There now we will match"
Nishi change his pajamas into his kimono
Both Nishi and Spirit where both wearing a black kimono
" Alright, we're ready! Let's make mom proud of us Spirit!
Looking kinda shame at first, but Spirit yell out with energy
" Henshin A Go Go Baby!"
~ Nishi and Spirit left their room, ready to begin their first day in the academy
Well, I try my best XD since I never did this before ^^
im not very to sure if we are suppose to do our own or something?
Just make sure to me if i did something wrong or something Kate ^~^
I'll fix it later

Last edited by ZshadowX; 12-12-2010 at 12:42 PM.
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Old 12-12-2010, 12:59 PM   #23

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

Mathias walked up to the gates of the academy and looked around, "wow look at all the people" he said to himself as he walked onto the grounds. He couldn't believe that he had managed to make it all the way to the PKMN academy from Hoenn region on his very small budget. As he walked he looked at all the people looking at him but he wasn't surprised after all he had been wandering through the forests for a long time now.

After thinking to himself for a minute Mathias pulled out one of his two pokeballs and released his partner zangoose, he had one other pokemon haunter but he only used him in tight situations. "Well you ready zangoose" he asked his trusted pokemon who simply nodded his head in agreement, "well then lets head inside and get ourself registered shall we" Mathias said confidently.

As he stepped through the front doors he looked to see a whole bunch of trainers and pokemon all he could say to the sight was "wow, all these people are here to train to become better trainers". Mathias however was at the academy for more reasons then just to be a better trainer, he was also there for training to be a gym leader which had been his life long dream since he was ten when his house burned down and his parents went with it. But putting that thought aside he walked up to the registration desk and filled all the papers out, it was official he was a student of the PKMN academy.

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Old 12-12-2010, 03:06 PM   #24
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

((For Naomi the Eevee user i chose Sneazel. For Claire the Torchic User...she gets a MAGIKARP...and yes i'm serious)

Tajah looked around at the students filing past. Three girls followed her into the pokemon basics class. However one guy went off towards the battle class. There was a Eevee, a Torchic, and another pokemon she couldn't see hanging out in the class area.

"Icefang, go introduce yourself and play nice. Just because i'm the antisocial one doesn't mean you have to be." she said to the pokemon sending it off to mingle with the other pokemon.

As he moved off she sat down and started reading a book about Pokemon in different regions of the world. She awaited the class to start.

Last edited by Shidohari; 12-12-2010 at 04:01 PM.
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Old 12-12-2010, 03:44 PM   #25

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

((OOC: I might as well say this now. If you read the introduction careful, it said, "On your first day, you'll obtain your second Pokemon in your first class. Whoever you get is decided by the person who signs-up before you." So, this is how it is..

I choose for Shadow.
Shadow chooses for Grim.
Grim chooses for Shidohari.
Shi chooses for me, twice. *as I have two characters*

Anyone who joins in later, I'll choose for them. With that said, Shadow, the Pokemon you'll be getting when the first class starts is Seedot.))

Naomi and Eevee walked down two flights of stairs from her floor, second floor, to the ground floor. As they began to walk away from the building, the trainer unzipped her pouch and revealed one of her small Pokeballs from within. As she zipped it back up, she clicked what seemed to be a white button in the center of the ball. By doing this, the ball grew three times larger than it originally was.

"Alright! Come on out, Rapidash!"

Throwing the ball a short distance, the opened Pokeball shot out a red beam. The light formed a five foot seven horse. This horse's body was a yellowish-white color with flames burning brightly on the back of its head to the end of the body. The end formed a tail that too was on fire. Near its feet, flames also appeared on the back of its legs. At the very top of Rapidash's head, there was a horn that was the same color as its body.

"Good morning, Rapidash," she said, petting its head. "I got a favor to ask you." The Pokemon looked over at her master, curiously. "I need you to take Eevee and I to PKMN Academy." She pointed out a building to the west. "Is that okay, girl?" The horse nodded its head as she smiled happily. "Thanks, Rapidash!" She hopped onto the horse's back. With Rapidash, they can change the temperature and feeling of the flame depending on who touches it. Eevee jumped into her trainer's arms. "Hold on tightly, Eevee. Rapidash can run very fast." She looked forward. "Whenever you're ready, girl."

