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Old 12-10-2010, 03:48 AM   #2

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Re: PKMN Academy [PG to PG-13]

Kate's Characters
Name: Claire Harishi

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance: Claire is five foot six inches tall (5'6) with light peach skin. She's skinny with a weight of 103 lbs. She has straight, long, shiny navy blue hair that goes five inches past her shoulder length. Her eye color is dark blue.

She wears a green T-shirt with two black strips at the end of each short-sleeve. Around her right wrist is a silver rose bracelet. A brown belt is hung around her waist with a small brown pouch attached to it. This is used to carry her pokeball for Torchic. A Bayleef, Shaymin, and Articuno keychain also dangle from one of the clips attached to the pouch. The top half of her legs are covered with a green short skirt that's attached to her shirt. Following under it is black skin tight shorts that end just above her knees. Finally, she has light brown sneakers.

History: Born in the Hoenn region, Claire has been interested in Pokemon since she was six. Her brother, who is three years older than her, got his first Pokemon at the age of eleven. She would play with her brother's Pokemon, Shinx, when given the chance. Her brother left for two journeys within her ages of eight and ten. Before his second journey, Claire was given a Torchic from him.

Within the first eight months, the two befriended each other. Just like her big brother, she wanted to go on a journey as well. The only problem is that she didn't know what to do. Claire decided to attend PKMN Academy in hopes of becoming a Pokemon trainer someday.

Personality: She's a very bright teenager. Most of her knowledge of Pokemon comes from her brother's pokedex which he also gave to her. Claire is an easy person to know and get along with. However, some of her cons affect her in different ways. Sometimes, she has troubles getting up by other people or things except her Torchic and herself. She also does get very impatient most of the time. Most of her arguments are with those who are rude or with her Torchic. Overall, she's a nice person who has many buttons people can easily push.

Party: Torchic

Pokemon: Torchic

Pokemon's Name: Torchic

Pokemon's Gender: Male

Pokemon's Personality: Torchic isn't a pushover Pokemon. He always likes to push itself to its limit during a battle. Claire and Torchic sometimes get in arguments over silly little things. This would usually lead it to disobeying her in battles. It prefers to stay out of its pokeball and enjoy the outside world. Though with its toughness, this orange little bird has a small sweet side to it.

Pokemon's Appearance
: There's no type of accessory on Torchic. It's just a regular Torchic that can be seen anywhere. Claire doesn't believe in dressing up a Pokemon.

Name: Naomi Walker

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her height is at five foot, six inches (5'6) and her skin color is a light peach tone. She has straight brown hair down to her shoulders. Her hair bangs are all together on the left side of her forehead. Naomi has a white hat with a light red trimming around it. Her eyes are hazel.

On her skinny body, she has a light blue T-shirt with a blue strip at the end of the two short-sleeves. A belt is wrapped around her waist with one pouch attached to it. On her back she carries a green backpack. For her legs, she has dark blue shorts. Finishing it off, she has white ankle socks and black and white sneakers.

History: Born in the Johto region, Naomi has had a hobby for Pokemon since she was young. At the age of eleven, she became a trainer and went off on her journey. She competed in her first Pokemon League at the age of twelve, losing to her rival, Daisuke, in the top ten. Since then, she's been laying back and enjoying life at home with her Pokemon.

Three years later, Naomi found out about a school named PKMN Academy. She gave some thought into joining it. After a few days of thinking, she applied for the school and was accepted. Before she goes off on her next journey, she wanted to learn more things, like cooking, more information about Pokemon, how to take care of them in case of Poison or Burn, for her journey and best of all, her Pokemon. With her new Pokemon, Eevee, the two readied themselves for the new school. She left home her Taillow, Luxray, Roselia, Alakazam, and Riolu.

Personality: Naomi is a nice person. She has a huge knowledge on Pokemon thanks to her journey. She tries to avoid much arguments as she possibly can since she thinks they're a waste of time. She can remain patient as long as it doesn't affect her in any way. During battles, she likes to get very competitive and enjoy every fun moment. Even though they are still new to each other, Eevee and Naomi get along great and can communicate well. She tries and helps anyone who needs it.

Party: Eevee, Rapidash, and Dragonair

Pokemon: Eevee

Pokemon's Name: Eevee

Pokemon's Gender: Girl

Pokemon's Personality: Eevee is a sweet and innocent Pokemon. She has a cute side to her that makes her so loveable. She tries and uses this to her advantage in battles for a few moves. Other than that, she's very competitive, just like her master.

Pokemon's Appearance: The same as all regular Eevees.

ZshadowX's Character
Name: Nishi Sahashi
Nickname: "West"
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: Nishi is 6 foot tall with light brown skin. He's weighs about 120 lbs. He doesn't work out, so he all slim and no muscle. He has really long black hair, which make him look like a girl. His eye color is dark brown eyes. He is very pretty and cute, boy clothes or girls clothes will still make him look good XD

when he is having a pokemon battle he quickly change into his Kimono. He wears a black kimono with two blue flowers on the sides. Around his waist, his sash or obi is bright red. He is wearing traditional footwear with split-toe socks. As for everyday life he mostly have different sets of clothes depending on how he's feeling.
History: After his dad left him and his mom when he was born, his mother raise him as best as she could. Since his mom is trying to be really a famous Fashion designer for people and pokemon, she always made Nishi try on the new sets of clothes she made, just to show off. Since Nishi mother thinks girls are better, she is the reason why Nishi sometimes dress up as a girl.
~ Side note his Dad Left to become a Pokemon Master!
Personality: Nishi's is a pokemon Genius. He doesnt real know why, but somehow pokemon feel all natural towards him. Nishi is very friendly and easy to get along with. He does get very shy towards new people. Mostly people tend to be really jealous toward Nishi. He doesnt like to fight or arguer , he doesn't like to cause any trouble. He prefer keeping peace and knows how to be a real gentle man. He loves to cosplay, cook, eat, and pretty much, he's a pretty boy.
Party: Cyndaquil, and Garchomp ( which his dad left behind for him )
1. Pokemon Basics / 8:00 am-9:00am
2. Contest 101 / 9:00am- 10:00am
3. Battle and Training / 10:00 am- 11:00am
Lunch 11:00 am - 12:00pm
4. Pokemon Care / 12:00 pm- 1:00pm
5. Pokemon Environment Watch / 1:00pm - 2:00 pm

Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Pokemon's Name: Spirit
Pokemon's Gender: male
Pokemon's Personality: Spirit is no push over, he is the exact opposite of Nishi, he's rude, love to fight, but even though he may act tought, he really cares for and trust Nishi. But Spirit always seem to cause trouble for Nishi.
Pokemon's Appearance: Nishi's mom and Nishi love dressing up Spirit. Spirit always wearing something different depending how Nishi feels.Spirit hates wearing clothes, so whenever Spirit has the chance he burns his clothes right off, but not in front of Nishi of course. The only reason why he accepts wearing clothes is for Nishi, so he tries not to hurt his feeling.

Grimdefeat's character

Name: Mathias
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: Mathias is 5'8 has messy dark brown hair, gray eyes, and tan skin, he is muscular from living in the wild.
History: Mathias lived in the Hoenn region alone, with his pokemon haunter and zangoose. He didn't have a home for his parents both died in a horrible fire when he was 10, since then he had wandered all over Hoenn staying at Pokecenters for shelter other than that he lived off the wild. When needed he would ambush innocent people that were passing by but he really didn't enjoy it. Eventually he saved up enough to enroll at the Pokemon academy mainly for a long period home but also to learn all he needed to become a gym leader.
Personality: Mathias is very brave, he is also very in touch with the land and very strong willed. He has fairly good intelligence and him and his haunter get along perfectly
8 to 9 battle and training
9 to 10 pokemon basics
10 to 11 pokemon environment watch
11 to 12 lunch
12 to 1 pokemon care
1 to 2 travel basics
Pokemon: zangoose
Pokemon's Gender: male
Pokemon's Personality: zangoose is a bit of a joker but all together is very strong willed and determined just like his trainer.

Shidohari's character

Name: Tajah Black
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tajah hails from the Sinnoh region is 5 foot 7 with ice blue eyes and shoulder length black hair (OOC: for a style reference think the style of Hotaru Tomoe from sailor moon since i don't know the actual name of the style). She wears a white blouse with black knit pants that have pockets in them. Her shoes are white tennishoes. She wears a Hunter Green fanny pack on a belt where her pokeballs are attached. She always reads on her free time.
History: Prior to the pokemon Academy she worked in a shop off the beaten path Near Solaceon town selling quilts made by her mother. At eighteen, her mother requested that she goes out and makes her way on her own. Her tododile was a gift from her parents a year before, and as such joins her upon her departure to the academy.
Personality: Not very much a social bug. Tends to sometimes say things meant as a joke that comes across as rude to other parties. Has no interest in dating or long term relationship and is very picky on who she makes friends with. As mentioned before her favorite hobby is reading.
Party: Tododile (Icefang)

Pokemon Basics: 8AM to 9AM
Battle and Training: 9AM to 10AM
Pokemon Environment Watch: 10AM to 11AM
Lunch: 11AM to NOON
Pokemon Care: NOON to 1PM
Travel Basics: 1PM to 2PM

Pokemon: Tododile
Pokemon's Name: Icefang
Pokemon's Gender: Male
Pokemon's Personality: Tododile is a happy pokemon, he's never upset unless there is a time things don't go his way. In fact in this aspect Icefang is the opposite in alot of ways to the personality of his trainer, as well as a opposite to his own name.
Pokemon's Appearance: Typical tododile

Rhetorical Gamer's Character

Name: Nick Hikari
Appearance: 6,1 a light brown complexion. Nick wears his old and worn Team Rocket hoodie and a dirty Pokemon Ranger cap backwards along with his blue jeans with his pokeballs on his belt with his dirty running shoes.
History: Nick was born and raised in Goldenrod City at 17 he joined Team Rocket thinking at the time they were cool. But soon after he discovered their true colors when he saw a young Mareep and Larvitar being forced to evolve. He quit the gang and rescued the two young Pokemon soon after the ordeal the the two began to trust thing and were grateful of his actions. As time when on the Pokemon fully trusted Nick and became his own Pokemon now Nick want to attend the Pokemon Academy to become a Pokemon Ranger to help Pokemon everywhere!
Personality: Nick may look menacing but is a nice, laid back and often a silly guy and a procrastinator. But when the time calls for it he is serious.
Party: Larvitar, Mareep
Schedule: Pokemon Basics: 8AM to 9AM
Battle and Training: 9AM to 10AM
Pokemon Environment Watch: 10AM to 11AM
Lunch: 11AM to Noon
Pokemon Care: Noon to 1PM
Travel Basics: 1PM to 2PM

Pokemon: Larvitar, Mareep
Pokemon Name: Tyrant, Sami
Pokemon Gender: Male, Female
Pokemon Appearance: Larvitar has blue wristbands to cover the damage from the forced evolution. Mareep has a cute red bow on her hear to cover a scar caused by the rockets.
Pokemon Personality: Larvitar is shy to new people and hides behind Nick. Mareep is always determined to anything it does and has the habit of taking things.

Need something new. Until then, Oshawott disguised as Piplup!

Last edited by Kate; 12-14-2010 at 08:23 PM. Reason: PUDDI PUDDI
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