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Old 12-27-2010, 07:26 AM   #163
Ask An Australian
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soundbreaker is on a distinguished road
Re: Chat Quotes (Quotes only. No discussion/spam)

[23:34] <@limitbreaker> I CAN'T TASTE MY BEANS!
[23:34] <%Katelynn> o_o
[23:35] <+JollyGr33nGiant> lol
[23:35] <+SoulArbiter> Get a tounge.
[23:35] <+SoulArbiter> They're wonderful inventions...
[23:35] * limitbreaker searches Amazon
[23:36] <+JollyGr33nGiant> Get a robotic one that fires missles

[00:49] <@Knucklebreaker> Sega: "Let's try something completely different to what people like about our games!"
[00:49] <@Knucklebreaker> Sega, later: "Well, we failed."

[23:20] <@LeviathanMist> well the thing is, when the headphone volume control is at max, it's actually lower than the highest it can be
[23:20] <@LeviathanMist> it has to be set at slightly below max
[23:21] <@soundbreaker> I... see?

[23:24] <@SantaBreaker> :-{D Moustache!
[23:24] * jessi_ uses shave on Santa
[23:24] <@SantaBreaker> :-( No moustache.
[23:25] <+jessi_> You could of doged that you know
[23:25] <+jessi_> dodged*
[23:25] * SantaBreaker is lazy
[23:25] * jessi_ uses £1 fake mustache on Santa
[23:26] <@SantaBreaker> :-[D Fake Moustache!
[23:26] <+jessi_> lol

[00:57] <@soundbreaker> Crab Battle!
[00:57] <+Shidohari> LOBSTER TAIL
[00:57] * soundbreaker attacks the weak point for massive damage.
[00:57] <+Shidohari> GUILLOTINE
[00:57] <+jessi_> ???
[00:58] <+Shidohari> :: uses guillotine on breaker::
[00:58] * jessi_ used confusion
[00:58] * soundbreaker dodges.
[00:58] <+Shidohari> i bet you didn't see that coming
[00:58] <+Shidohari> VICE GRIP
[00:58] * soundbreaker is gripped!
[00:58] <+jessi_> ???
[00:58] <+Shidohari> :: breaks breaker::
[00:58] * soundbreaker used Karate Chop!
[00:58] <@soundbreaker> Critical hit!
[00:58] <+Shidohari> that's a fighting move
[00:58] <+Shidohari> you are not a machop, machoke, or fighting pokemon
[00:59] * soundbreaker uses Rocket Launcher!
[00:59] <@soundbreaker> It's super effective!
[00:59] <@soundbreaker> Giant Enemy Crab is paralysed!
[00:59] <+Shidohari> wait you're not wiley's robot either
[00:59] <+Shidohari> :: explosion::
[01:00] <+Shidohari> :: everyone hears the 'PING"
[01:00] <+jessi_> ????
[01:00] <@soundbreaker> Wow, that was... heh, "ping".
[01:00] * soundbreaker levelled up!
[01:00] * soundbreaker learned "Tactical Nuclear Strike"!
[01:01] <@soundbreaker> Sweet!
[01:01] <+Shidohari> shhh you don't want to say nuclear too loud
[01:01] <@soundbreaker> Eh?
[01:01] <@soundbreaker> Is there a UN inspector around?

[22:31] <@LeviathanMist> 1.21 gigawatts?!
[22:31] <@soundbreaker> 0 to 88 mph.
[22:32] <@LeviathanMist> make like a tree and get out of here
[22:32] <@soundbreaker> Great Scott!
[22:33] <@LeviathanMist> Hey you, get your damn hands off her!
[22:33] <@soundbreaker> Oh la la? OH LA LA?
[22:34] <@LeviathanMist> This is heavy
[22:35] <@soundbreaker> I TOLD YOU GRAMMA, I'M GOIN' TO THE DANCE!
[22:36] <@LeviathanMist> I HATE MANURE!
The Breakdown - Breaker's Supanova Breakdown 2011
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