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ScrumYummy 08-08-2010 09:46 AM

BL and boys

So anyway. These are kind of old, but I am hoping that I can update with new stuff soon too. (I am a busy girl!)



This isn't BL or a boy, but it's something that I did and I like so I am sharing.


If anyone is going to be in the Portland area in September for Kumoricon, come by and see me! I will be giving three panels: "Making Manga," "How to Draw Yaoi," and "How to Draw Yuri."


ClearMetalVoltar 08-08-2010 11:00 AM

Re: BL and boys
what!? ur a female!?


the 1st pic that guy has short legs and long feet, at least that what it looks like to me, compared to his upper body.

the girl painting is very sexy:stars:#holy but her noez is a tad bit bulbousy.

and ur that great of an artist to host 3 booths at a con!? if it wasnt so very far away i would go and get ur autograph:awesome:

Kanashimi 08-08-2010 01:50 PM

Re: BL and boys
Kumoricon... I'm pretty sure V-Tan (one of our DJs) will be working there as a volunteer. I wish you the best of luck, panels can both be fun and hectic.

Also, you've gotten so much better since I last saw your art. I really love the soft colors and look in the second one, the folds in the first are quite detailed. Gotta say I wanna see more~

Lite 08-08-2010 03:46 PM

Re: BL and boys
Wow, gorgeous artwork :O I especially like the colouring in your second picture, very nicely done! Good luck with your panels too.

Chris 08-08-2010 05:20 PM

Re: BL and boys
They are both very great pieces, the second one just happened to take my breath away for a second. Such art work, such beauty #holy :awesome:

ScrumYummy 08-08-2010 06:48 PM

Re: BL and boys
Thank you guys!! <3 I really appreciate it <3


Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 17576)
Kumoricon... I'm pretty sure V-Tan (one of our DJs) will be working there as a volunteer. I wish you the best of luck, panels can both be fun and hectic.

Also, you've gotten so much better since I last saw your art. I really love the soft colors and look in the second one, the folds in the first are quite detailed. Gotta say I wanna see more~

Dude, tell him to stop by the Creation Station and say "hi," I'll be helping them out too :D

And thank you! I've been working hard to improve.<3 My next big project (since I just finished work on the panels) will be a manga; I'll post what pages I can here, but some of them are NSFW (so those will be omitted). It's a yaoi manga, josei mostly, kind of gekiga in some respects.


Originally Posted by ClearMetalVoltar (Post 17558)
the girl painting is very sexy:stars:#holy but her noez is a tad bit bulbousy.

and ur that great of an artist to host 3 booths at a con!? if it wasnt so very far away i would go and get ur autograph:awesome:

Model had a bulby nose :3 I liked it, thought it cute.

I'm actually hosting 3 panels, which is kind of different. It's basically like teaching a class for an hour :D Thanks though, haha. XD

TheDrunkenShadow 08-10-2010 01:28 PM

Re: BL and boys

Originally Posted by ScrumYummy (Post 17548)
If anyone is going to be in the Portland area in September for Kumoricon, come by and see me! I will be giving three panels: "Making Manga," "How to Draw Yaoi," and "How to Draw Yuri."

I am also quite surprised by this. I knew you were an epic artist, but I didn't know you got panels at cons because of it. rlynow

hounddog 08-10-2010 06:35 PM

Re: BL and boys
You're so freaking gifted.


ScrumYummy 08-11-2010 08:46 AM

Re: BL and boys
hounddog you are one to talk!! Where's your photo thread, eh? XD


Originally Posted by TheDrunkenShadow (Post 17690)
I am also quite surprised by this. I knew you were an epic artist, but I didn't know you got panels at cons because of it. rlynow

Haha, it's a lot easier than you would think >_>;; I already knew the lady in charge of the "creative" panels because I've helped her in the past, and she asked me to come back this year to do panels at kumoricon as well as Orycon (sci-fi con; I did a panel there last year about yaoi), and she sort of just asked me what I wanted to do, so I told her, and then she set me up to do the panels :D (And I am also one of the judges for the fanart contest.) So I think part of it is who you know, if you are an "unknown" artist like me.

hounddog 08-14-2010 12:17 PM

Re: BL and boys

Originally Posted by ScrumYummy (Post 17746)
hounddog you are one to talk!! Where's your photo thread, eh? XD

I'm lazy? You know what I need to get me going is an Art Jam... #geee

ScrumYummy 08-15-2010 10:35 AM

Re: BL and boys

You know, I wouldn't be opposed to an art jam! It will have to wait until after the con, though (otherwise I will have zero time to do anything).

hounddog 08-17-2010 05:44 PM

Re: BL and boys

ScrumYummy 09-01-2010 10:34 AM

Re: BL and boys
So here are the first couple of pages for the comic (reads right to left)

(EDIT: Please don't post links to possible NSFW work in the future, thank you.)

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