The Pokemon began with a quick few steps walk. Then, its speed began to pick up, soon dashing towards the school at 45 mph. Within the next one to two minutes, all three had made it to the school.


Meanwhile, Naomi had came out of the bathroom with her regular get-up. This consisted of a green shirt with a skirt attached to it at the very end, her silver rose bracelet, a belt around her waist with a small brown pouch attached to it, black shorts underneath the green skirt, and white socks. Her Torchic had its head against the drawer, sleeping. There was thirty-five minutes left till the first class began.

Brushing her hair, she called out to her Pokemon. "Torchic, wake up. We're leaving in a few minutes." She placed the brush down and opened the top drawer above the small chick. She took out some pokemon food for him. "Here you go, boy." She placed it in a bowl she had brought with her for him. The Pokemon began to nom on the food. "Don't take too long, Torchic. I want to leave in five minutes."

Finishing up with her hair, she put the brush away and walked over to the door, just as Naomi did. She lowered herself on the ground and began placing her shoes on. Her little chick just about finished its breakfast. He ran over to its master who was just finishing tying her right foot shoe. She rechecked herself in case she forgot something.

"I think I'm good. How about you, Torchic?" she asked, glancing down at her partner.


"I'm taking that as you're ready. Alright. Shall we?" Just like her roommate, they both left their dorm room and to the hallway of their floor. They had a five to ten minute walk ahead of them. She followed the same normal path as all the female students would take.

On their way to the academy, they stumbled upon a battle taking place in the school's nearby park. The two trainers were both male. One Pokemon was three foot seven (3'7). Its body was green with yellow feet. Its back was covered with a brown shell like top. The second was a two foot seven (2'7) blue penguin.

"Grotle, Razor Leaf!" said the first male trainer.

"Gro!" Several leaves from the small bush like plants on its back emerged. They were swung directly at its opponent.

"Prinplup, Metal Claw those leaves!" The penguin's hands began to glow. It started to cut down the leaves coming at it.

Claire was amazed. "A Grotle and Prinplup!" She took out a Pokedex.

"Prinplup, the Penguin Pokemon. Its wings deliver wicked blows that snap even the thickest of trees. It searches for prey in icy seas. Grotle, the Grove Pokemon. It lives along water in forests. In the daytime, it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell."

Torchic began pecking its beak on her leg. "Ow! Alright, alright. We'll keep going." She put away her brother's pokedex away and made her way towards the school again.
Need something new. Until then, Oshawott disguised as Piplup!

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Old 12-12-2010, 08:32 PM   #26

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

(( shidohari gets a machop))
Mathias walked into the bathroom to change into some better clothes for his first class, once he stepped out everyone in the area just looked at him but he didn't care for he enjoyed his style of clothing witch involved camo skate shoes, a black long sleeved shirt, a pair of levis and a long trench coat.

As he walked down the hall he looked at a clock on the wall nearby, "wow we still have twenty minutes before class started" he said to zangoose who was right by his side "what do you wanna do till then" he asked.

Zangoose being the silent type just looked around the area, "yeah i suppose we should get to know the school grounds before anything" Mathias said almost like he knew what zangoose was thinking, "well then what are we waiting for lets go" he said as they walked down the hall.

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Old 12-13-2010, 01:54 PM   #27
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

Originally Posted by Kate View Post
Why "Awww?" You just need to make a character. O_o
Oh!!! I thought Reserved meant something else in that case!!!!
Name: Nick Hikari
Appearance: 6,1 a light brown complexion. Nick wears his old and worn Team Rocket hoodie and a dirty Pokemon Ranger cap backwards along with his blue jeans with his pokeballs on his belt with his dirty running shoes.
History: Nick was born and raised in Goldenrod City at 17 he joined Team Rocket thinking at the time they were cool. But soon after he discovered their true colors when he saw a young Mareep and Larvitar being forced to evolve. He quit the gang and rescued the two young Pokemon soon after the ordeal the the two began to trust thing and were grateful of his actions. As time when on the Pokemon fully trusted Nick and became his own Pokemon now Nick want to attend the Pokemon Academy to become a Pokemon Ranger to help Pokemon everywhere!
Personality: Nick may look menacing but is a nice, laid back and often a silly guy and a procrastinator. But when the time calls for it he is serious.
Party: Larvitar, Mareep
Schedule: Pokemon Basics: 8AM to 9AM
Battle and Training: 9AM to 10AM
Pokemon Environment Watch: 10AM to 11AM
Lunch: 11AM to Noon
Pokemon Care: Noon to 1PM
Travel Basics: 1PM to 2PM

