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ImagineBreaker 01-12-2010 03:04 AM

The Elder Scroll's
I was a morrowind junkie when it game out.
I believe its probly the best RPG of its kind.

Oblivion was good but i was letdown with the little details they didnt add compared to morrowind.

As for daggerfall
I played it but due to its age, cant say its awesome but its still good.

Which do you like best? why?

And who eles wants the next elder scrolls installment instead of more fallout!

chefofdeath 01-12-2010 09:05 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
i have to agree with u but if u think about it oblivion was focused on graphics more than anything ... and comparing it to marrowind i had a hard time trying to beat marrowind than oblivion when i think back at both games now i think that they might have dumb down the game for the new people just getting in to that type of game if the next one does come out lets hope it has some co op

CantStrafeRight 01-13-2010 06:29 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
I had fun with Morrowind but I didn't do any quests, I just wondered around from town to town stealing stuff.

With oblivion I played it for about 50 hours, but I just didn't care about the main characters or the main story so I just went around doing side quests.

Overall their not bad games, but their just not for me.

chefofdeath 01-13-2010 11:38 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
when i first played Oblivion i turned into a vampire when i got jumped in some cave then i went outside unknowingly and almost turned to dust

Kanashimi 01-13-2010 11:55 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
Actually, this was my first PS3 game and I traded it in. It wasn't that it was bad, it just wasn't what I was looking for. I got past the first gate I think, and after that sort of hopped around for awhile until I got bored. Games that as expansive as this are nice, but hard to throw people into who aren't use to it.

Kercon 01-13-2010 11:56 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
Oblivion or Morrowind ehhh hard one but still I think it's Morrowind dunno why maybe it fell right when I first played it. I'm not rly interested in graphics so .... Biggest advantage of Oblivion is for me not that interesting ^_^

victorious0702 01-13-2010 12:55 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
I was also not really much into the Elder Scrolls games. It looks good and all but i think its too slow pace for some reason. I prefer the standard type rpgs.

XIamSogekingX 01-13-2010 03:12 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
I find it very hard to get into those games anymore compared to an MMORPG. Playing by yourself was alright and you can get all this cool gear and spells in Morrowind and Oblivion but you can't really show it off like you can in an MMO setting. I would really like to see some co-op or more added to future games.

I can't really give an honest opinion because I never played that much Morrowind and Oblivion is okay but when people actually told me to do certain group related mission for last (like the assassin group) I thought why and I did them early on and had fun but afterwards it got boring because I did all of, what I considered, the fun stuff.

DJ M.O.T.D 01-13-2010 03:42 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
I played morrowind for YEARS.

I played DnD for along time and morrowind is still as close as anything has ever got to capturing the essence of DnD.

XIamSogekingX 01-13-2010 03:52 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's

Originally Posted by DJ M.O.T.D (Post 5479)
I played morrowind for YEARS.

I played DnD for along time and morrowind is still as close as anything has ever got to capturing the essence of DnD.

I would love to play some old school DnD. I don't care how nerdy that sounds, but I've just wanted to play it. Being able to play a game with friends while being able to RP into and out of situations sounds great.

DJ M.O.T.D 01-13-2010 04:05 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's

Originally Posted by XIamSogekingX (Post 5482)
I would love to play some old school DnD. I don't care how nerdy that sounds, but I've just wanted to play it. Being able to play a game with friends while being able to RP into and out of situations sounds great.

It really is. i play weekly still. and i tell ya. it's some of the funnist times evar.

XIamSogekingX 01-13-2010 04:10 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's

Originally Posted by DJ M.O.T.D (Post 5485)
It really is. i play weekly still. and i tell ya. it's some of the funnist times evar.

DnD seems to have made a come back in recent years and now with 4th ed. out.

Even in a college setting, it's hard to find anybody who will come out and say, "Hey lets play some DnD" in fear of being made fun of. Also, I think it's hard to find a Dungeon Master who knows what he is doing.

I would if I could but I just cant...*sigh*

DJ M.O.T.D 01-13-2010 06:48 PM

Re: The Elder Scroll's

Originally Posted by XIamSogekingX (Post 5490)
DnD seems to have made a come back in recent years and now with 4th ed. out.

Even in a college setting, it's hard to find anybody who will come out and say, "Hey lets play some DnD" in fear of being made fun of. Also, I think it's hard to find a Dungeon Master who knows what he is doing.

I would if I could but I just cant...*sigh*

If you lived in britain. we'd let ya. DnDers don't get ridiculed.

TheDrunkenShadow 01-14-2010 06:49 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's

Originally Posted by XIamSogekingX (Post 5490)
Also, I think it's hard to find a Dungeon Master who knows what he is doing.

While I'm not really much of a tabletop gamer these days, I generally get forced into this role pretty often. I'll be sitting here, minding my own business, then a group of people will show up and the following will ensue.

Them: "You're DM."
Me: "What?"
Them: "We're playing D&D."
Me: "Have fun."

Then I'm dragged from my home.

But this is getting off topic. Morrowind: awesome game.

DJ M.O.T.D 01-15-2010 09:33 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
I play DM. I enjoy it.

twillÿ 05-21-2010 12:51 AM

Re: The Elder Scroll's
Old thread, but I am compelled to put in my two cents...here goes.

*inserts coins into slot*

Morrowind, is by far, my favorite RPG to date, and quite possibly my favorite game. I spent well over 350 hours on it, no joke. I know so much about that game it's sickening, lol. I even got into writing fan fic and roleplays for it. It captivated me so much, playing that game gave me this feeling I just can't explain and that no other game has been able to give me since. Not even Oblivion. The story of Morrowind was more involved, there was a heck of a lot more to explore even though Bethesda denies that it was bigger than Oblivion, and just the shear amount of things you could do in that game....ah! I could go on and on, but in a nutshell, the time I spent with that game was the greatest gaming experience I've ever had, and I still play it to this day from time to time.

Oblivion on the other hand, for me, was short-lived. It lacked the epicness of its predecessor and I just could not get into it as much. However, I will say this, the Shivering Isles expansion did make up for the huge let down Oblivion gave me. Sure, great graphics are nice, but the game was missing the core gameplay and experience that made Morrowing so amazing and they tweaked with some things I just could not forgive easily. ((Argonian faces! Why change their model you buttheads?!))

Anywho, I love the ES world and lore and it remains my top. :smile:

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