Thread: [Wii] Nintendo Wii U
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Old 06-10-2011, 12:20 AM   #12
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Re: Nintendo Wii U

It's backwards compatible with all the Wii gadgets and games. It's got a lot of potential but in my opinion it's just a giant DS where they just separated the screens instead. I honestly don't care if the WiiU have the graphics capabilities equal or superior to the xbox360/ps3, since I'm a PC gamer. All the 3rd party titles end up on the pc anyway, if not I already have a ps3 and an xbox360. Nothing about this system interests me in any way, shape or form. I may be coming off as a bit negative but in my opinion Nintendo made the same mistake as Microsoft did (with the whole kinect obsession)... they focus their press conference on a gimmick and forgot about their core gamers.

Now you can play games while not using the TV so other people can. (That's why people buy handhelds you morons!)
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