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EagleEyes 07-11-2010 03:14 AM

Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
Leave Chibi a nice message in his quest to put down the death sticks #nofighting

You can do it!#dragon

Cameron 07-11-2010 03:25 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
If you quit smoking, I'll give you a nice big hug! After all, Chibis shouldn't smoke, nor should Jesus!

Chibi-Katanashi 07-11-2010 03:42 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
o.o... oh my...

Amui 07-11-2010 08:22 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
I hear if you quit smoking, you won't die as fast as you would otherwise.
In which case you have more time to listen to 91.8 and talk to me #darling

Jubilee 07-11-2010 10:08 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
You see...I have this raccoon here. Now, I know you are thinking "But Jubilee, what incentive would a raccoon have in a case like this?" Well, this is no ordinary raccoon! He can not only spit fire, but he also comes fully equipped with laser vision. As an added bonus, he has learned to sniff out land mines and dig them up unharmed! And he can be yours if you call now and put down the death sticks! :awesome:

Dophanes "D!" Raosuke 07-11-2010 10:46 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
*squirts him with a water bottle* I say sir, stop that act of indecency this instant, tis a horrible and atrocious addiction :ideedopen:

ace8489 07-11-2010 03:25 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
Did you know that 100% off all smokers die?

Kyonikov 07-13-2010 04:57 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
If you stop smoking you have more money to buy figurines. True story.

SaiQ 07-13-2010 09:38 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
Hey Chibi, see this kitten?


Isn't it a cute cuddly kitten?

Well if you don't quit smoking, guess what happens to the cute kitten?


Cerulaine 07-13-2010 02:08 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
Ewwww smoking! IT IS BAD, MMKAY? XD

TehScribbles 07-13-2010 02:23 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
If you quit smoking everything that you own will smell better! ^_^

Zero Gravity 07-13-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
If you quit smoking, I promise I won't beat you to death on your birthday

Cameron 07-13-2010 05:44 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
Here, I got a better one then my last one...


Did you know? Every time I bought old game systems, such as NESes, they always had this smell to them... I guessed it was just how old games smelt. It made sense, every single one I bought smelt the same.

Then, one day, I got a really good whiff of cigarette smoke after someone came into our shop without putting out their cigarette... I then realized that I wasn't buying second hand game systems... I WAS BUYING SECOND HAND SMOKE!


But yeah, you can't sell your old systems if you smoke, they stink.

Louis6507 07-13-2010 06:59 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!

Originally Posted by Kyonikov (Post 15767)
If you stop smoking you have more money to buy figurines. True story.



I know how tough it is...I actually just quit smoking this past February. I had tried a few times with the patches, and they never worked. So, I bought one of those Ecigs (the Joye 510). It was pretty cool with the no smell and I had black with a blue LED. The flavors were cool, like: grape, banana cream pie, cherry, etc... I started off with 36mg nic, and "stepped down" until I was vaping the 0mg nic fluids. And, before I knew it, I would keep forgetting to charge it and I just stopped vaping.

It took me about 2 months and cost about $150...but IT WAS SOOOO WORTH IT!!! ^_^ Yes, it's true I put on about 10 pounds afterward that I'm still trying to lose again...but, now the delicious food I love tastes so much better! And, my gf said my car doesn't stink anymore! ^_^ And...I was able to spend my money on much more important things...like the Toradora! DVD I bought from RosenQueen/NISA! ^_~

If I did it...you can do it too!

Tsundere 07-14-2010 02:53 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
If you quit smoking I could give you a good old Irish hug (the best hugs you can get). Plus dont forget with the extra money you can quent your thirst for anime and manga!!!!

kristy85 06-06-2011 02:05 AM

Re: Quit Smoking!
1. Slowly reduce smoking habits with extended gaps which will minimize addiction to cigarette smoking.
2. Keep some chocolates or chewing gums with you. Whenever you feel for smoking take one chocolate or chewing gum and keep in your mouth and concentrate in your work.
3. Whenever you feel to smoke immediately leave your room and do some physical exercise which is helpful to forget smoking.
4. Avoid company associated in smoking habits.
5. Avoid to inhale smokes from any smoking person surrounding you because indirect smoking will also be addictive and harmful.
6. Don't keep cigarette packet along with you.
7. Make a tour program in high altitude mountain trekking. In high altitude you will feel no urge to smoke. If you can spend a week in such high altitude place you can quit smoking. If you can motivate yourself after return at home that will be the best opportunity to quit smoking for ever.

jessileo127 06-06-2011 09:47 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
I live with a special person close to my heart, she smokes 20 a day, inside the house. You got it, Jessi's mum.
Everytime I meet a new person I allways get asked if I smoke, even through my best purfume or sprays my clothes stink of the second hand smoke.
Scientist also have prooved for every two cigs my mum smokes, I smoke one through Second hand... I've taken a habit of opening windows and keeping a personal fan with me whenever my mum lights up.

I believe you can do it, save us non-smokers from smoking one per two you smoke!
Good luck Dude/ette!

homie_jiraiya 06-06-2011 12:07 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
I hope that works out better for you than the last six times I tried to quit

Bargain Gamer 06-06-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
Hm, incentives to stop smoking? Well, I can't say much more than what's already been said, but if you'd like I could review a game for you or something. It's not much, but if it helps you quit I'm more than happy to do so. Assuming you want to quit of course. ^ ^;

grimdefeat 06-07-2011 10:50 AM

Re: Help Chibi-Katanashi Quit Smoking!
smokings bad mmkay

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