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Zero Gravity 01-26-2010 01:46 PM

What grinds your gears?
Write down what bothers you, vent a little, no matter how petty.
- Always start with "You know what grinds my gears?"
- DO NOT post anything to backlash someone over something you think is silly, everyone is respected to they're own opinions.
- No complaining about people loving a specific Pokemon version/game over another....

I'll start:
You know what grinds my gears?
People who can't properly tip delivery drivers or don't tip at all, but it's even MORE annoying is when the drivers whine about it

EagleEyes 01-26-2010 01:55 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?
When people leave the TV / Radio / anything vollume on an UNEVEN NUMBER!

Elk 01-26-2010 05:02 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by EagleEyes (Post 7834)
You know what grinds my gears?
When people leave the TV / Radio / anything vollume on an UNEVEN NUMBER!

Moi aussi, though 5 is also acceptable to me. YAY OCD!

Oni 01-26-2010 05:19 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?
When you set something to download and an error occurs after you walk away.

mitamaking 01-26-2010 09:19 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?
People who expect deep stories in everything, Mortal Kombat the movie, Chu-Bra, even something like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians are totally fine because you get what you want mindless fun.

Shadowblade Edge 01-26-2010 09:22 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
The culture of having to tip people, it defeats the point of tipping.

cj16bit 01-27-2010 12:25 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?
People who canth finish a full song they get half way through a song and change it

EagleEyes 01-28-2010 12:37 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?

Oni 01-28-2010 01:14 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
Know what grinds my gears?

ace8489 01-28-2010 01:21 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears
Anime made into horrible live action movies.

Elk 01-28-2010 11:20 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears? Lack of proper lubrication :awesome:

cj16bit 01-28-2010 02:22 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears
gamestop employees not knowing anything about video games

Shin_No_Kokoro 01-28-2010 03:36 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears??? well do you??

Tewy 01-28-2010 04:22 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
well i have to admit i'm sorry for being annoying but it's so much fun and what grinds my gears is the person who created me to be a wind up doll

Bonediddly 01-29-2010 02:09 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?
People with long strings of numbers in their usernames.

TheDrunkenShadow 02-01-2010 08:03 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?

When the neighbors on the floor above me play their stereo with the bass all the way up at 3am. That's not even music at that point... That's just... Dust shaking loose.

Zero Gravity 02-02-2010 01:35 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
You know what grinds my gears?

Lady Gaga, wtf is so awesome about her? Her music sucks! So what does dressing skimpy automatically make you a world class singer?????
I hate Lady Gaga.... -_-

EagleEyes 02-03-2010 02:34 AM

Re: What grinds your gears?
Do you know what grinds my gears?

People who have nothing better to do that be absolute morons and waste your time.

Tewy 02-04-2010 04:32 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
Do you know what grinds my gears?

of course you don't and that what grinds my gears people who tell me they know things when they don't

Zodiac_Blader 02-07-2010 03:16 PM

Re: What grinds your gears?
Do you know what grinds my gears?

People who keep asking you the same question after you answer them because they don't like the answer you gave

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