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ScrumYummy 08-14-2010 10:04 AM

Scott Pilgrim movie
So, who has seen it? What are your opinions/reviews?

I saw it last night; I have to say, I was really apprehensive about Michael Cera playing Scott Pilgrim because Michael Cera doesn't really act that often, but he pulled it off a lot better than I was expecting!

The movie overall is good; the comedic timing is really good, the added jokes were funny. But (and I know it's unfair to compair them to the books, because they made the movie before the last book was out--although IMHO, that was a mistake) the ending was very different from the books. I'm sure it made sense to people that hadn't read them, but to me it was one gaping plot hole after another (because they introduced some things related to the ending earlier in the movie, but then didn't explain it at the end, when they should have). I am also a little butthurt that characters that redeemed themselves in the book series had to have Scott's help to do so in the movie. So instead of characters figuring out their own problems, Scott would say something that would suddenly change their lives, thus making him to be more of a hero. A little annoying, but forgivable since they had an hour and 45 minutes to tell the whole story.

Anyway, I think I have rambled enough XD I can go more into depth about my points for anyone that doesn't mind spoilers.

Lite 08-14-2010 11:51 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Bah, I gotta wait until the UK release on August 23rd I think? Still, I've got the game to tide me over - need to buy the books at some point too. I'm a very late convert to the series ^^;

Trailers do look amazing though, and I do look forward to seeing it in all it's referential glory.

twillÿ 08-14-2010 12:04 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
I watched the trailers and the movie looks pretty interesting. We might go see it this weekend, but I dunno. I have never read the books, so I think I'll be less disappointed, from the sounds of it. =P

Llian 08-14-2010 12:31 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
I really wanna read the books, and when I have time I'm going to watch the movie as well.

Lite 08-14-2010 01:22 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie

Originally Posted by Llian (Post 18012)
I really wanna read the books, and when I have time I'm going to watch the movie as well.

Agreed with Llian. Llian just needs to get off of BlazBlue long enough (and stop kicking my butt by the way :P )

ClearMetalVoltar 08-14-2010 07:17 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
hmm ive never heard of the book or movie. im goig to have to do some research on this#smize

ScrumYummy 08-15-2010 10:33 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
O_O lite you have done an amazing thing. (lol, I love your sig and av.)


Originally Posted by twillÿ (Post 18009)
I watched the trailers and the movie looks pretty interesting. We might go see it this weekend, but I dunno. I have never read the books, so I think I'll be less disappointed, from the sounds of it. =P

Oh, don't get me wrong, the movie is great! Also, the first half or so is VERY in line with the comics, or make changes that perfectly fine. It's just the last third or so was radically different, but it probably makes sense if you don't know what to expect. I'm actually going to go see it again so that I can figure this out XD

ZshadowX 08-15-2010 08:34 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
This movie is MADE BY GEEKS FOR GEEKS, I swear to GOD that there were lots of reference to anime , and games. I LOVE IT!!!!!! I saw it on Saturday, at 2:20 pm pst, im going to frame my ticket btw

Lets see, I say some Dragon Ball Z reference, Death Note, the 1 ups from mario oh and the Sex Bo-BOMB! saw a Astroboy T-shirt, Heard some videos games music like Legend of Zelda, the fairy temple, Street fighter, Flashback were in a manga style, as for me the last Battle, maybe its just me but I felt like i was watching a Star Wars Movie, which i thought was really good, Oh and that one part where Scott Pilgrim must fight Meca Scott or something lol, it remind me of LInk Vs Dark Link :P this are my Opinions btw ~ Im just Sayin

for those who haven't watch the movie

What are you waiting for, go watch it NOW!

EagleEyes 08-16-2010 04:14 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
I want to see it, and have no idea of what to expect.

Elk 08-17-2010 06:36 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
The comic series was Canadian. Therefore it is awesome.

TehScribbles 08-17-2010 12:39 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Best.Movie. Ever. I really want the soundtrack it was just amazing @_@ I thought Michael Cera was great playing Scott xD

I loved the part with Seinfeld, I don't think me and my friends laughed so hard. xD

bemused_Bohemian 08-24-2010 09:19 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Terrific flick. Luckily, the movie trailers don't totally reveal the meat of the plotline so you might be surprised with how they handled it. The nerds from ANN were right to laud this little gem. Usually when a group of nerds gush about anything that's the premise for the Kiss of Death no matter what it is. Movie doesn't follow books 100% and, heck, why would you want it too? This way you'll HAVE to COLLECT 'em all, right?

Warning: non-spoiler alert: flick a little slow in places. Bring popcorn and candy wrappers so you can irritate those around you during these brief times of boredom.

Lite 08-26-2010 09:43 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Fantastic, fantastic film. I saw it last night. I want to go again. Right now. Even though it's only 5am. Edgar Wright really did the comics justice - and it really is nice to see another comic book movie done right after the many flopped attempts my mainstream Hollywood.

Power of Love fight was amazing. o____o

*goes back to staring in awe*

ZshadowX 08-28-2010 02:06 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
I have really bad news guys

Scott Pilgrim Vs the World is not making a budget
for a movie for a really high budget, they are not selling well

~ Z

Lite 08-28-2010 11:06 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
EVERYONE GO SEE IT ANOTHER 5 TIMES. I just saw it for my second time xD

It's such a shame that a really good film isn't doing well at the box office. Too many people like their Hollywood recycled drivel that probably cost nothing to make. *grumble grumble*

Llian 08-28-2010 11:15 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Stupid Avatar sucking up SP's profit :x

Snapplemonkey 11-13-2010 09:33 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Watched it 3 times at the theater and bought the Blue-ray this week!!! Simply put... EPIC!

twillÿ 11-16-2010 01:55 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
I just saw this the other day and I liked it a lot. :3

Late, I know. >>; ..it happens.

Snapplemonkey 11-16-2010 02:33 AM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie
Just imagine all the millions of people who haven't seen this movies... I feel sorry for them.

Kate 11-16-2010 07:25 PM

Re: Scott Pilgrim movie

Originally Posted by Snapplemonkey (Post 22572)
Just imagine all the millions of people who haven't seen this movies... I feel sorry for them.

Thanks. I feel sorry for myself as well. Wanted to, but got a big "NO".

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