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VtamerX 05-08-2012 07:52 AM

Aroha, I'm Tamer, on again, off again listener thanks to a friend. As you could probably tell by the thread name, I'm a huge fan of Tokusatsu, especially Kamen Riders like Faiz and every rider after Decade, and Sentai like Abaranger, Akibaranger, and Gekiranger. And also Rescue Force and Garo. Ironically enough, I have yet to listen to who I've been told is the go-to Toku person on here. That will be rectified soon enough!

Well, I hope to frequent here as much as I can, and I hope to have as much fun as I can. Thank y'all.


Kanashimi 05-08-2012 08:15 AM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
A friend...? Bobbah, there's something wrong with that boy. Anyway, hope you enjoy the site and make sure to read the rules~

VtamerX 05-08-2012 09:06 AM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
I will. And yea, a friend told me about this site, so I listen when I can (usually not able to cause of school, but its summer now so hey, more listening!)

Mollybibbles 05-08-2012 10:40 AM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Welcome! It's great to have another Toku fan among us. Though I'm not a huge fan of it all, I had a great time with Kamen Rider Kiva. Anyway, have fun! See you around ^^

Bobby Henshin 05-08-2012 12:34 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Another Toku fan? good! Another ally in the fight for justice! make sure to join me weekdays at 8pm to midnight for Henshin-A-Go-Go! and have fun

VtamerX 05-08-2012 02:17 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Heh, interestingly enough, Kiva is one of the shows I'm currently watching with a friend. That and Goseiger. And I'm attempting to solo Kabuto (to see if my opinion of Tendou can change)

Cheflelouch 05-08-2012 02:21 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!

The more fans The better, I'm not into kamen rider at all but if you can check out the bobby show

MidnightDevont 05-08-2012 02:22 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Jeeze Tamer, make me look good by saying it was me who lured you here. : P with the sound of my voice and my talk of how awesome we are.

in all seriousness though, enjoy the radio and listen on in to me, Bobby Henshin and the other great DJ's.

VtamerX 05-08-2012 02:28 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Well I didnt know what name you went by on here, so I couldnt exactly namedrop ya! *cries in corner* XD

Tyto 05-08-2012 02:56 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Nice selections of toku titles you've got under your belt there! Kabuto's a personal favorite, for the suit work if nothing else. If it helps any, try thinking of Kagami as the main character instead of Tendou as you keep watching.

VtamerX 05-08-2012 04:07 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
I will agree with you there. I love the suits, and honestly if Tendou was a side character and Kagami the main, it would've been so much better, cause honestly Kagami was so much more of a main character than Tendou

gannon133 05-08-2012 11:22 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Oh my, another Tokusatsu fan! The title reminds me of Kamen Rider Accel's pose.
Well then, listen whenever you can and hang out in the IRC to chat up.

Zero Gravity 05-09-2012 12:54 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
I see your already a part of the forums!

moonhawk81 05-09-2012 09:37 PM

Re: Hen.....SHIN!
Well met and welcome.

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