Pokemon: Larvitar, Mareep
Pokemon Name: Tyrant, Sami
Pokemon Gender: Male, Female
Pokemon Appearance: Larvitar has blue wristbands to cover the damage from the forced evolution. Mareep has a cute red bow on her hear to cover a scar caused by the rockets.
Pokemon Personality: Larvitar is shy to new people and hides behind Nick. Mareep is always determined to anything it does and has the habit of taking things.

Sorry im late :O

Last edited by Rhetorical Gamer; 12-13-2010 at 02:24 PM. Reason: Late!!!
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Old 12-14-2010, 05:59 PM   #28
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

Grim will get Elekid
As Nishi and Spirit make thier way to the Academy they come across a strange boy
"Hey! Do you want to pokebattle?" ask the boy
A boy with a white shirt and blue pants come up to Nishi asking him to pokebattle him
" No thank you, I need to go to the Academy"
" Aw come on! Just a quick battle, just one please"
" I cant, I must go or else I be late!"
but as soon as Spirit heard the word "battle" he was eager
" Hey seems to me, your pokemon wants to battle"
The strange boy takes out one of his pokemon and brought out a geodude
"Alright! Let's do this....."
Seeing as Spirit is eager to battle Nishi had no choose
" Ok, but just this once okay......... "
~ Pokebattle!

Strange boy: "Geodude use Tackle now!"

Geodude's Tackle miss

Nishi: " Um Spirit, I guess use dig!"

Spirit use dig

Strange boy:" Quick use Defense Curl!"

Geodude's use Defense curl

Spirit hit Geodude with dig!

~ it was Super Effective!
Strange boy lost
Strange boy : " Aw man, nice"
Nishi: " Hey do you know what time it is?"
" It's 8:02 am, why?"
" Oh no! Im late for class! Um good bye now"
~ Nishi picks up Spirit and started to run towards the PKMN Academy

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Old 12-14-2010, 11:00 PM   #29

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

((OOC: Ah, I see. Anyway, Gamer you're accepted. Grim, since you're gonna be in a different class than us, you have to roleplay (just till you finish it) as the teacher for that one. Note: We may have the same type of class but it doesn't have to be the same classroom. My next post, classes will begin.))

A few minutes after witnessing the battle between two trainers in the park, Naomi was standing directly in front of the school. She wasn't amazed by the school itself but the Pokemon that roamed it. There were over one-hundred of both Pokemon and students outside. There was a Tangela, Pineco, Magby, Azurill, Chatot, and many more.

"Torchic, there's so many Pokemon here," she said in disbelief.


"We might as well go inside and find our class. We still got twenty minutes left till our first day begins."

The trainer picked up her little orange chick and followed other students into the building. As you entered from the front doors, the office was right in front of you. You could either go left or right from that point. Each side had plenty of different doors. From the left, the nurse's office for both trainer's and Pokemon was spotted. Further down on the right, the gym for the Battle and Training classes.

Confused on which direction to go in, she held her Pokemon in one arm and took out a piece of paper that was folded into a small square inside her pouch. Unfolding it, she checked her schedule. "It seems we're on the second floor, Torchic." On the back of the schedule was a small map of the academy. "We should take right from here and go up the nearby stairs."

Naomi had began walking in the east direction of the school. She looked at the different class doors she walked by on both her right and left side. She was getting excited with each step she took within the school. This was the place that would help her dream, after all.

She came to the stairway doors. As she opened them, she said, "so, Torchic. What do you think? There's a lot of Pokemon here you could befriend." Torchic was silent. He was focusing more on its new environment rather than talking to his master. The trainer opened the doors to the first floor. "So, we're looking for class 107."

