Thread: [Multi] Your Video Game Ideas!
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Old 02-12-2012, 05:35 PM   #4
Bargain Gamer

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Re: Your Video Game Ideas!

Here are two ideas that I've had as of late:

A Megaman MMO where you gather up different parts and upgrades by exploring different ruins (ala Megaman Legends) and defeating a variety of robots. It would emphasize raids and pvp over grinding, as players team up with their own custom builds in order to either defeat powerful enemies and gain their powers/components or to defeat other players and salvage components from each other. Eventually the game would give you the option to split up into different factions, each with their own bonuses. Examples would be mavericks, who would have the ability to attack civilian targets and have their own minions, and hunters, who gain an xp boost when defending against maverick attacks. There would also be special abilities that can be earned by pledging one's allegiance to different key npcs. Examples would be gaining the ability to copy defeated enemy's powers for a set period of time if they should ally themselves with Dr. Light or being able to fuse with a companion robot to create a temporary super form if they were to pledge their allegiance to Dr. Wily. The customization options alone would make this game amazing for me.

An open world game ala Skyrim or the Fallout series with "hero characters" that interact with the game in real time. Depending on when and where you explore you could team up with these different characters to attack certain dungeons and even forge alliances. This would also allow for some dramatic reveals, such as entering a high level dungeon only to find the first floor or two already wrecked, until you finally come across the body of one of these hero characters in a particularly challenging room. I don't know about you guys, but I'd be pretty upset if a character I had grown attached to and teamed up with ended up dead in an remote dungeon, creating a desire for me to avenge said character. It's a tricky concept to implement, but by giving a game world "living" characters it would allow you to form some interesting relationships and ultimately influence how some people might play the game.
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