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MechaTamago 01-10-2010 04:21 PM

Movies and Vampires
So lately any movie I watch, I always see some kind of trailer for a vampire movie. I don't know about you, but I am pretty sick and tired of all these movies coming out trying to piggy back the success of that one movie based on that one book, you know the one. I mean can anyone here really go into a movie theater without seeing a movie trailer that isn't promoting vampires? There are other horrific monsters out there too like Frankenstein and Swamp Creatures. I am not sure if this is the right forum for this but if its not I am sorry in advance.

chefofdeath 01-10-2010 05:00 PM

Re: Movies and Vampires
true that man its some big vampire Craze its all thanks to Twilight i guess ..... and with Stanley from xmen buying some anime co. is making some weird anime with someone with Wolverines Claws and some wat looks like a vampire i think fighting Spirits i dont know but that trailer was so fast and didnt really show much of anything ill put up a link if i can find it again

Loki 01-10-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Movies and Vampires
they are many vampire movies made yearly, even before twilight sent little girls flocking to the cinema.

you are just more aware of it now.

Kanashimi 01-10-2010 10:31 PM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Yeah, vampires has always been a big thing. They just seem to be in the lime-light more after Twilight. Don't catch me watching any of them, maybe Daybreakers... maybe... Naaaah

MechaTamago 01-10-2010 10:51 PM

Re: Movies and Vampires

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 4219)
Yeah, vampires has always been a big thing. They just seem to be in the lime-light more after Twilight. Don't catch me watching any of them, maybe Daybreakers... maybe... Naaaah

I am going to hate myself saying this, but I am actually curious about that movie...for some reason I want to watch it...be right back going to get blessed by a priest.:awesome:

Oni 01-10-2010 11:01 PM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Gah, should I even bring up the TV programmes based upon Vampires that come out these days? Liek True Blood.

My god, just watch pornography or something. It'll get the job done faster.

HezaaChan 01-10-2010 11:40 PM

Re: Movies and Vampires
As much as I like vampires (but not Twilight, I'm afraid) Hellsing is my limit. I can't actually stand movie violence so I tend to stay away from any horror/action film involving vampires. Too much fake blood makes me feel sick :S

FFHellDragon 01-11-2010 12:29 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Daybreakers don't look too bad.

I'm not really into the whole Vampire movie thing, Its not my fav theme anyways.

My friend dragged me to see Twilight and New Moon when they were out, In twilight i almost died, But i have to admit that New moon wasn't too bad mostly cause there were werewolves and we weren't always following the vampires. but still...bleh xD

Kanashimi 01-11-2010 12:35 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
I really like older vampire movies such as Interview With The Vampire, which was made out of a lot of win. There's too many emo-tastic vampire movies or ones attempting to be "cool". I dislike that whole super power stereotype is all.

FFHellDragon 01-11-2010 12:43 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 4257)
I really like older vampire movies such as Interview With The Vampire, which was made out of a lot of win. There's too many emo-tastic vampire movies or ones attempting to be "cool". I dislike that whole super power stereotype is all.


Older kept close enough to a traditional vampire but the newer ones try to add something that will attract our generation, trying to get it "hip" or cool!....fail =/

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-11-2010 12:47 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Classifying Twilight as a vampire movie is probably an insult to the genre (or sub-genre, or whatever). Anyway, I've never been a real fan of vampire movies, not that I don't like them, I just never had any preference for them. Though, I'm kind of interested in seeing Daybreakers. It seems it may be a breath of fresh air after Twilight's massacre of the vampire image. Vampires were never meant to sparkle in the sunlight.

FFHellDragon 01-11-2010 12:52 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Sparkles is the worst thing they did -_-

Oni 01-11-2010 03:19 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Stephanie Meyer can't write, everyone knows that.

ImagineBreaker 01-11-2010 06:25 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Mate i cannot agree more on the original post here.


Now there's friggin crappy TV series!!!!!!!
True Blood? ITS CRAP
then theres the other crapper ones which i dont want to know the names.


chefofdeath 01-11-2010 08:57 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
i good and new twist to a vampire movie is one that i saw called thirst

Kanashimi 01-11-2010 09:55 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires

Originally Posted by Oni (Post 4307)
Stephanie Meyer can't write, everyone knows that.

The King Of Horror said it himself.


King said in an interview with USA Weekend, "Both [J.K.] Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good." --- Source
And Stephen King can do no wrong.

FFHellDragon 01-11-2010 10:01 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
Stephen King FTW!

Now he knows how to write GOOD books!

HezaaChan 01-11-2010 10:38 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 4383)
The King Of Horror said it himself.

And Stephen King can do no wrong.

What shocked me the most when I read the article on that, was the many misspelled comments saying "Hoo is dis Stephen King guy?"
I died inside a little when I read those :S

How can you not know who he is?

FFHellDragon 01-11-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires

Originally Posted by HezaaChan (Post 4406)
What shocked me the most when I read the article on that, was the many misspelled comments saying "Hoo is dis Stephen King guy?"
I died inside a little when I read those :S

How can you not know who he is?

Unfortunately Many are like that.

About 80% of the people i know at school don't know who he is. :sigh:

I guess its because most of em don't read XD

Kercon 01-11-2010 11:28 AM

Re: Movies and Vampires
For last time most of Vampire movies == Bloody movies
Don't know why maybe cuz they are blood but not scary T_T.
I was never scared of vampire movies but they were beater I think fev years in past f

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