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ace8489 01-28-2010 01:15 AM

why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
Does any one like those movies of a complete anime that they compress into just a hour and a half movie why do they do that you miss out on everything.Like Rahxephon and its movie and neo genesis evangelion and its movie death and rebirth.

I want to know peoples thoughts on them and if they really like them or not?

Oni 01-28-2010 01:20 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
I don't mind them. Often the movies will also have their own footage to parts of it, take Evangelion: Death.

It was presented in a way that was very different to the series, yet it still got the message across. I don't count Rebirth as a movie, as it was just an incomplete form of the End of Evangelion.

Unless they are movies released directly to DVD, it's a good way to get more people into the series without having to try and make them watch 25 episodes to get to the good parts.

Zoroark 02-11-2010 10:46 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
at least they didn't make a movie based on your favorite video games and then completely cut out one of your favorite characters and utterly destroyed another character's plot involvement

i of course am referring to dotHACK//GU Trilogy

Sandgolem 02-20-2010 11:41 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
Dragonball did this with a OVA that came packaged with my Season 1 DVDs

Oni 02-21-2010 03:51 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie

Originally Posted by Sandgolem (Post 9458)
Dragonball did this with a OVA that came packaged with my Season 1 DVDs

The Path to Power, or Curse of The Blood Rubies?

Zero Gravity 02-21-2010 05:37 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
Speaking of DragonBall...
I gave DBE a shot, considering my policy to give something a chance before shoving my sword through it. Only to discover upon the very short, yet rushed story and utter raping of the Kamehameha I found myself disemboweling myself with my own sword just for watching it, I could feel the tumor inside my head pop.

Mollybibbles 02-21-2010 04:21 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
I am truly skeptical about the new "The Last Airbender" movie due out in June.. or July, one of the "J" months. Not only were there 3 very lengthy seasons, but each season had a very distinct plot, each being more epic than the last. It worries me so to think that they might try to jam a shiz load of material into about 2 hours. Does anyone else not worry about this?!?!?!?!?!?! *Spazzing fangirl spaz attack* GAAAAAAAAH! The anicipation is having near fatal effects on my being!!!

Zero Gravity 02-21-2010 04:53 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
I've always been skeptical regarding Avatar as a whole, I could just never get into it, even as a series

Mollybibbles 02-22-2010 08:15 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
Understandable. Most people see it as wanna-be anime. I just think of it as its own genre. Silly purists XD

ace8489 02-22-2010 10:41 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
I totally forgot about movies that the make into live action and skip out on all the important stuff or change the whole plot to something completely different and dumb *coughdragonballevolutioncough*

dbull620 02-26-2010 09:09 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
They did that with Death Note as well. There were a couple news scenes here and there but I was still annoyed when I found out it was just a rehash of the first season after I bought it.

Tempest Wind 02-27-2010 11:22 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
The X/1999 movie was a real disappointment. The plot is so involved to begin with that by condensing it, the writers made it all very confusing and difficult to follow. Also, the acting in general wasn't very outstanding, which I hate to say because Seki Tomokazu played the lead role and I have a wild crush on him.

Also, the Utena movie disturbed me a considerable amount, but I was only 13 at the time, so I'm willing to chalk it up to my innocence. Though people turning into cars does kinda rub the wrong way.

The Deathnote movies were surprisingly good and took a different turn from the manga and the anime, though I found it to be rather enjoyable. L's actor's acting was SUPERB and the guy who played Light is an extremely talented multi-faceted actor.

Typically, when an anime is condensed into just a short film or OAV, I tend to fear the worst. Stories -- especially Japanese stories, I've noticed -- tend to need a lot of time to explain and there are so many details and character interactions that it's impossible to tell the story in an hour.

Though... I thought the .hack//G.U. movie wasn't so bad, considering some of the other things that have arisen from the genre (*cough*LegendoftheTwilightBracelet*cough*).

Elanora 02-28-2010 03:27 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
When I saw this thread title the first thing I thought of was the Rahxephon movie - how ironic that it was mentioned immediately. I tend to show a little bit of movies like this to someone as an introduction to a series. Let's face it, first episodes tend to drag on and leave a ton of questions. But showing someone 10 minutes of a recap episode or recap movie can show them that the story WILL go somewhere, and they're able to better appreciate important character interactions early in the series.

However, I'm always disappointed when I discover that a movie has little/no unique footage. And I always skip the "Episode 13 recap." Cuz I'm impatient like that. This is why I'm a manga fan! XD

And Tempest, don't we all have crushes on Seki? <3!!! I was so disappointed when the swine flu scare kept him from coming to Animazement last year.

deadlymustach50 02-28-2010 04:10 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
I' ve watched the whole series of One Piece, and was very disapointed in the movie "One Piece: The Desert Princess and The Pirates: Adventure in Alabasta". This was a complete mess in my eyes, with the entire arc of 37 episodes mashed up into a 90 min movie.
The movie was very confusing leaving much of the arc in the sand (pun intended), and even changed many of scenes that were not in the origanal series.
I recommend not watching it if you are fan of One Piece and watched the series. Your soul will be chrushed!

ace8489 02-28-2010 05:43 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie

Originally Posted by Elanora (Post 9811)
When I saw this thread title the first thing I thought of was the Rahxephon movie - how ironic that it was mentioned immediately.

Yeah I had to mention it. It is part of the reason why I made this thread because of the Rahxephon moive.

Elc1247 03-01-2010 11:34 PM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
I personally think most of the time its completely unnecessary, but once in a while its alright, sometimes they change the presentation into one that makes it interesting, even if its a recap. but usually, i just ignore them.

fightbait 03-04-2010 09:28 AM

Re: why do they make a series of anime then compress like 25 eps in a lame movie
Because it's easy money with little effort for the company; in fact, a lot the time they reuse scenes from the anime. However, the ultimate reason is because people keep buying these movies. Look at freaking Evangelion!

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