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Old 02-27-2010, 11:22 PM   #12
Tempest Wind

Seki Tomokazu Fangirl
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Tempest Wind is meh
Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie

The X/1999 movie was a real disappointment. The plot is so involved to begin with that by condensing it, the writers made it all very confusing and difficult to follow. Also, the acting in general wasn't very outstanding, which I hate to say because Seki Tomokazu played the lead role and I have a wild crush on him.

Also, the Utena movie disturbed me a considerable amount, but I was only 13 at the time, so I'm willing to chalk it up to my innocence. Though people turning into cars does kinda rub the wrong way.

The Deathnote movies were surprisingly good and took a different turn from the manga and the anime, though I found it to be rather enjoyable. L's actor's acting was SUPERB and the guy who played Light is an extremely talented multi-faceted actor.

Typically, when an anime is condensed into just a short film or OAV, I tend to fear the worst. Stories -- especially Japanese stories, I've noticed -- tend to need a lot of time to explain and there are so many details and character interactions that it's impossible to tell the story in an hour.

Though... I thought the .hack//G.U. movie wasn't so bad, considering some of the other things that have arisen from the genre (*cough*LegendoftheTwilightBracelet*cough*).
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