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Old 11-21-2009, 10:57 AM   #5
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Re: Favourite oldgen system; favourite game.

PS1: Castlevania SotN- Considered by many to be the best Castlevania game, and starting the Metroidvania gameplay. This is simply an amazing game. From sound design, to story, to genre changin gameplay, this game suck the soul out of my life when I first found it for 10 bucks in a mom & pop game store. I still have my original PS1 copy, and have a digital dl of it on xbl. Ive played probably a collective time of 80 hrs on both of them... and even to this day every now and then I still start it up to go through that classic one more time ;)

PS2: Dark Cloud- Why this game doesnt make more fav lists is beyond me. It took dungeon crawling to the next level, and the amount of stuff to do and find (building cities) was a great concept. The first one didnt sell that well though, and the sequel, although better in some aspects, did even worse in sales. The original one to me deserves this place due to the great storyline, which drew from a bunch of different cultures for its mythology, and its addicting gameplay. I remember going through the 100 level dungeon with EACH of the 6 characters just to get their ultimate weapons, and each floor takes an average of 10 min to get through, that is some dedication right there ;)

GameCube: Legend of Zelda WW- While many people looked over this incarnation of the LoZ, its combination of old school LoZ gameplay with the new travel of the ocean was a spectacular experience. When I first got into the King of the Red Lions and took sail towards Dragon's Roost, it actually felt like I was a small fish in a big pond, having a huge goal that I felt like I could never accomplish. This game also has the distinct quality of being the only game I have ever played that actually felt like I was traveling. Think of all the Final Fantasy games, when you where flying around in the airship, did you feel like you were actually flying? I would guess many would say no, but in LoZ WW it seemed like you could actually smell the salt water, as the ocean breeze blows through your hair. The Design team deserves many awards on that aspect alone.

NES: Final Fantasy- Ive already talked about this... so I dont think you want me to go into more detail. But if you havent played it, you gotta see the roots of one of today's greatest RPG series

GBA: Pokemon Red- little kids + collection games = BIG profits. While I hate using art for profit, this game is so highly addicting, being a young adult growing up at the time I was, I couldnt help but play this game. Its weird, quirky trainer mechanic allowed many kids who wanted to have a pet actually have several, and the rock-paper-scissor gameplay was thought out. Whichever market manager came up with this money making scheme atleast went the extra step to make sure it was well executed, which for the consumers means great games ;)

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