Seeing how the class would be on her right side from the stairway she exited from, she followed down the path in the hallway. Once she came to a classroom with the number one, zero, and seven, she knew she was in the right room. Entering, she noticed a few people within the room already. One student had a Poliwag, another had a Cubone, and the other was a Piplup. She knew there was only sixteen minutes left, but she didn't expect it to be so empty in just a very short amount of time till class.

Choosing the second row seat by the window, Naomi placed Torchic on the her class desk. "This is our first class, boy. Hopefully, we'll get some great knowledge from this class."
Need something new. Until then, Oshawott disguised as Piplup!

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Old 12-15-2010, 05:38 PM   #30
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

"Nick your an idiot! Your first day and you over sleep!" He rushes for his clothes and franticly puts on his old and worn Team Rocket hoodie then he scans for his shoes. He he tears up the dorm he stops and hears light snores he looks all over and finally looks under his bed.

Nick see his Larvitar and Mareep asleep snoring lightly."Guys you cant be out of your Pokeballs! Do you guys want me to get kicked out?!?! " His two young Pokemon begin to get teary eyed "No guys come on don't cry I'm sorry. Im just flustered it my first day here and I want to start it off right." The duo smiles and Nick sees something under the two.

"Guys really?? You have my shoes no wonder I couldn't find it." Nick slips on his shoes puts on his Pokemon Ranger cap and rushes out the door without his Pokemon. Nick comes back as he sees his Pokemon laughing at his absent mind. "Alright you two jokers lets go." Nick puts them in their Pokeballs and goes to class.

Nick find is class and peeks his head at the window. "Dang Im late but hopefully I can sneak in unnoticed" Nick snakes his way through the door but the door groans halfway through. Everyone looks at Nick along with the instructor with a cold stare that could freeze a Charmander. "I can see my first at this academy is staring off swimmingly." Nick said sarcastically.

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Old 04-08-2011, 10:27 AM   #31
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

Name: Hiroyuki (Key) Roberts
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6’4”, built like a football player, slight tan, hair is slightly curly resting just below the ears. Eyes are a light brown, almost hazel. Wears a black muscle tee and a black button up, with a pair of blue jeans. Always has a duskball necklace around his neck. Black Chuck Taylors round out the outfit.

History: Born in Unova and raised in a family full of athletes that were constantly out, Key was the black sheep preferring the indoor life cooking and taking care of his family. Originally wanting to go into nursing it wasn’t until he found an injured Cyndaquil off to the side of the road that he started to learn more about Pokémon. Now Key is going to the Pokémon Academy to learn more and eventually fulfill his dream of becoming a traveling Pokémon doctor.

Personality: usually quiet but when others need his wisdom he will gladly give it. People don’t usually try to break into his shell because people don’t know he has one, but if they do he is dead loyal and very protective. Used to taking care of people that don’t realize they need it. Will typically avoid conflict unless cornered, which is when he snaps.

Party: Hikari (Cyndaquil)

Class number Class Time
1 Pokémon Basics 8:00 – 9:00 AM
2 Pokémon Care 9:00 – 10:00 AM
3 Travel Basics 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Lunch 11:00 – 12:00 AM
5 Pokémon Bonding 12:00 – 1:00 PM
6 Battle and training 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Pokémon: Cyndaquil
Pokémon’s Name: Hikari
Pokémon’s Gender: Female
Pokémon’s Personality: Typically very calm, especially with her partner but if she senses her partner’s distress she gets very aggressive. In battle she is a great tactician preferring dodging ability and speed over the power she’s very capable of.
Pokémon’s Appearance: a small scar on her left side from her injuries prior to meeting Key, other than that a perfectly healthy Cyndaquil.

hope this is cool
Gotta catch'em all!
I am the key, allow me to open the door..... *SLAM* MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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Old 04-28-2011, 04:36 AM   #32
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

I'll give it a shot! That is if you are accepting any registrations at this point...
"Gotta catch 'em all!"

