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Cyrus 05-12-2010 07:32 AM

Anyone read novels... ever?
right now i'm reading the percy jackson series it's so good i love it and i certainly would recommend it for everyone.

Zero Gravity 05-12-2010 08:29 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Last novel I read was "Killing Mr. Garrison" in my 2nd to last year of high school, bare in mind, Im 22 now so it's been almost 4-5 years since I read a novel...
Actually now that i think about that, thats a lie, I re-read "Death Note: Another note, the Los Angeles BB Murder Cases". a few months ago...
But I dunno if that counts?

Bonediddly 05-12-2010 09:07 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Fiction is a bit of a passion of mine, so I'm kinda obsessive with novels.
Lately I've been reading the "Foundation" series. Very, very, very, good.

Tyto 05-12-2010 09:41 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
I was reading Tokyo Vice before December and then I lost it somewhere between Philadelphia and Chicago without having finished it. I was enjoying it too...

Mollybibbles 05-12-2010 10:45 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
I'm re-reading the Case Book of Sherlock Holmes right now. It's been a few years since I read it last so I figured I would pick it up again

hounddog 05-12-2010 02:16 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Fiction is my heart and soul - I have stacks upon stacks of books waiting for my attention, and stacks and stacks more that I've already read.

Right now, oddly enough, I'm reading nonfiction: Defiance by Nechama Tec, which the movie (starring uber-hunk Daniel Craig) was based on.

twillÿ 05-13-2010 06:03 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Harry Potter, if that counts. My favorite series. Yup, HP nerd. :ouh:

I haven't in a while, but my other favorite series, novel-wise, is Redwall. Amazing books right there. So much adventure. I've never been pulled into a fantasy realm as fascinating as this one.

ZshadowX 05-13-2010 06:36 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Im reading Lords of the Flies, a very interesting book indeed

Chris 05-13-2010 11:30 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
In the past year I've only read one novel, which is a shame, but my life has just been too hectic. That novel I speak of was "To Kill a Mocking Bird". I'm also a fan of the Harry Potter series. I've read the entire series enough times for a dozen people. I started reading when I was three years old, started tutoring other kids when I was five and six, and was always involved with my school's library. Needless to say, literature was a big passion of mine growing up. Not to say it isn't anymore, it just evolved into many different variations.

I've heard good things about the Percy Jackson series, I may give it a spin eventually.

Jubilee 05-13-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Oy...it's been a long couple years...I've read quite a few good ones...

All 7 Harry Potter's...Love em...favorite series
I've read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King up to 5...I really need to just go finish...just can't find time for this one though :-/
- Read The Shining, Christine, Pet Semetary, Carrie, andThe Dead Zone by King as well recently
For School we read The Scarlet Letter...which was horrible imo...but it's a 'classic' so, meh...
Also read Candide, which I enjoyed.
And Brave New World...but it wasn't my cup of tea.
There was To Kill A Mockingbird, which was a very good book.
Let's see...what else...Oh yes... The Crucible was interesting...
Lord of the Flies was good...
Of Mice and Men, The Pearl, and Grapes of Wrath are all Steinbeck, so therefore I dislike them...I just do not care for his books at all...
Narnia series...
OH! The Great Gatsby as well...I loved that one...that was probably my favorite one for English class :biggrin:

Cyrus 05-14-2010 10:06 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
oh my goodness, you guys read so much i am very surprised indeed.
I didn't like the harry potter series omg, thought they were kind of boring i didn't like the names.

FDSuprema 05-14-2010 02:00 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
Well, I haven't read anything recently... I've read the first two of the Eragon books and am working on the final one, but stopped halfway through like half a year ago, so I'm gonna need to re-read that. I've read the entire Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. I've also read the entire Harry Potter series... I don't read much anymore though.

moonhawk81 05-16-2010 11:16 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
I read constantly. I'm a huge fan of The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, and am currently reading Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey. Also having lots of fun right now with Ozzy's new auto bio I Am Ozzy.

LucJenson 08-17-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?

Originally Posted by Bonediddly (Post 13476)
Fiction is a bit of a passion of mine, so I'm kinda obsessive with novels.
Lately I've been reading the "Foundation" series. Very, very, very, good.

Isaac Azimov. My god how I never thought anyone else would be reading it. I'm still looking for my dad's copies. He's got them somewhere amongst all the belongings in this house. It's just a matter of locating them. Wow; how are they!? Are they as good as I've heard?

grimdefeat 08-18-2010 09:43 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
ive recently been reading the forgoten realms books i love the whole enviorment R.A. Salvatore has put together in everyone of the books he made and the stories of drizzt do'urden are just amazing.

TheDrunkenShadow 08-18-2010 12:25 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
I'm a fan of the fiction and fantasy genres. I find myself enjoying a novel more if I can tell the author put a lot of thought into their work to make a rich plot. I'm also a sucker for series with recurring characters where past events actually affect what happens in later books.

moonhawk81 08-18-2010 08:16 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
I love Salvatore's works, especially the Sellswords trilogy! Also a big fan of Friedman's Coldfire trilogy.

Rocco 08-23-2010 12:27 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?

Originally Posted by Jubilee (Post 13547)
I've read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King up to 5...I really need to just go finish...just can't find time for this one though :-/

You need to get on this.

You need to get on this right now.

Although, for the last book, a warning should be issued. DO NOT READ THE CODA. Seriously. He tells you not to read it. I was warned but I didn't listen.

I DIDN'T LISTEN! #omgveryno

That aside I like reading a lot. Looking back on my school days I wish I had read the books given to me with a bit more enthusiasm. But like most of my interest I'll try anything once

Zehutsumei 08-23-2010 01:45 AM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
I'm currently reading the whole Hitchiker's set, and by reading I mean the first book is somewhere in my room half read...

homie_jiraiya 08-23-2010 08:30 PM

Re: Anyone read novels... ever?
i believe i outnerd you all on this

android karenina, sense and senseability and seamonsters, and my fav pride and predjudice and zombies

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