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Old 12-02-2010, 04:26 AM   #14
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Re: MMO Game Recommendations

Originally Posted by Gatx View Post
I guess I'm a bit late, but this topic is still on the front page so....

My first and favorite MMORPG was Star Wars Galaxies, but its changed now so. It had a great community, with player run economy, player run towns, and etc.

The only game that I've found that comes close to that, that's F2P anyway, is Mabinogi. Its graphics have its own charm, and there's so much to do other than grinding. For example there's a system where your character can play music that you write, though its just for leisure, it doesn't give buffs or anything. A lot of people will stand around town playing anime songs.

Its also one of the few games out there where characters won't all be wearing the same armor. Typically I've found that most games only offer one set of armor for each class at each level interval.

So definitely if you want to try something out of the ordinary you should try Mabinogi.
I tried Maginogi for a while... Ended up not liking it.

Though you can get different's incredibly...INCREDIBLY expensive. And no gear really offers any significant boosts until later on and then you can restart your leveling process so it's kind of...a grind in its own sense. I didn't find much replay value.

That and you can get mounts but you have to pay for them.

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