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Old 04-05-2010, 05:01 PM   #3

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Re: Who's your hero?

I have a few, for many different reasons. My answers are going to vary vastly from someone who isn't Canadian.

Terry Fox - This is easily my first choice. For those who aren't of Canadian heritage and are unaware, Terry was a very athletic person growing up, he was diagnosed with cancer in his knee and had to have his leg amputated. Instead of laying down and giving up, Terry set off to run all the way across Canada on a prosthetic leg. He started in St. John's, Newfoundland and was supposed to end up in British Columbia. Terry ran the equivalent of a marathon EVERY single day he ran. When he reached the outskirts of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Terry was having a hard time running due to pains in his chest. He asked to be driven to the hospital, and it was revealed that the cancer had spread to his lungs. Terry flew back home to BC. Shortly after, Terry fell into a coma and passed away. He had run for a total of 143 days or 5,280 kilometers. This is why, every September (The month in which he collapsed in Thunder Bay) the nation holds "The Terry Fox Run" which virtually every city and school take part in to raise money for cancer research. A true Canadian hero.

Wayne Gretzky - Even if you don't know hockey, or hate the sport, you know his name. Wayne set over 50 NHL records, many that still stand today and may not be beaten for a very long time. Every Canadian kid knows his name. He also happens to be a personal friend of my dad's since they grew up and went to public school together.

These two are the first that come to mind, but I could think of many more. I just don't want to write a novel ;]

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