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Zero Gravity 06-07-2011 12:13 PM

Nintendo Wii U
As well all know Nintendo released pictures for the "Wii U".
here are spoiler images taken from Pokebeach:

It's going to run at a 1080p and allow players to change between screens when playing games.

Thoughts, Concerns, Hopes?

Kanashimi 06-07-2011 12:56 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

I was disappointed.

Zero Gravity 06-07-2011 01:50 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 30009)

That is the best GIF I've ever seen you post

Kanashimi 06-07-2011 01:58 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by Zero Gravity (Post 30010)
That is the best GIF I've ever seen you post

Haha, well, I don't mean to be a downer, but the reality of it is that the 3DS made me excited and this did not. When they showcased the 3DS last year they displayed software to get me excited, and that was what sold me (I just wanted to see it myself at that point). With the Wii U we got a lot of promises, PS3 & X360 footage, and one cut-scene of a bird flying away that was sub-par to me. Obviously that clip was better than the Wii, but was it really better than other systems we have. I don't mean to sound shallow and just talk about graphics, but there's also the case that this whole console to handheld/controller was featured twice already.

In Konami's press conference they talked about "transfarring", which means taking a game save from PSP/Vita to PS3 and vice verse. During Sony's conference they went on to display this feature with not just Konami games (not referring to it was "transfarring"), but with several titles they showcased. Not to be a Sony fangirl here, but the Vita has the same technology to do the same thing, but with possibly a higher output graphically.

What they displayed today was not impressive, what they needed to do was bring the best they could or wait till next year. It makes me wonder if the leak of all this next console from Nintendo was intentional or rushed. I just feel like the next generation will put Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft in the same place they are now.

Could it be fun or interesting? Sure! But Nintendo isn't gonna sell me by offering me Batman: Arkham City six to nine months after I've beaten it on Playstation 3. Why would I do that when it's more costly and I still don't have a guarantee of a trophy/achievement system or a more streamlined online (by online I'm referring to how long it takes me to navigate their store, access friends lists, etc and not just online gaming).

Regardless, Nintendo had the biggest announcement this year, but I didn't like how they approached it. It was underwhelming for me personally.

Zero Gravity 06-07-2011 03:01 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
I'm frankly not happy that they said "Smash Brothers?" and laughed in our faces from there on out.
Although I was on the verge of chucking my 3DS because they where bragging about the e-shop and I' was trying to update my 3DS all day to get the e-shop.
I'm going to give the Wii-U a chance, but it ALSO depends on the release games and the price because the Wii last time really gave me a gargantuan middle finger on release day

Kate 06-07-2011 08:36 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
I'm very unsure about the Wii U. Sure, the graphics for some of the stuff were a little better than the Wii but the whole touch pad thing made me have second thoughts. That thing is HUGE and that's suppose to be one of our controllers? I'll be having to put that on my lap rather than holding it out like I usually do for my other controllers. And the console itself... It looks mehish. I think they just rushed this. They should of just waited since the Wii still has some potential in it. It's not even that old. The only thing I know I want so far is the new Smash Bros. I'll keep my eye on this, but so far it's not buying me.

Kanashimi 06-07-2011 08:55 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by Kate (Post 30015)
Sure, the graphics for some of the stuff were a little better than the Wii...

I'mma put this right here:

This morning, Nintendo showed off a highlight reel of third-party games supposedly running on its new Wii U console. They looked great. Turns out that footage wasn't running on anything of the sort.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has told GameTrailers that the footage—of games like Ghost Recon and Darksiders II—was instead culled from the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the games.

He says the reason for this is that Nintendo is still "a year away from when the console will launch".

Zero Gravity 06-08-2011 07:54 AM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
In the same interview Reggie mentioned that the connectivity that he got as far as 3 rooms away (or maybe he maid it two rooms over into the 3rd?).
I hope that doesn't mean it'll have horrid lag or connectivity issue that would interrupt the gameplay as you move away from the console

Kate 06-08-2011 06:59 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
HA! That's funny, Kana. All I was really interested in this conference was the new Zelda game and the 3DS. That was it. Nintendo just needs to slow down and think their new console over a bit more.

Zero Gravity 06-09-2011 03:47 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
the Wii-U Still runs with a Wiimote right?
I saw them using it in the trailer

Snapplemonkey 06-10-2011 12:20 AM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
It's backwards compatible with all the Wii gadgets and games. It's got a lot of potential but in my opinion it's just a giant DS where they just separated the screens instead. I honestly don't care if the WiiU have the graphics capabilities equal or superior to the xbox360/ps3, since I'm a PC gamer. All the 3rd party titles end up on the pc anyway, if not I already have a ps3 and an xbox360. Nothing about this system interests me in any way, shape or form. I may be coming off as a bit negative but in my opinion Nintendo made the same mistake as Microsoft did (with the whole kinect obsession)... they focus their press conference on a gimmick and forgot about their core gamers.

Now you can play games while not using the TV so other people can. (That's why people buy handhelds you morons!)

Elk 06-11-2011 12:48 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by Zero Gravity (Post 30013)
because the Wii last time really gave me a gargantuan middle finger on release day

I had one of those preorder deals where you get rayman raving rabids and one other thing for free. but when I got there they were allllll out of rayman, so they gave me their apologies and asked me if Twilight Princess would be ok. I gave them an emphatic yes. And as I'm poor I couldn't really afford the release library, so I was fairly happy with getting TP day one.

chefofdeath 06-12-2011 12:41 AM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
the new wii console looks like a futuristic DVD player heh

Zero Gravity 06-13-2011 12:10 AM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
I'm going to laugh when they tell us it doesn't play DVDs or Blu Ray

Cheflelouch 06-13-2011 08:35 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by Zero Gravity (Post 30055)
I'm going to laugh when they tell us it doesn't play DVDs or Blu Ray

that would be ironc
seriusly if they want to move foward they need at least a blueray player or else its not going to be worth it

SoulArbiter 06-14-2011 04:05 AM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
+1 for getting rid of Friend Codes.
-1 for the controller.

It has potential. I'm hoping that it won't be a flop.

gannon133 06-15-2011 05:10 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by Zero Gravity (Post 30055)
I'm going to laugh when they tell us it doesn't play DVDs or Blu Ray


Laugh out loud Zero_Gravity, Laugh out loud

Cheflelouch 06-15-2011 07:02 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by gannon133 (Post 30076)

Laugh out loud Zero_Gravity, Laugh out loud

this will only mean one thing
it not going to be Worth it and since nintendo its not droping prices then nobady is going to buy it without that fiture

mitamaking 06-15-2011 09:30 PM

Re: Nintendo Wii U
Just like the Wii flopped without the DVD playback right people?

I was disappointed by the Wii U but anyone who expected DVD and Blu-Ray playback just doesn't pay attention to Nintendo.

Zero Gravity 06-16-2011 12:06 AM

Re: Nintendo Wii U

Originally Posted by gannon133 (Post 30076)

Laugh out loud Zero_Gravity, Laugh out loud

So funny i neede two vids for it :O


But seriously...
Criminy, i know it's a gaming console but give me some friggen options when I'm bored, otherwise I just turn it off and watch something on Xbox or PS3

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