Name: Hiroto Sasagawa

Nickname: Hiro

Age: 16

Gender: Male

At 1 meter and 73 centimeters tall (roughly 5'7 feet) and 62 kilograms (roughly 137 pounds), Hiro is neither slim nor robust. Just in between. His straight black hair with tints of brown highlights is in need of desperate haircut being all outgrown and extremely long. Chocolate brown eyes and between lightly - medium tanned.

Hiro's usual attire is a navy blue with white lining edges, collar-up jacket. However the jacket is neither has buttons or zippers like a regular jacket would, no, this jacket has a large square metal clip near the top of the collar that holds the jacket together.

Underneath the jacket is a white inner t-shirt. His pants, like his jacket, is navy blue. To contribute to his regular clothes, Hiro wears a half golden, monk's robe (that covers all the way down to his shoes) that covers half his left arm in it's sleeve. His waist which ties the monk robe tightly is an orange cotton inner belt with a tanned yellow waistcloth that serves as the outer cloth belt.

To finish off his simplistic and minimalistic attire, Hiro wears a pair of worn-out khaki brown Converse shoes.

Born in Ercuteak City, Johto region. Hiro spent his childhood with his older brother under the guidance of their father who is the head monk of a temple. Their mother is a geisha of the local dance theater.

During their time at the temple, both Hiro and his brother learned how to raise and train Pokemon while undergoing both physical and mental training of a monk. Their mother, during her spare time from her work, taught them how to care and nurture Pokemon. When neither their father or mother had the time to look after them both, their father's Pokemon Leafeon took care in watching over them.

So after, his brother left the temple to pursue his dream of becoming the greatest trainer. A year later, Hiro set out on his journey to follow in his brother's footsteps. In that time, his father told gave him ownership of Leafeon to aid him throughout his journey.

During his journey, he came upon an advertisement for PKMN academy which offered him a chance to become a better trainer. In hopes of becoming on par with his brother or even exceeding him, he decided to enroll in the academy.

Calm, collected yet optimistic and carefree. Hiro spends most of his time outdoors, caring or training his Pokemon. When he's not doing those, he tends to meditate (preferably underneath a waterfall or near a body of water).

Hiro treats his Pokemon with the utmost respect and honor that they deserve. He is also very active and like to participates with helping Pokemon with their training. The only problem with this is he gets a little too carried away with their training (e.g. Fighting hand-to-hand combat with his Scyther!).

Leafeon, Togepi, Scyther


Pokemon Basics: 8 am - 9 am
Pokemon Environment Watch: 9 am - 10 am
Battle and Training: 10 am - 11 am
Lunch: 11 am - 12 pm
Pokemon Care: 12 pm - 1 pm
Contest 101: 1 pm - 2 pm


Pokemon: Leafeon

Pokemon Name: Leafeon

Pokemon Gender: Female

Pokemon Personality:

Leafeon has a caring and motherly trait. Always looking out for Hiro and always taking care of him since he was little. When Hiro is doing things that may consider a bit rash and impulsive (fighting against his own Scyther as a form of training), Leafeon will intervene immediately and make him reconsider his actions.

She also has a pacifistic approach and calmly resorts using other methods without resorting to violence. When all else fails or when in a dire situation, Leafeon is not afraid to shelve her pacifist trait in order to defend or when called out for a Pokemon battle.

Pokemon Appearance:
Looks the same like any other regular Leafeon
"Gotta catch 'em all!"


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Old 04-30-2011, 05:15 AM   #33
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

The rushing cool water cascaded down. His mind was a complete slate.


The waters scattered and trickled down from his bare flesh as he calmly meditated with much discipline. The morning crisp air, the rustling of the leaves and the distinct sounds of nearby Pokemon within the vicinity. He could sense them.

A flicker of wind brushed across his nose. Hiro awoken from his zen meditation to see a leafy tail flicker left to right from his sight. Leafeon, who was waiting in front of him, happily cried out as it placed his new set of shirt, jacket and his half-monk robe.

"So it's time huh? Thanks for calling me out." Hiro compliment as he reached out his drenched hand to gently pat the Grass Pokemon.

The rushing whitewater of the cascade started to splutter wildly as he rose up from the firm stone plateau. Brushing off the water droplets from himself, Hiro dressed him and dropped down from the platform to the oak tree where his satchel bag was resting against.

