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Sandgolem 11-25-2009 09:58 PM

Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Well I think that even though I disliked the ending, not gunna spoiler why but basically "The Girl Who Lept Through Time" Is by far my favorite anime.

The orginal story idea, the characters, the story all are so good...I just have to applaud the director for a job done amazingly well. It just makes me sad to see such a great director pass up the Haruhi movie XD

Elk 11-25-2009 11:22 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Movie Specifically? Porco Rosso.

Sheer perfection. Everything about this movie is concieved and executed to the highest standards. A beautiful story, with the wonder that Miyazaki brings to the table. I think if you are going to pick a single anime movie as the best, it HAS to be a Miyazaki film.

Shadows_Revenge 11-26-2009 03:17 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Princess Mononoke

The story is amazing, delving both into myth and basic human instincts, while blending a beautifully drawn and well thought out background. Voice acting both in the original japanese and english are superb, and I could watch this movie again and again and not lose interest.

Kanashimi 11-26-2009 04:08 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Meh, I hate picking favorites. Just pretend there's one if it's a big deal. Generally a favorite depends on my mood, and what I really want to see at the moment. Having something solely focused on one genre is hard to do as well as limits the users enjoyment.

As such, my choices for best anime movie specifically would be Millennium Actress and Interstella 5555. People will recall the latter from late night Toonami sessions where they played cartoon-ish music videos (IE Daft Punk, Gorrilaz, etc). If I recall correctly the series never did finish airing, and I had to wait quite a few years to actually see the whole thing. Though now that I have, I have this fond love of watching it over and over again because I always notice something new. Not only did the director make a story without words, just using an existing soundtrack, but he was able to match animations and what not to very specific beats. The planning in this was insane, if not meticulous to such a fine degree it would case someone's head to explode. I can't imagine all the thought put into it, but generally it is a decent story with oddly likable characters.

Millennium Actress is more for the romantic in me per se. It is well done with good scene transitions, a moving story, and a conflicted time period. The fact it is able to provide a few slap-stick humor moments along with the moving tale is uplifting and effective in its execution. I don't feel as though I can say much on the title itself without giving too much away, but it is worth a watch. I highly recommend tissues or at least not being an emotionless douche. xP

Shadowblade Edge 11-26-2009 07:47 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I don't really like doing x number of favorites, so I'll can throw out some names. For anime I'd go with The Girl who Leapt Through Time, beautiful would be an accurate, if cheesy, way to describe it.First Squad: Moment of Truth, I really enjoy stuff based off all the crazy magic research that took place during WWI and II and the Cold War, this was WWDouble, and I'm always amused by other languages in anime, this movie is almost entirely in Russian, with the remainder being German. Some other good stuff Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika, and Grave of the Fireflies

Sandgolem 11-29-2009 07:32 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Paprika is definetly on my too watch list @ Shadowblade, and high five for "The Girl who Leapt Through Time"

TheDrunkenShadow 11-30-2009 04:38 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I haven't seen that many anime movies, but I enjoyed Princess Mononoke more than the others I've seen. That'll probably change when I've seen more, though.

Bonediddly 12-02-2009 12:57 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Well, I just watched "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time". Damn awesome.

Elc1247 12-05-2009 02:52 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
yes indeed, the girl who lept through time was a great movie... though yes, the ending wasnt 100% satisfactory to me...

Mistress Victoria 12-10-2009 01:03 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I'll have to check out Girl who Leapt through Time. But I don't really count Miyazaki films in general because they're all time classics. Everyone loves them, so I tend to only discuss the lesser talked about ones.

Interstella 5555 is a favorite movie of mine because of similar reasons Kana stated. I only just recently watched the whole thing on youtube, and I have to say it pulled on my emotion strings during some of the songs and scenes within the film. I really felt for the main group of characters and how evil the antagonist was.

Llian 12-13-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
To this day I'd have to say that Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. Sophie and Howl <3. ;_; I also love Spirited Away just as much.
The girl who leapt through time came pretty close. And Cowboy bebop the movie will always been in my top favs.

Kanashimi 12-13-2009 02:59 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I forgot how much I liked Howl's Moving Castle, I should watch it again, it's been awhile.

needed kissu! How come those are so rare to come by in Miyazaki films?

