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Musamichi 02-17-2013 08:36 AM

Fire Emblem: Awakening
So since I'm posting about my favorite current anime, why not post about my favorite game at this time. Not sure if you heard about a little title I like to call:


Fire Emblem: Awakening

Fire emblem is a turn base tactical rpg that is made by Intelligent Systems. It's known for it's good character design and letting you get attach to those characters you help build. It's also known for once a character dies, they are dead. No respawn after the battle is over. Which means, if you like me, you start over because "NO, I CAN'T LOSE THIS PERSON!! I TRAINED HIM FOR 8 HOURS!!" and work through not to make another mistake.

The story of this Fire Emblem focuses on the trials of Chrom, the prince of the Halidom of Ylisse, and his companions during a turbulent era. When the neighbouring nation of Plegia starts acting suspiciously, Chrom commands his band of soldiers--the Shepherds--to keep his country at peace. Soon, he encounters an unholy force plaguing the lands and a masked swordsman claiming to be Marth, the Hero-King of legend This leads into a winding spiral of twists and turns that make the story of Awakening that much more engaging.

The graphics of this entry into the series are something to note here. Mind you they are still sprites when looking over where you move each piece but as soon as the battle starts, the graphics kick it to 3D. And man, it's amazing. I've never really used the 3D function of the 3DS unless warranted and for this game ... yeah ... it's warranted.

They are also new features to the series with this entry. The previous titles, when certain characters fight next to each other in battle they gain a form of bonds and support. This means they gain bonus' when they are fighting near each other again. This same feature is now a main part of this game. Characters can now fight against the same enemy on screen, forming tag team attacks and even boosting stats. And if the characters happen to be the opposite gender, well, eventually, they can get married and have kids... and you can use your KIDS as characters of combat. "Go get 'em, Jr!!"

Another, newer, feature is the fact that you can create your own character. This a first for the Fire Emblem series. You can customize age, hair color and face structure and you are even given your own unique class. There is a lot to be desired in this feature but it's presence is well wanted and the story even adds on to that fact.

There isn't much voice acting in the game, more so a lot of "Hmms" or "Yeah!" and certain lines of text are spoken. The voice acting is ALWAYS present in the cutscenes, however, which, again, are beautiful to look at.And for fans of the older Fire Emblems, they use the features of the 3DS well. With SpotPass turned on, you can fight other players wireless, trade, recruit, gain special weapons/items and even, summon up older characters like Ike, Marth and Roy. For the time being, Marth is free DLC but Roy is priced at 2.50 us dollars and comes with a mission that you can replay over and over if you desire it. This only a sign of more DLC to come, frankly, I want to see it.

All and all if you have a 3DS, this needs to be in your library and if you don't have one? This is the reason to have one! (Asidefrompokemonbutyouknowwhatimean)

Any thoughts, experiences or questions? Drop em here! =D

Cheflelouch 02-17-2013 11:43 AM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
I have it since the day it came out but since I'm a busy person (meaning work and other games) I still haven't finish it

Musamichi 02-20-2013 10:11 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
I haven't finished it either. Too busy enjoying all the side quests and the characters you can get.

Cheflelouch 02-21-2013 11:37 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
in my case I havent had the chance since I just had another job and MGS Rising Revenge

christmas4477 03-30-2013 12:24 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
I think my biggest joy and issue is that the game gives me so much freedom. I've been so busy building supports and grabbing skills now that I've beat chapter 16 that I haven't even bothered progressing the story

Cheflelouch 03-30-2013 11:16 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Yea I beat it and after a certain part of the game you have many choices and forget about the story line, and the DLC well that's another topic

christmas4477 04-06-2013 12:10 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
It's really a sort of trade off. The more freedom Fire Emblem gives me, the less absorbed I am in the story. Fire Emblem GBA is so incredibly vivid in my mind, but Sacred Stones is more of a blur in comparison to the first one or Path of Radiance

Eclipse 09-17-2014 09:13 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Sweet Haruhi. I just finished getting all the paralogues. After a half-year journey of playing on and off again, I've gotten all the side characters available to me at Chapter 19. I still love the game, though. Mostly for Tharja. Seriously, it's unhealthy how much I like her. HELP.

Kanashimi 09-18-2014 02:10 AM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
I recently got this game since I only just joined the 3DS crowd. I think the thing for me is I played a few chapters, and decide... Hmmm, I wanna restart. Not because I screwed up but because I knew more about the game mechanics and pairing certain people up.

Elk 02-11-2015 01:55 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Gotta plan all your OTPs out in advance so they can fight fight fight... kiss kiss kiss

nerdwerld 02-15-2015 07:15 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening

Originally Posted by Elk (Post 38504)
Gotta plan all your OTPs out in advance so they can fight fight fight... kiss kiss kiss

This wins the Internet for the day.

On a different note, I'm doing a current run trying to get some better children in terms of stats than my first run.

Kanashimi 02-16-2015 01:59 PM

Re: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Forgot about this, I should pick it up again soonish.

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