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Old 09-17-2010, 05:42 PM   #1
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A little of my philosophy

Ok, this more of me getting a few things out in the open because I like to type my thoughts out and hear responses to them. Alot of the time I get hit for it or get told my idea is already thought of but to be truthful I may act it and I may forever fit the exact template for it but I will never allow myself to be given a label of what I truely am hidden by meaningless cult names made to allow them to gain power over others.

For one this 'nihlism' thing or however you spell it is what I got called out on when I posed my question: What is the opposite of life? for death is part of life and therefor not opposite.

Another thing is alot of people see me trying to 'lead' or 'resist' arguements however in most cases I never want to lead nor do I want to join anything other than what I truely believe. A good example was when I was debating against our loveable DJ: anarchoelk. He was trying to convince us to fight against the goverment that was doing something some time ago (can't remember what it was) however in a true case of irny he was doing what he hated most; trying to convince others to what he believed by giving facts in a one-sided manner.
No shots being taken at elk, your just the best example I have :)

I personally have no problems with how people lead their lives but trying to lead others is somewhat tragic. Alot of the time we get mixed up between the 3 things we like to believe in: inspirations, commanders and leaders. Alot of the time leaders try to inspire, commanders try to lead and inspirations try to command but yet they all fail at their un-intended task regardless of their intentions.

A good note to make about me is my somewhat vaguely obvious trait on how I refer to things that have a certain value attached to them depending on view point and by that very sentence I have explained it far more clearly than I normally do. It's the concept of 'Good and bad'. Now there's a distinct difference between taking me literally and as I intend, I try to be good at what I do while not trying to be bad at helping others. That sentence there gives you the idea that I don't reject the words themselves and their meaning but our labelling of them for their other purpose. Good and evil/bad actions all vary depending on where you see it from, be it retrospect or at the time it's being done. In alot of eyes hitler is considered evil but some consider him good (which in turn leads to others believeing them evil as well. This is also something I may come back to later on).

As I had mentioned earlier I do not intend to lead or command but rather inspire in those around me an idea that I hope will improve the world. Now I do not deem my actions evil or good, some may call me evil for saying these words because I am rejecting their 'gods' and some call me good for trying to be 'nice'. I am a philosopher, I neither lead nor follow but shall always be beside you, never a step behind or ahead. You an ask me any question you like but I shall never answer bar with questions in return. I shall never pick your paths, only give you help in making your by helping you find what you truely want.

In a previous paragraph (because I jump around, helps keep you interested doesn't it. if not well...sorry) I mentioned I would return on the topic that involved the 'good and evil' concept. Now I don't believe in that whole idea, because it can be skewered so easily and blurred in a way that makes me look more favourable and nice. For example: I break the law to save someone. Now this sounds somewhat vague and you'd be starting to question certain things but if I say: I have saved one of my friends at my expense so they may be happy, you'd most likely accept that as a heroic tale. In all fact it could mean I busted someone out of jail. You see, the idea behind the 'good and evil' is so people can form sides to fight with in the end. Made no-more for fighting than my concept is no matter how I try and not to, naturely it just occurs like water falling and fires burning. Human nature is to fight over anything it finds and to find anything to fight over.

In another idea of mine, alot of time I see a very sad fact starting to emerge from current times and can be stated simply and thus: Smart get smarter, dumb get dumber. In long it means the smart know they can get smarter while the dumb don't know this and thus get dumber. In our day and age I see this as a major flaw since now adays the saying 'Knowledge is power' becomes far far more prevelant every day. So far in college I already seem like a geek with a capital G and I've barely gotten through 3 weeks and having only spoken a few biological/basic computer things. While I understand that some aren't taught those things and others have problems (and I try my hardest to help them without feeling like an A-hole, which I feel like right now but I know I have to get this out and off my chest) but when I can start identifying the traits of those who don't understand it starts getting sad. Like I referred eariler: smart get smarter, dumb get dumber.

To help clarify an earlier comment: leaders lead, commanders command and inspirations inspire. So far I think that saying that I came up with would help to no end but I would think several others may think other wise. After all I am only following two sayings in full irony: 'Wise men create sayings, fools repeat them' and 'do not seek to follow in the steps of the wise, seek what they sought' and right now I seek what I believe it what they sought: making a better world. The most dangerous weapon is our own keyboards and pens, no other weapon can turn countries against each other, no other device can deliver instant provocations and no other can invoke such fear such as our keyboards and pens. No weapon was ever made without it, I guess we had started our war even before we had sticks, we painted with our hands and that grew into the need for better drawing equipment and now look where we stand thanks to such a device that spawned from our own two hands.

Let me just remind people I ain't saying we're 'evil' (note the inverted commas) but rather naturely inclined towards fighting no matter how we fight it, we can never escaping fighting because fighting the urge to fight is doomed to fail because you have to do what you hate to ward off what it is you don't like.

After all: God is nothing more than an excuse for something you don't like.

Don't think I am trying to remove your religion, in all fact I thin religion is good for soceity because it does what I can't be: something that everyone knows and can easily access. It's if you let it lead you then you start to fail in what it is guiding you to.

Just remember: 'those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it', so far zealots have failed to learn that being so 'faithful' only leads to more bloodshed, never peace.

Sorry if I am out of place here but I can't think of a better place to put it. your average 'blog spot' only attracts those into a debate heated by a plethora of cultures which leads to seriously over-heated debates which is something I wish to avoid. I feel here people could read this and maybe take from it something that may help them in life. After all, you can only live once, may as well making it good.
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

What is the opposite to life? for it is not death, for if it truely were opposite life would not exist since opposites cancel themsleves. This is my concept; Rynae. The existense of non-existense.

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Old 09-18-2010, 07:56 AM   #2

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Re: A little of my philosophy

The opposite of life is simply non-existence. If you have not been alive... you simply don't exist.... 'Nuff said

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Old 09-19-2010, 06:31 PM   #3

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Re: A little of my philosophy

Nice separation of conceptualized ideals with the inspirations, commanders, and leaders. I would point out--coming as I do from a military and police background--that it sometimes becomes necessary to assume roles other than the one assigned you. The test of your integrity becomes how quickly you then relinquish those assumed powers/duties once the crisis is past. I refer you to the historical example of the dictators appointed by the Roman republic during times of war or similar societal upheaval--those considered most successful were those who held their powers the shortest times. Pax!

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Old 09-22-2010, 09:21 PM   #4

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Re: A little of my philosophy

Good read, MoonHawk. I have to admire the strength of your convictions. As for dealing with the enemies of our country from within pen and keyboard won't be enough. For starters: Vote 'em out now, 2012, as long as it takes....sadly, it WILL take a long time.
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Old 09-23-2010, 07:19 AM   #5

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Re: A little of my philosophy

Originally Posted by bemused_Bohemian View Post
Good read, MoonHawk. I have to admire the strength of your convictions. As for dealing with the enemies of our country from within pen and keyboard won't be enough. For starters: Vote 'em out now, 2012, as long as it takes....sadly, it WILL take a long time.
It will indeed. But that's largely because of the citizenry themselves, in that they don't take the time to understand the government over them. They content themselves to be told that they live within a democracy, then tell themselves that democratic processes allow them to control their own fate(s). However, in the case of the United States at least, these very people are not citizens of a democracy but rather of a republic, a very different entity. This government has made minimal efforts to conceal their republic behind a thin veil of democratic institutions, and the citizens allow themselves to be fooled, despite the fact that the Constitution itself clearly states the formation of a republic. The real problem is a citizenry too lazy to educate itself about its own governance. Only with that problem addressed can we in the U.S. hope to make real change. . .

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