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Old 12-11-2010, 07:26 PM   #20

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

Season: Fall

Where you start: However you like. If your character doesn't live near the academy, they're in the dorms.

The morning of the PKMN Academy opening. PKMN is a school for all types of trainers to learn all about Pokemon and how to train, battle, bond, and even compete in contests with them. It's a great opportunity to those wanting to become a future trainer who would compete in gym battles or become a successful Coordinator.

In one of the school's dorm rooms, two female teens slept peacefully in a dim lite room. The window curtains were shut with little sunlight coming through. A fully brown and cream colored collar creature slept, bedside, on a soft, comfortable blue blanket next to the fifteen year old student. An orange small chick with yellow wings, beak, legs, and feathers on the top of its head slept on the corner of the same bed the thirteen old teen was sleeping on. Both of these creatures are Pokemon, yet with different names.

Beside the older student's bed was a small wooden drawer. On top of this was a turned off lamp, a small pocket size red machine called a Pokedex, and a black alarm clock set to go off at seven in the morning. This, though, was about to go off any...

"And, welcome to The Morning Show! I'm your host.."

A human hand slammed on the "off" button of the loud machine. Slight movement came from the sheets of the bed. Soon, one of the hazel eyes of the female character slowly revealed. Both of her arms stretched out in opposite directions. Her head rose from the feather filled pillow. The small creature on the floor was also awoken from the clock. It too stretched, then stared up at its master happily.

"Eve!" said the Pokemon.

"Good morning, Eevee."

This female teen was Naomi. She was a young Pokemon Trainer who was about to start her first day at PKMN. She was currently wearing a white tank top and blue pajama pants with white clouds on them. Her brown hair was a little messy from sleeping. She glanced over at her roommate who was still sound asleep.

"Even a turned up alarm clock doesn't get her up..," she said, sighing.

The roommate was named Claire. She's a trainer who came from the Hoenn region. She came to PKMN in order to learn more about Pokemon and someday start her own journey with her Torchic by her side. This was her dream ever since her brother started his first.

Claire's head was underneath her heavy gray sheet. Shaking her by her arm, Naomi said, "Claire, wake up." The vibration from the shaking had woke up the younger teen's partner, Torchic. It gave off a quick yawn and looked over at both female trainers. "Ah, Torchic! Just the one I need!"


"I need your help waking Claire. I don't want her oversleeping on her first day."

The orange bird nodded. The brown haired student pulled the sheet off the younger girl's head as it walked over. With its claws it began to lightly scratch her face. The feel of the chick's claws made her spring up from her bed and place her hands on her attacked face.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" she said, slowly removing her hands from her face. She turned and glared at her Pokemon. "What did I say about doing that Torchic??


Both of them had began to argue. Both Naomi and Eevee sighed. And, this is who we got stuck with. "Enough, you two. Claire, I was the one who asked Torchic to wake you up."

She looked at her roommate, then at Torchic, then back at her again. "Is that so?"

"Yes. Now hurry up. We have fifty minutes till our first class begins." The trainer opened the wooden drawer and took out her clothes. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

The navy blue haired girl opened her own drawer and took out the needed clothes. Torchic hopped off the bed and walked over to Naomi's Pokemon. The two greeted each other and began to talk. Claire waited patiently till her roommate was done.

I wonder how long it'll take her.

Three minutes later, Naomi opened the door with her changed clothes on. She was now wearing her light blue T-shirt and her dark blue shorts. Her hair was also neatly brushed. She carried her night clothes over to her bed as the other teen disappeared inside the bathroom. The brown and cream small Pokemon hopped onto her master's bed. With a smile, the master stroked her Pokemon's head, lightly.

"First day, girl. I can't wait."

"Ee!" Eevee replied.

Her hand lifted away from her and was placed onto her green backpack. Unzipping it, she took out her belt and hat. Attached to the belt was a brown pouch. Within it there was three red and white balls called Pokeballs. One was Eevee's and the others were two different Pokemon's. "We might as well go on ahead. Claire will make it on time." The student opened the drawer once more and pulled out two white socks. Putting everything on and grabbing her pokedex, she walked over to her shoes which were by the dorm room door. "Claire, we're going on ahead. Don't be late."

"I know, I know."

As she put her black and white shoes on, she grabbed the door knob and tapped the ground with the tip of her left foot shoe. "Ready, Eevee?"


The little one followed right behind her master as she opened the door to the outside of their room. "See you in class!" They both stepped outside and closed the door behind them.
Need something new. Until then, Oshawott disguised as Piplup!

Last edited by Kate; 12-12-2010 at 12:18 AM.
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