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Old 02-10-2012, 03:22 AM   #6
Bargain Gamer

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Re: Best/Worst Classes Topic :D

My favorite class would probably be a three way tie between "The Philosohy of South Park", "Japanese 102", and "Philosophy 201" The South Park one was a winter course that I took by itself and was both a lot of fun and also extremely informative, as the professor broke his hour+ lessons into watching an episode, discussing the episode for about 15-20 minutes and then showing us what philosophical lessons the episode was imparting upon us without our knowledge. The reason I selected Japanese 102 is because the professor I had for that class was quite possibly the single greatest professor I have ever had. I actually had a hard time adjusting to higher level Japanese courses just because the professors were such a let down after working with him. And Philosophy 201 simply because it was so damn thought provoking: do robots have the ability to become truly sentient? Do animals have souls? What is a soul anyway? That was a course I would love to take again, just to have the interesting discussions again.

As for the worst class I ever had, it would probably come down to Chemistry 302. I. HATE. CHEMISTRY! One of the main reasons I switched out of the sciences is because I just couldn't deal with those classes. I would rather retake advanced Calc or Physics. Makes me angry just remembering it. >.>;

@moonhawk: I loved Milton. It was a great course in and of itself, the fact that it simultaneously introduced my to the professor I would R.A. for was just the icing on the cake. ^.^ Paradise Lost was such a fun book. I still remember writing essays about Satan as the protagonist and such.
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