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Old 12-17-2010, 11:03 AM   #2

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Re: Anime Over - Anime & Manga Ban Passes

Originally Posted by Kanashimi View Post
I understand what you're saying Zero, and I believe some people don't know what to believe in. Though at the same time I have to say that some of the things released in Japan are extreme, but I also believe there has to be some sort of freedom to what a person can create. Limiting creativity can be both negative and positive depending on the way one looks at it.

I've said from the beginning that I'm on the strict spectrum of this argument, automatically assuming the worst of this bill; however, that doesn't change that the bill states that is is attempting to accept only items which are the "social norm". This phrase bothers me much more than anything else honestly. Social norm is so vague and can be so many things it's almost obnoxious to think of what does and doesn't classify here.

As I've stated earlier, homosexuality or gay relations would essentially be discouraged in a piece of fiction. There was this great video over on Extra Credits about sexual diversity (you can view it here and it brings up how characters who were trying to find themselves through sexuality and gender issues made the characters deeper as well as easier to relate to. Characters throughout any medium consistently have trouble defining who they are, having struggles, deep and dark places of the human psyche. My worry is that, depending on how strict the bill will be, are the dark things that help us discover ourselves and define characters with depth unacceptable because they don't fit a social standard?

Looking at it that way is a bit more realistic in my eyes, and brings worry not only for things that have fan-service, but actual story and life to it. For example, when you're growing up did you think to yourself I wish this person would just die and imagine in your head to make yourself feel better? Have you ever experimented with drugs? Ditched school? Suicide attempts? Bullied or were bulled harshly? All these things are technically not acceptable (or legal) or right, but they're things that happen. Limiting a story that can touch people with real events brings out real emotion, I'm more worried about that.

/me ranted too much
/me leaps away for now
Personally limiting the story because of law is bad for business and limits creativity of an author. Fan service though in Japan has gotten out of control... Sora no Otoshimo and other manga/anime. Also anyone can excess pornographic/explicit things a lot easier than they can in other countries.

I'm going to say, I've only skimmed the bill, and I'm not too happy with it. I'm not a big fan of censorship in any fashion. I'm instead for parenting, and categorization or a rating system , yeah kinda censorship, but its better to warn and inform than to strip the creative muse from an author. As everyone has said the bill is too vague to actually do anything and to me is like the CMAA, but a Japanese version might come to existence which scares me.

I'm really hoping that the bill only focuses on the doujin industry and some of the more extreme exceses that are allowed to be published. I'm a fan of doujins, but seriously stealing stuff from creative geniuses for you own profit is a bad thing. And on the homosexual thing, I'm hoping this whole thing isn't a conservative crack down on homosexuals because Japan is facing depopulation as we all know. All these issues better not correspond politically with manga or I will be even more upset.

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