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Old 06-04-2010, 06:23 PM   #2
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JinnRemona will become famous soon enough
Re: Naruto Fanfiction

Chapter 1: Another Day, Another Mission
To know more about the main characters, please view their personal profiles in the post above.

This would have been an average mission. Rank C, Transporting a Civilian from Point A to Point B. Too bad for Jinn and Kumo, the two Ninjas that attacked them changed the Missions ranking from Rank C to Rank A. Anyway, It all started like this...

Jinn hung upside down, sticking his head inside the doorway where Kumo lived, nearly scaring the socks off her. Grinning widely, Jinn swung around and landed gently. "You jump too easy." said Jinn happily, just as Kumo planted her foot on his face, knocking him to the ground. "You fall too easily." stated Kumo, before walking off towards the exit to Suna.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" said Jinn, jogging to catch up with Kumo and quickly falling in step beside her. "Nothing special. We just have to take a merchant from the Land of Waves back home. He has a small shop here, but he needs to return for more products to sell. Should be boring." said Kumo, as he slid her mask onto her face. "What does he sell?" said Jinn quickly, not knowing much about Suna.

Kumo looked over at Jinn, talking to him through her Kitsune Mask. "He sells weapons. Good ones at that." said Kumo. Jinn nodded lightly in responce. "Ninjas need good weapons." stated Jinn as he pulled out a gold kunai from his side pouch. This kunai was special to Jinn. He and his twin brother Hitomu had developed this special kunai together when they were growing up, and over time mastered the process in making them. It was a unique kunai that only Jinn and Hitomu used, so it was great for catching people off guard in battle.

Putting the kunai away, Jinn smiled. "Well, where are we supposed to meet this merchant?" asked Jinn, as his Byakugan activated suddenly, and he watched the surrounded areas as they walked. "He should be waiting for us near the entrance. It won't be that long of a trip, as we are going by carriage." said Kumo. It wasn't long before they reached the entrance where, as Kumo had said previously, the Merchant was waiting quite patiently for them to arrive.

"Thank you for taking on this mission." said the Merchant as he bowed to them in thanks. Jinn smiled happily. "It's our pleasure, and our job." said Jinn happily. "I'm Jinn Remona, a Jonin from the Hidden Leaf Village and..." Kumo continued the introduction from where Jinn left off, "...I'm Kumo Shingetsu. Chuunin Rank Ninja. Sand Village." said Kumo happily. "Nice to meet the both of you. Shall we be off towards the Land of Waves?" The merchant said quickly as he walked just outside the village where the carriage awaited to take them towards the Land of Waves.

Almost three days of nothing but walking and riding passed as they slowly traveled along the main roads. It wasn't until the entered the Land of Waves, and were passing by the first of many bodies of water while riding along the side of a large cliff, when the temperature of the air suddenly dropped drastically. Already sitting on top of the carriage, looking out at the water and it quickly began to freeze over. "I hate the cold!" screamed a familiar voice from inside the carriage, and Kumo's head popped out the window. "You live in a desert. Obviously you hate the cold." said Jinn amusingly, and looked back at the body of water.

"Hyoton: Roga Nadare no Jutsu!"

Turning around quickly at the sound of the unknown voice, Jinn watched a avalanche rushed down the cliffside towards them, being led by three wolves made up entirely of ice and snow. Jinn quickly retreated away from the carriage, just as Kumo came bursting through the carriage door carrying the merchant. The carriage was instantly destroyed when the avalanche hit it, sending splinters of wood flying in all directions.

Landing on the now frozen lake beside Kumo, Jinn looked around, trying to use his Byakugan to see who used that Jutsu. "Keep on your toes. We're not alone." said Jinn as Kumo looked around, preparing to react to anything that came their way. With no reason to react, two Ninjas appeared from under the ice just in front of them. Grinning at Jinn and Kumo, and male stepped forward. "I figured for sure we would have gotten them with the avalanche, eh Sis?" said the mysterious man who stood in front of a slightly shorter young woman, who was surprisingly standing in rather thin clothing dispite the low temperatures. Jinn looked over at the merchant just as Kumo helped him to his feet. "Get off the Ice. It's probably not safe here for anyone who can't defend themselves." The merchant nodded and slowly walked and slid across the ice towards solid ground.

