Thread: Conventions
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Old 03-25-2010, 10:11 AM   #7
Tempest Wind

Seki Tomokazu Fangirl
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Re: Conventions

If it's your first con, you won't cosplay, but you'll wish you did. Then, when you finally do, you'll realize your costume isn't nearly as good as the other costumes out there, and you'll lose some -- but not all -- of your nerve. XP. That's the experience all of my friends went through during their first and second cons at least.

Scribbles is totally right about eating and drinking. I recommend bringing your own food because everything is INCREDIBLY expensive or out of reach. Normally during conventions I subsist on breakfast bars, trail mix bars, and pretzels. Not very healthy, but it's only a few times a year. There are no microwaves ready, and hot water can be hard to come by, so I don't recommend bringing anything that requires cooking or refrigeration.

Also, if you room with other people, they may have food as well. That's always fun. (It's so sweet because my typical roomies know I'm vegetarian, so they bring me vegetarian food. <3)

Also also, be crazy and do your own thing. =B I rarely hang out with my typical group of friends and instead search the con for other people cosplaying from the same series as me. It's a great way to meet people and free yourself entirely from your typical day-to-day life. X3

Aaaaand, the last day of the con is depressing. *nods* I cry. Most people don't even cosplay on the last day, and everything feels sluggish. You're thrust back into normal life, after having spent three days in an anime world closed off from the rest of society, and it's a difficult adjustment. But it's so worth it.

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