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littledevil398 07-18-2010 04:49 PM

PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB and I will be posting information about the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Cataclysm, in this thread. This will include previews of the new zones as well as changes to the old zones, talents, professions, and the new races as well. If you want to see screenshots or have questions about anything in particular feel free to request/ask and we will do our best to answer you.

Talent Trees

Blizzard has changed a lot of stuff concerning the talent trees. For example, at level 85 you will only have 41 talent points to spend instead of the original 76. When you hit level 10 you will be asked to pick which talent specialization you wish your character to be. As soon as you coose this, you will recieve a trademark talent of that particular specialization as well as a few passive abilities as well. (ex. Priests will get Pennance at level 10 if they choose the Discpline specialization) Players will also not be able to spend any talent points outside of their chosen tree until they pick up the 31 point talent. This will give you 10 extra points at level 85 to put into other specializations.

UI Changes

PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB 07-20-2010 01:08 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB would like to note that Blizzard is still working on the Cata updates for professions so theres nothing to say for any of those, though they have added new fishing & cooking dailies in some cities. Bob would also like to note the 3 new areas for 80s that have been released for beta testing are: Hyjal Summit, Vashj'ir (underwater zone), and Deepholm (Blizzard is still working on this area, and as such, there are still areas of the map not yet developed). Additional Pictures and information to come.

littledevil398 07-20-2010 01:41 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
As requested by Jubi, here are some pictures from Ashenvale and Desloace


Jubilee 07-20-2010 01:46 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
Huzzah! My two favorite zones...From the looks of it though...Ashenvale might be gone before we know it. #bawww

Desolace on the other hand looks really nice...and is that a flight point I see out at the lighthouse? Finally! #poplar

EagleEyes 07-20-2010 03:28 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
Just as I always imagined Bob, a wolf creature in a top hat...

littledevil398 07-21-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
Here are some pictures from the new zones.



Jubilee 07-21-2010 10:55 AM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
Oh my gosh! A Harpie Queen! #ohdear

Also, may I point out Archdruid Staghelm in chains? Interesting...I wonder what they are doing with the Nelf Lore...Hyjal seems like it is going to be the center of action for the first couple patches from what I can see here and have read.

(Also, A HARPIE QUEEN OMG! #poplar)

grimdefeat 07-21-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
after seeing those pics i just had a nerd attack.

littledevil398 07-27-2010 10:32 AM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
The guild leveling is now up and running. As you quest now your guild will also gain experience as you do. Each level that your guild goes up will unlock new guild perks.

Level 1- Fast Track – Experience gained from killing monsters and completing quests increased by 5%

Level 2 – Mount Up – Increases speed while mounted by 5%. Not active in BGs or arena.

Level 3 – Mr. Popularity – Reputation gained from killing monsters and completing quests increased by 5%

Level 4 – Cash Flow – Each time you loot money from an enemy, an extra 5% money is generated and deposited directly into your guild bank.

Level 5 – Fast Track – Experience gained from killing monsters and completing quests increased by 10%

Level 6 – Reinforce – Items take 5% less durability loss when you die.

Level 7 – Hasty Hearth – Reduces the cooldown on your Hearthstone by 15 minutes

Level 8 – Reinforce – Items take 10% less durability loss when you die.

Level 9 – Chug-A-Lug – The duration of buffs from all guild cauldrons and feasts increased by 50%.

Level 10 – Mobile Banking – Summons your guild bank. (1 hour cd)

Level 11 – Mr. Popularity – Reputation gained from killing monsters and completing quests increased by 10%.

Level 12 – Honorable Mention – Increases Honor points gained by 5%.

Level 13 – Working Overtime – Increases the chance to gain a skill increase on tradeskills by 10%

Level 14 – The Quick and the Dead – Increases health and mana gained when resurrected by a guild member by 50% and increases movement speed while dead by 100%. Does not function in combat or while in a BG or Arena.

Level 15 – Cash Flow - Each time you loot money from an enemy, an extra 10% money is generated and deposited directly into your guild bank

Level 16 – Guild Mail – In-game mail sent between guild members now arrives instantly.

Level 17 – Everyone’s A Hero – Increases Heroism points gained by 5%

Level 18 – Honorable Mention – Increases Honor points gained by 10%

Level 19 – Increases the number of flasks gained from using a flask cauldron by 100%

Level 20 – Have Group, Will Travel – Summons all raid or party members to the caster’s current location (2 hour cd)

Level 21 – Chug-A-Lug – The duration of buffs from all guild cauldrons and feasts is increased by 100%

Level 22 – Bountiful Bags – Increases the quantity of materials gained from Mining, Skinning, Herbalism, and Disenchanting by 15%.

Level 23 – Bartering – Reduces the price of items from all vendors by 5%.

Level 24 – Everyone’s A Hero – Increases Heroism points gained by 10%.

Level 25 – Mass Resurrection – Brings all dead party and raid members back to life with 35 health and 35 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.

PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB 09-14-2010 01:09 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
PiSsEdSiLeNtBoB notes that its been a while since the last update. Blizzard is still tweaking and adjusting stuff, such as the newly released Twilight Highlands and Uldum. Log in one day and start questing in the Highlands, next day, they've already changed some stuff. So heres a few additional pictures for various things, including pics of the mage's new spells, Flame Orb and Curtain of Frost, plus a little something extra in some of the pics from a former Wow comic artist now Wow quest devloper. They have also just unveiled the current pricing for flying in the new Azeroth, Basic flying will cost about 200-300g depending on your reputation with that race, and epic flying will cost about 5000g at exalted, this is currently trainable at the city flight masters. Note that these could change if Blizzard feels the need to raise it.


EagleEyes 12-11-2010 05:58 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
I have a top hat Worgen now :)

Jubilee 12-11-2010 06:49 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
One step closer to ruling Azeroth...WITH A TOP HAT! #poplar

jessileo127 12-11-2010 07:35 PM

Re: Wolrd of Warcraft Cataclysm Preview
Any chances of screen shots of what has happened to Dark Shore??? And what of Teldressal? Does it still stand??? Same question for the Exodar...

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