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Elk 02-12-2010 12:54 PM

Lost Someone Important?
I found out last night a close friend of mine passed away recently, and this is basically the first friend I've lost, so I'm pretty down about it. He was someone I looked up to, and admired greatly.

So I figured I'd share it, and give a place for others who've lost someone to talk about it.

I only got a chance to hang out with im twice in the last few years, because he was off learning. He was the smartest person I knew, and I doubt I'll ever meet someone with a greater range of knowledge than he had. Everything he loved he excelled at, and myself and all of his friends were always challenged to do better by him, not because of an actual challenge, but because he was such an example. I'm sorry to say I never lived up to his expectations, because he always had high expectations for everyone, though not judgementally. And I'll always strive to live up to them, in some way or another.

I was at a celebration of his life today, and it was definitely good for me, and brought back a lot of good memories I have of him that were lost to me. I'm glad to have known him, and sad to see him go. I'll miss him.

Sandgolem 02-12-2010 02:03 PM

Re: Lost Someone Important?
Yeah I had someone special to me. My fiancee passed away oh back when I was 20 / 21. I've never met a woman since then that has ever inspired me to such heights as she did. When she met me I was a college drop out working as a manager at a taco bell. Because of her I went back to school, got my degree, and tried to make something out of myself.

Unfortunately her death raised alot of questions to this day about faith and religion that I still wrestle with to this day. However on the flip side the angish of the whole ordeal inspired me to write a book that is in the progress of becoming an OEL manga, the story and manga are allegory's for the turmoil between loss, pain, grief, faith, and the will to continue and how to cope.

To this day, I don't even know if I should try to love again, or if I ever will. I hope so though, but no rush.

Hang in their elk!

Oni 02-12-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Lost Someone Important?
Well, my Grandfather died at the start of last year. It was a peaceful death.

soundbreaker 03-21-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Lost Someone Important?
A couple years ago, my DJ jumped in front of a train when his girlfriend dumped him. He was bi-polar, so he had his up-days and his down-days, and she just happened to do it on a downer. This guy wasn't your regular cut-and-mix DJ, his brain worked in ways which made you look at tracks from entirely different angles. He would dissect samples and rhythms, find out what they were made of, then put them back together in such a fashion that they were no longer music, but more an art form. And he would do all this without structure. He worked organically, if that makes sense. We always looked forward to his next track.
He was a good friend, and always encouraged everyone around him because he saw potential in us that we ourselves didn't. He encouraged me to look off the beaten path when searching for inspiration, and not to fall into mainstream patterns, and ever since he passed, whenever I make a track I try to adhere to that. Music was a major part of our lives, and still is for me. My musical side is better from having known him, and to this day I appreciate him for that.

Elk 03-22-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Lost Someone Important?
My grandma passed away this morning. She was a tough lady, made it 92, and went without pain. She has a strong spirit and wasn't afraid of laying the smackdown.

twillÿ 05-11-2010 06:13 PM

Re: Lost Someone Important?
I lost a pretty close friend to me back in highschool. He was a grade under me, but him and I were awesome friends. We lived in a small town so you were friends with pretty much everyone and when I heard the news it crushed me. He was such a great kid, always making people smile and brightening up their days, I know he did that for me a lot. Him and I were planning on starting a band only a few weeks prior to his accident. He was an outstanding drummer and I am sad to say, I never had the pleasure of being able to actually collaborate with him. We played guitar together a few times and I would listen to him drum at school a lot, but we never actually had a chance to jam together and I wish we would have. He had so much talent it's a shame he got taken away from the world so soon. He was definitely a good person and a great friend. His memory lives on with me in a way, the guitar we used to share for a while I named after him. I take care of it to this day. Sounds cheesy, but we had some good laughs with that old thing. I miss him and everytime I play that guitar, he'll always be there. :smile:

Kate 05-11-2010 07:14 PM

Re: Lost Someone Important?
I've lost plenty of people who meant a lot to me. The first one was a friend of mine when I was 9. His house caught on fire while he was asleep and died. I found that out while I was watching the news. The next several days after that sucked. Next one was my grandpa when I was 13. My mom got a phone call at around 6:30am, and at the time, I was getting ready for school (bus came around 7am). Sad thing is, exactly two months after that, my father died. Those two deaths really changed my life and my personality drastically. Though, I keep a tradition my dad and I would always do when we went down to the shore. There's this frog game where you have to launch the frog onto a lily pad. I still continue playing that everytime as of this day.

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