Elc1247 12-28-2009 05:44 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
hmm miyazaki makes great films, but i cant really count them as the best... there are better films out there... just... i cant remember them off the top of my head...

Oni 01-01-2010 10:16 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I'm not all that keen on choosing favourite when it comes to movies, but The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Metropolis have to definitely be at the top of my list.

bemused_Bohemian 01-04-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Favorite Anime Movie??? Let's try MovieS and what's streaming:

Cowboy BeBop: great collection of misfits, action, intrigue, contemporary themes (terrorism, corruption, alienation, waning social mores, etc). Terrific movie! Didn't fall asleep thru any of it! Good foundation movie for any newbie to anime.

5 Centimeters/second: almost an all-time fav (dangerous proclamation since there will be more great anime produced....someday). Semi-autobiographical: change the scenery only and that's my life as a kid. I like trains so I loved the role rapid transit played re character interconnectiveness, cohesion, loss.

Time of Eve aka Eve no Jikan: artist examines the diminishing boundary between human emotion and AI. Well done, made me both laugh and cry within the scope of 6 eps. Eps 3 and 6 are my favs in this story. Can be viewed on Crunchyroll.

FLCL: gotta love the tumultous times of puberty and agape....it's all there.

KGNE aka Kimi ga Nozomu Eien or Rumbling Hearts: I'm not a fan of this genre and I wish the characters portrayed were 3 years older but from the 2nd ep on I was hooked on the intensity of emotions rippling through all the main characters. Writers did a good job with this series! Very intense, gripping, heart wretching portrayal of PostTraumaticStress disorder and how it affected everyone. A lot of viewers hated this anime but I found it to be quite realistic and relevant re relationships gone awry.

Voices of a Distant Star: biting, eloquent commentary on the futility of war, possibly life in general if you are a goal-driven individual without a moral compass.

Cencoroll: liked some of the music. How many different school interactions can you illustrate in anime stories without becoming repetitive, monotonous, then boring? This show, though not long enough, was a delicious morsel of.. oh no,,, another school plot twist.

The Girl who leapt Thru Time: you guys have said what needed mentioning. A good watch!

IPaidthePrice 01-05-2010 02:31 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
For me it has to be Spirited Away by Hideo Miyasaki, it was one of the first anime movies I saw and it's masterfully and beautifully drawn I just totally love it.

Force-A-Nature 01-06-2010 08:39 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by Oni (Post 2358)
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Only Anime besides Trigun in which I've cried.

Also, favs would be Akira (complete classic), First Squad (badass WWII supernatural battles, in RUSSIA, yes plzkthnx) and last but not least End of Evangelion. Quite the trolling ordeal, buuut, I liked how much it kicked me in the nutsacks.

Shadowblade Edge 01-06-2010 08:53 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by Force-A-Nature (Post 3131)
First Squad (badass WWII supernatural battles, in RUSSIA, yes plzkthnx)

That's how you saying that makes me feel, it even makes up for you being a little girl and crying at TripleGun, and being a woman for crying at The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

Force-A-Nature 01-06-2010 08:57 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by Shadowblade Edge (Post 3132)
That's how you saying that makes me feel, it even makes up for you being a little girl and crying at TripleGun, and being a woman for crying at The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.

I am tiny baby man. :sigh:

Oni 01-06-2010 09:01 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Not even I shed a tear when it came to TGWLTT.

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-07-2010 02:07 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I'm also a big fan of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars, no matter what anyone says. I also like Makoto Shinkai's movies, including 5cm Per Second.

DJ M.O.T.D 01-07-2010 02:19 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
My fave anime movie as got to be either. Akira or Paprika.

Zodiac_Blader 01-07-2010 03:56 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Voices of a distant star or Sky Crawlers, both were really well done, voices was more of a heart warmer while Sky crawlers I loved a lot because of the military aspect of it

mangusbrother 01-09-2010 01:05 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
didn't watch girl who lept through time yet. i'll check it out later..
personally howl's moving castle is my favourite.... followed by...probably bleach 2: diamond dust rebellion.

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-09-2010 01:40 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by Zodiac_Blader (Post 3194)
Voices of a distant star or Sky Crawlers, both were really well done, voices was more of a heart warmer while Sky crawlers I loved a lot because of the military aspect of it

Ah, I saw Sky Crawlers and found it really depressing.

