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Waifuman 05-04-2011 07:06 PM

King of Iron Fist

Since the beginning of history, people have fought in the name of God, bending to the invented demands of their fickle deity, and screaming for righteousness, they wantingly spill the blood of their enemies, as well as their own. The purpose behind this bloodshed, however, goes beyond simple explanations of religion or notions of justice. The truth is buried deep within those who wage the wars. Since the birth of this planet, a memory has become deeply engraved onto the genes of all living things. A memory of aggression as a means of survival, a memory of fighting. Humans seek to defend their actions in the name of truth. The act of fighting is itself a true act. Without this truth, the fighter will perish. To learn the way, ask your own flesh and blood, because one's flesh is the door to the truth. To master the way, ask your own ken, or fist, because complete knowledge of one's flesh, blood and fist is what creates one's Tekken. And Tekken is the key to life!
Tekken 7, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Tekken x Street Fighter are all coming up soon. Anyone else excited for them?

grimdefeat 05-04-2011 09:26 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
i am always excited for tekken games and tekken x street fighter is going to be amazing

Waifuman 05-04-2011 09:54 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
Devil Jin lasers forever.

You play online? Soon as I find my cable we can play together. I'd love to see your abilities.

Kanashimi 05-05-2011 02:51 AM

Re: King of Iron Fist
I am excited for Tekken Tag since it's been awhile for that. I need to see more of Tekken X Street Fighter before I make a bit decision on that. I hope they put some of my characters in that though like Lili or Alyssa.

Zero Gravity 05-05-2011 07:18 AM

Re: King of Iron Fist
I've never played a Tekken game in my life, i suppose now is a good time to try them.
Although to be honest, I'm HORRID at fighting games.
A monkey can play better then me

Kanashimi 05-05-2011 07:24 AM

Re: King of Iron Fist

Originally Posted by Zero Gravity (Post 29176)
I've never played a Tekken game in my life, i suppose now is a good time to try them.
Although to be honest, I'm HORRID at fighting games.
A monkey can play better then me

Tekken is a hard game honestly in terms of fighting, but some people can pick it up fast. So it depends on how you can adapt. Really I think the hardest thing for a lot of people is the guarding since it throws players off the first time.

Waifuman 05-05-2011 01:24 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 29178)
Tekken is a hard game honestly in terms of fighting, but some people can pick it up fast. So it depends on how you can adapt. Really I think the hardest thing for a lot of people is the guarding since it throws players off the first time.

I actually disagree with this. It isn't harder just different. It's an experience you won't find with any other fighting game. For one thing, the fighting style; each button is a limb, rather than low/light punch/kick, high/heavy punch/kick.

So it's more about learning how your character moves than doing amazing attacks.

The game is completely balanced. Any fighter can beat any other fighter just as easily and no one has amazing Hadoken powers (unless it actually makes sense with the plot for them to).

The plot is also quite fantastic. It actually keeps me coming back for more than just new characters.

But guarding does take a while to get used to, I'll agree to that.

This game also has one thing I've never seen in another fighting game. Grabs that flow with combat. They don't feel choppy or out of place.

Kanashimi 05-05-2011 01:50 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
Tekken to me has never seemed like a pick up and play fighter unlike BlazBlue or Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for example. Mashing buttons won't really get you anywhere in Tekken, so I do see it at a higher difficulty. Some people don't like learning how to play a fighter or learn combos, some people just want to mash buttons. Tekken is also a game that can still be played traditionally with the D-Pad without much cause for concern, and casual gamers or those who aren't savvy to the fighting genre might automatically use the analog not thinking about the alternative.

It's a matter of perspective either way, but it's unusual to pick up the game on your first go and win. There's a lot of depth and enough to learn to where I believe it can be considered a hard game story-mode wise or other (in the latest Tekken the Streets Of Rage story mode is a good example of how difficult it gets and how quickly IE once you face that big Egyptian purple dragon whatever his face it all goes kinda uphill from there).

EagleEyes 05-05-2011 02:42 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
I am a big fan, however I am confused who they will team Roger Jr with in the new tag.

Waifuman 05-05-2011 05:31 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 29185)
Mashing buttons won't really get you anywhere in Tekken

It's a matter of perspective either way, but it's unusual to pick up the game on your first go and win. There's a lot of depth and enough to learn to where I believe it can be considered a hard game story-mode wise or other (in the latest Tekken the Streets Of Rage story mode is a good example of how difficult it gets and how quickly IE once you face that big Egyptian purple dragon whatever his face it all goes kinda uphill from there).

I wouldn't really consider the inability to button mash difficulty.

But I do agree with you that the story-mode is rather difficult. I didn't really have trouble until Azazel's Chamber but I've been playing Tekken my entire life.

Kanashimi 05-05-2011 06:19 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
Yeah, Tekken was one of my first games on the PS myself. I mean I've always considered King Of Fighters, Arcana Heart, and Tekken top tier in terms of difficulty. Granted, Arcana Heart 3 made the series a lot easier to master.

BlazBlue and the newer Marvel Vs Capcom 3 seem easier to pick up and play. That's why if you're not adept at the fighting genre I would say that Tekken takes a big of time to learn. Story mode and online can instantly be frustrating, but timing can be easier on Tekken if you know the right combos to use.

Gatx 05-05-2011 09:18 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
Just to clarify are you guys excited about Tekken x Street Fighter or Street Fighter x Tekken? They've released nothing other than a look at a 3-D Ryu for Tekken x Street Fighter but that's the one I'm really really curious about as to how they'll pull that off. Street Fighter x Tekken looks good so far, but they haven't shown the characters I want to see: Fei Long and Marshall Law.

Kanashimi 05-05-2011 09:57 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
I could careless personally about Street Fight X Tekken considering Street Fighter never feels like a home port for me. That's another conversation all together. I just wanna wait to see some of Tekken X Street Fighter before I make a judgment call.

Waifuman 05-06-2011 06:40 AM

Re: King of Iron Fist
I agree with Kana on that notion.

I actually dislike Street Fighter but for some reason always end up having fun when I play it. I win most of the time against my friends so it's not like, "Oh, u ragin' cause u stink, lol!"

But I do however have match ups I really want to see. Such as Akuma and Devil Jin or M. Bison and Heihachi.

What about Tag Tournament 2? They already have tons of characters confirmed and the creator wants to bring back Angel for it.

I personally felt that the original Tag Tournament was amazing aside from the whole 'one character dies and both characters lose' thing.

chefofdeath 05-13-2011 02:29 PM

Re: King of Iron Fist
i am also hyped for tekken x street fighter .... el fuerte and raven for the win :D

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