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Elk 06-11-2011 04:20 PM

The Revolution!
General structure of The Revolution:

Request Hour
Vidja Gamin'
Elk Point Extravaganza
The Chill

Request Hour!
I take requests for the first hour of my show! If I can play it, I will play it!

Vidja Gamin'
In my second hour I play video games! My collection slowly grows, and you can request for me to play a certain game in my collection.

Battle Kid
Star Tropics
Solar Jetman
Captain Skyhawk
The Guardian Legend
Zelda 2
Blades of Steel
Mario 1
Mario 2
Ninja Gaiden 2
Golgo 13
Ironsword Wizards and Warriors 2
Mega Man 3
Kid Icarus
Bad Dudes
Tag Team Wrestling
Tecmo Baseball

SNES: Note - Currently the quality of this setup is quite bad.
Super Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger
Zelda LttP
Secret of Mana
Street Fighter

N64: Note - Currently I can't save games that need a memory card, and my joystick is messed up. Also the system sometimes resets itself for no reason.
Mischief Makers
Mario 64
Quest 64
Pokemon Stadium
Zelda OoT
Zelda MM
Jet Force Gemini
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Yoshi's Story
Cruisin' USA

Radiata Stories
Romancing SaGa

Zelda twilight Princess
No More Heroes
Castlevania Judgement
Wii Sports Resort
Super Mario Galaxy
MK Wii
Warioware Smooth Moves
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Others I don't know where they are?

Elk Point Extravaganza
These games are played in the IRC chatroom!

I will give out a series of themes, or topics, and you find a video and post it! I will choose my fav(s) and award points! You have 3 songs to get it to me, and you can only enter once! If you're posting it in the chat make sure it doesn't break the rules. If your video DOES break the rules, send it to me in a PM, or ask me to PM you, so you can send it there!

I will give out a series of themes, or topics, and you find an image that is safe for the chats rules and post it! I will choose my fav(s) and award points! You have 3 songs to get it to me, and you can only enter once! If your image DOES break the rules, send it to me in a PM, or ask me to PM you, so you can send it there!

Retro Game Trivia
I will ask Retro Game related questions, and give out Elk Points to the first person to get it right. If no one gets it I'll give out hints. You can only answer once per hint.

Always looking for feedback and suggestion!

Zero Gravity 06-13-2011 10:39 AM

Re: The Revolution!
So now I can stop asking "Whats on the agenda for today?"!

Elk 12-19-2012 05:09 PM

Re: The Revolution!

Mike Walters 08-26-2017 06:20 PM

Re: The Revolution!
So if we wanted to make a request just how would we go about it?

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