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Old 12-15-2010, 07:27 AM   #15
Zero Gravity

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Re: Anime Over - Anime & Manga Ban Passes

I'll be shot for this...
-deep breath-

I for one, don't think it's is an utterly distressing matter. I only see 2 backlashes to this whole thing, mainly, the hurting of companies and the 2nd people the public itself. Now, while i agree everyone is right to their own free thought, I do not however believe in, full on freedom of the act (this will relate to my opinion of the 2nd backlash). While freedom itself is great, it is abused too much and causes hatred between people and forms groups (groups ultimately fight, hate and practically destroy one another).

For example, it's perfectly right to believe that Homosexuality is an abomination against God, Jesus or whatever religion you believe in. But it is NOT alright to picket funerals, walk down the street blurting this belief and throwing rocks through homosexual people's windows, because it then causes hatred which leads to someone's life being lost, whether it be murder through anger, or suicide from depression.

Now, we have Mr. Ishihara, who blurted his beliefs. People of simple life are very impressionable, there are people who fear their future and will put their faith/belief in a higher power (Religion or Government, Japan's case is Government because they're not as ubber Christan as America). "To follow the Government/God is to succeed in life itself" is what people believe in, sadly, instead of "I live by my own power and will, and my future will decide on my actions alone" (I understand that some people Do believe in this and take it to an extreme). Now back to Mr. Ishihara, he's blurting whatever he believes in, which the people hear, and will eventually believe, there's a probably some name for it, but I call it a "Cancer effect", in which once one people believes it, eventually it'll spread until everyone does, usually people who don't believe in this are severely punished for being an "out cast" and is usually the cause for that person changing his/her beliefs (Hense why i refer to is as "Cancer").

While people like to believe people are more sensible, it truth is, people really don't know what to believe until someone tells them what to believe. Maybe in the future this will all change when radicals of modern age family ideal people no longer walk the earth (Remember, there was a time when sexual intercourse with children was acceptable in society, now that changed.). But really, unless the people or the majority of people putting this bill into effect say "We can't let this happen" there is nothing that can be done that wouldn't result in radical behavior.

The best we can do is wait. And let Japan learn on it's own.

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