Another one of my own favorites is Summer Wars, which released recently from the same creator of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Summer Wars kind of reminds me of that second segment of the Digimon movie, if you know what I mean. ^_^

xXCrimsonRougeXx 01-10-2010 01:04 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I cant really decide between "Sky Crawlers" or "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time"

HezaaChan 01-10-2010 06:18 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Is it weird that I haven't watched "The girl who leapt through time" and "5cm per second"? It seems like a running theme to have seen it XD

I have watched a lot of Studio Ghibli (and you can thank Film4 for that). But I don't have a clear favourite, rather just a selection that I like.

The Cat Returns, Howl's Moving Castle, Ghost in the Shell (the first one), My Neighbour Totoro and I'm going to say Perfect Blue before I decide against it XD

christmas4477 01-10-2010 06:38 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I watched Vexille about a month ago, and I found it to be amazing. It had a great plot, spectacular cast, and it was all done in amazing CGI. I watched it fullscreen in the dark, just to make it seem even cooler.

ImagineBreaker 01-10-2010 06:43 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Not so much Anime Movie, but manga live action, id have to say Crows Zero.

One of the best movies ive seen.

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-10-2010 10:11 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by HezaaChan (Post 3981)
I have watched a lot of Studio Ghibli (and you can thank Film4 for that). But I don't have a clear favourite, rather just a selection that I like.

I just watched Ponyo the other day. ^_^

christmas4477 01-10-2010 10:30 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by 黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 (Post 4041)
I just watched Ponyo the other day. ^_^

Ponyo was quite good. My third favorite Miyazaki after Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Sky

HezaaChan 01-10-2010 12:25 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by 黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 (Post 4041)
I just watched Ponyo the other day. ^_^

I actually didn't like that movie. I got kinda bored. Maybe I should rewatch it seeing as I didn't get all the way through XD

Loki 01-10-2010 02:38 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by ImagineBreaker (Post 3990)
Not so much Anime Movie, but manga live action, id have to say Crows Zero.

One of the best movies ive seen.

finally someone who speaks sense.

Another Crows Zero fan,

Did you happen to see part 2?

Or have you read the manga?:stars:

ImagineBreaker 01-11-2010 12:16 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by Loki (Post 4142)
finally someone who speaks sense.

Another Crows Zero fan,

Did you happen to see part 2?

Or have you read the manga?:stars:

Yea 2 is just as awesome as the first.

Read 'Worst' and 'Crows'

It all friggin awesome.

Zero Gravity 01-11-2010 11:41 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I'm torn between "Twilight of the Dark Master", and "Char's Counterattack"

Shiki-san 01-11-2010 12:51 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Really disappointed... :sigh:

no one even mentioned the greatness of the Kara no Kyoukai movies.

Obvious is KnK one ( to be more specific 7 and 8 if you count the remix work) of my fav anime movies =P

oh and I am probably one of the few ppl that doesnt like miyazaki movies:awesome:

Kanashimi 01-11-2010 01:01 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I need to watch Ponyo, I even have a Ponyo plushie but I have yet to see the movie. Curses.

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-11-2010 08:55 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why

Originally Posted by Shiki-san (Post 4516)
Really disappointed... :sigh:

no one even mentioned the greatness of the Kara no Kyoukai movies.

Obvious is KnK one ( to be more specific 7 and 8 if you count the remix work) of my fav anime movies =P

I should've known from your username. ^_^ I'm in the middle of watching the KnK movies at the moment. I'm on #4.

victorious0702 01-11-2010 09:11 PM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
I woulda said KnK if i saw this post earlier :(

Here is another.

The House of Small Cubes - Kinda like the movie "Up"
I would post it here if i knew how to do spoilers it is only 12 mins - go watch it on youtube

5 Centimeter Per Second, Sword of the Stranger, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, Grave of Fireflies, Tokyo Godfathers, Millenium Actress, Summer Wars.

TheGreatMoof 01-13-2010 10:00 AM

Re: Your Favorite Anime Movie and Why
Nausicaa is still an incredible piece of film, definitely one of Miyazki's best (which is amazing, as it was only his second film ever directed.) Apart from that, I have a soft spot for the first Pokemon movie. I tear up like a little girl at the Pikachu vs. Pikachu slap-fight every time i see it. X3

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