"Hey. Don't ignore us." said the female as she placed her hands on her hips and glared at Jinn. Standing in a short tight red t-shirt, and black shorts, the female looked over at her brother. "This guy is disrespectful." said the woman. "Natalia. Calm down." said the male softly. "But Souji..." started Natalia before Souji glared at her and she piped down. Looking up at Jinn, Souji grinned. "We're after that merchant. Step aside, and we won't be forced to kill you." said Souji sternly, getting straight to the point.

Kumo grinned as she gripped a kunai in her hands. "You couldn't kill us if you tried. Right, Jinn?" said Kumo cheerfully, happy to not be sitting around bored anymore. "You said it, Kumo." said Jinn as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Very well. Shall we be starting then?" said Souji as he and Natalia slowly rose an inch off the ground, and looking down, Jinn noticed they both had formed ice skates out of the ice below them. "Ice ninjas. Great..." said Jinn calmly, taking a few steps back, Kumo following beside him.

"Let's go, Sis!" said Souji as he dashed at Jinn and Kumo, Natalia following extremely fast behind her brother.

Chapter 2: Family Versus Friendship

Jinn's eyes opened wide at the sudden speed both of them shot into as they rushed towards them. Having his Byakugan previously activated, Jinn watched them both as closely as he could, but his concentration was being split in three, as he was also trying to look out for Kumo as well. Kumo stood with her back almost entirely against Jinn's, as she looked around at the blurs she knew were her enemies. "Ya know. This is like when you try to run in circles around me at high speeds." said Kumo calmly, as she slid her kunai back into her waist pouch and pulled out four small homemade grenades. "Yeah. You should know of some interesting ways to slow them down." said Jinn.

Kumo nodded in agreement, as she activated the chakra switchs within the grenades, and tossed them in each of the four compass directions. Jinn watched the grenade she tossed over fly past the left side of his head, and bounce forward across the ice, coming to a stop a few feet away from them. "Jump?" said Jinn stupidly, already knowing the answer to the question just as Souji and Natalia came into view on beside them a short distance, making nearly the same hands signs together.

Souji and Natalia screamed the same words just as Jinn and Kumo prepared to jump out of the way of their attacks, only seconds before the grenades were set to explode. "Hyoton: Tsubame Fubuki!" Using their high agility, both Souji and Natalia began throwing very thin objects towards Jinn and Kumo, which quickly took the shape of small swallows, quickly changing directions to follow Jinn and Kumo as they launched themselves into the air. Moments after leaving the ice, the grenades that Kumo had tossed seconds before, finally exploded, shattering the ice in those four places and sending heat and fire in all directions, engulfing Souji and Natalia, who at that moment, seemed uninterested in the grenades. Looking down at the incoming attacks from below, both Kumo and Jinn began making different hand signs, preparing to defend and attack at the same time.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" yelled Kumo as he shot a rather large ball of fire towards the incoming barrage of ice swallows, just as Jinn thrust one of his palms towards them as well, "Fuuton: Kami Oroshi!" blasting a tornado like wind into the fire, and together created a giant burning funnel that Jinn and Kumo called Hell's Inferno. The ice swallows were easily engulfed and burned away by the fire, and as Kumo and Jinn fell back to the water, the landed upon it, standing above the water with precise chakra control. "That was too easy." said Kumo calmly. Jinn did not respond to this statement, as he was scanning the entire area as best he could with his Byakugan, trying to find where Souji and Natalia disappeared to.
Side effects of reading the above post may include nausea, headaches, itchiness, impotence, temporary blindness, weakness in knees, mild pregnancy, and a loss of faith in humanity. If death occurs, consult a mortician.

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