"C'mon Leafeon, let's get going. Don't want to be late for the academy, huh?" Hiro exclaimed enthusiastically.

With a cheerful nod, Leafeon pounced down from the stone platform and chased after Hiro.


Momentarily arriving in front of the gates of the academy, Hiro and Leafeon both
stared in awe at the complex yet magnificent structure. For the first time, they both hadn't seen an academy that was this grand like this before. Surely the area of the propriety must be bigger than the temple's backyard back at Ecruteak City! Just before they took a step onto the campus, Leafeon paused and looked down at Hiro's shoes. With an embarrassed face, Hiro took off his worn-out Converse shoes and exchanged them for a pair of woven straw sandals that were inside his bag.

"Wouldn't want to dirty the prestigious campus with my mud-covered shoes from meditation and running, huh?" Hiro asked rhetorically to his companion with a gleeful chuckle.

Finishing up the exchange, they both took their first step onto the campus and into the building that their class was located at. Alternating between the timetable and the numbered rooms, they eventually stood outside the door of Room 107.

"Think this is the right one?"

Leafeon happily nodded.

"Alright then, here goes."

Brushing the dust off his half-golden monk robe and the navy-blue turtleneck-like jacket. Hiro opened the door to Room 107...


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Old 04-30-2011, 05:18 AM   #34

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

*noticed due to being busy, she forgot all about this roleplay*

Dear me, I miss it. I think I'm gonna reopen this. If you signed up for the roleplay earlier and would like to continue, PM me.

*will update once I get some answers*
Need something new. Until then, Oshawott disguised as Piplup!

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Old 07-14-2011, 09:28 PM   #35
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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

I'm up for it! GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!

Name: Titan Sparks
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and lean, topping at around 5' 9" with tan skin and slim muscles, Titan is a punk to the bone. He wears a tank top, white but speckled with dirt, and fireman pants, with powerful motorcycle boots on his feet. Titan's hair grows naturally into a brown fuaxhawk, sunglasses hiding his dark eyes. Along his right arm are three tattoos. The first is on his shoulder,resembling a military patch, but with the number "101" on it. The second is on his upper arm, a pair of black bands with a date over each, "Oct 5th" over the first and "Oct 7th" over the second. The third is a Cubone skull, about the side of a silver dollar, on the bottom of his wrist.
History: Titan isn't a troubled teen-He's just one who's lead a troubled life. Born to a single mother after a divorce, he got in trouble with the law. The "101" on his shoulder is the number of their two-room apartment, and a reminder of why he's working to be a Master-To get his mom out of that dead end neighborhood. When he was 10, two of his closest friends invited him to a gang meeting. They were attacked by another gang, and his friends was shot in the crossfire. One took a hit to the head and died instantly, but the other didn't pass away until two days later from an infected wound. He was shot October 5th, and died the 7th, hence the mourning bands.

After that, he turned his back on crime and tried to lead a straight life, working in a mine. One day, their machinery came under attack by a lone Cubone. These attacks continued, until Titan decided to investigate the reason. It turned out the mining had disturbed it's home, killing it's mate and young. Deciding peace was a better alternative, Titan offered the Cubone some camaraderie, as he understood what it as going through. The Cubone, of course, didn't believe him and attacked. Titan didn't do anything, and the Cubone finally let up and followed him home.

After this, Titan got the idea in his head that being a Poke'mon master meant he'd be able to turn his life around. So, he took all of his savings and put it into the school.

Personality: Titan is level-headed, but is wrathful if people cross a certain line. As such, he usually has a grim demeanor, which will scare people away; the result is that he's socially awkward, unable to react in certain situations.
Party: Bonehead (Cubone)
Ground Fighting-8:00
Study Hall-9:00
Travel Basics-10:00
Pokemon: Cubone
Pokemon's Name: Bonehead
Pokemon's Gender: Male
Pokemon's Personality: Bonehead is definitely an ironic name. Bonehead is a calm, patient Poke'mon, in adverse to Titan's hot tempered persona. He's an experienced male, but knows to stick with Titan and follow his lead. However, if Titan makes a really bad decision, Bonehead will always reel him in or fight on his own.
Pokemon's Appearance: Same as any other Cubone.

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