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stellarhush 12-16-2010 05:05 AM

A comic you say?
A comic indeed sir. ABOUT POKEMON!!!! :awesome:

Yea.My horrible drawing is going to be used to make a comic strip to assault the people of the internet with my weird,sometimes confusing and scary sense of humor.What I need from you is...um..I actually don't remember.Help with a title maybe? Opinions on my choice to make a comic.YOUR OPINION ON JINX ON -rest censored for the children-
Just tell me what you think about my idea on making this pokemon comic following my pokemon trainer self on my adventures and some title ideas.My trainer name is Faye.

Zero Gravity 12-16-2010 06:13 AM

Re: A comic you say?
Go for it!

Zero supports artistic works! :thumbs up:

stellarhush 12-21-2010 10:30 AM

Yay for support! Now to come up with a title. #ha

Okie dokie,I've decided to just do one panel things until I get somewhat decent/find my style.Then I'll do actual strips. :3

mahay 12-21-2010 05:20 PM

Re: A comic you say?
This sounds cool. You'll totally have to update us when it gets more off the ground.

What sort of themes are going to happen in the strip? Or any more information? It would probably be good to have a name that has some relation to the storyline.

hmm...just for laughs, what about "Faye's Plays" if the comic is going to be more focused on battles? or
"The Best Pokemon Fan Comic Ever Created With An Emphasis On theSometimes Willey Sometimes Harrowing Adventures Of Faye Who Happens to Also Be Better-than-decent Trainer and the Pokemon That She Trains" :awesome: (jk that would be really long...)

ClearMetalVoltar 12-21-2010 06:42 PM

Re: A comic you say?
do it, aND DO IT BIG mah boi! if that crap sonichu did well, so will ur manga errr i mean comic strip. dont make it too kiddy like the jpn and cn versions. at least some mild violence, nudity, and fowl language lol#thumbup

stellarhush 12-22-2010 05:09 AM

Re: A comic you say?
There will be drama,action,romance!NUDIST TRAINERS!!! and so very much more.As for the title,I'll figure it out eventually I'm sure.Until then I'm going to work on my drawing and then when I feel I don't suck enough I'll do the first panel/strip. :3

mahay 12-22-2010 02:49 PM

Re: A comic you say?

Originally Posted by stellarhush (Post 24401)
There will be drama,action,romance!NUDIST TRAINERS!!! and so very much more.As for the title,I'll figure it out eventually I'm sure.Until then I'm going to work on my drawing and then when I feel I don't suck enough I'll do the first panel/strip. :3

Hey, #heartwink you should totally put some, uh, 918 elements into it too *eyebrowraisenudge* :D

Kanashimi 12-22-2010 03:17 PM

Re: A comic you say?
Nudist trainers? Then I suppose this won't be posted on 91.8 The Fan. Ever.

jessileo127 12-22-2010 03:45 PM

Re: A comic you say?
Go for it ^.^ Random person I sorta just met!
quick question: are you going for all gen pokemon or sticking to a particular Gen??? for example 1st gen is the origanal 150/151/152 pokemon if you count mew and unknown...
But it sound really good ^.^

stellarhush 12-22-2010 05:31 PM

Re: A comic you say?
I'll probably have pokemon from every generation in it.

Well it won't show any parts >> everything will conveniently be covered.I might change the nudist trainers to hippies now that I'm thinking about it.I think it'd be a bit more interesting I think.That and I can make grass pokemon jokes. XD

TheDrunkenShadow 12-22-2010 06:13 PM

Re: A comic you say?
I do not care for this brand of 'slapstick comedy' (if it even equates to that). All I see is "LOLOLOL LUK HOW CRAZILY RANDOM I'M BEING!!!". If I read something that contains random elements that have no real correlation to each other and are only there to be a poor attempt at comedy, it makes me want to smash my head against a brick wall repeatedly as punishment for wasting my time on it.

Carry on.

Amui 12-22-2010 07:58 PM

Re: A comic you say?
I'll be watching this thread closely from now on, Remember to read the Art Section rules located in the Art section itself before continuing with your comic (This also extends to suggestions, I'm looking at you ClearMetalVoltar...).

If you have any questions feel free to PM Kate or myself, do not post questions to me in this thread please.

stellarhush 12-23-2010 05:19 AM

Re: A comic you say?
@Amui: Mkay.

@DS: I'm going to try to have things in the comic relate to each other the best I can.

I'm not anywhere close to starting the comic yet and by the time I do it will likely be fairly different from what I'm thinking of doing now.

mahay 12-24-2010 04:49 PM

Re: A comic you say?

Originally Posted by stellarhush (Post 24418)
Well it won't show any parts >> everything will conveniently be covered.I might change the nudist trainers to hippies now that I'm thinking about it.I think it'd be a bit more interesting I think.That and I can make grass pokemon jokes. XD

I like the hippie trainer idea. They could be all like, "Hey, we're not trainers, man. The pokemon and us are like, one, you know?" That would be cool.

stellarhush 12-24-2010 05:36 PM

Re: A comic you say?
I'm going to think of different types of trainers to draw :3

mahay 12-25-2010 12:57 AM

Re: A comic you say?
Do really old people trainers :awesome: Grandpa sends out Old Raichu, "Rai-zzz"

Or Cirque de Soliel trainers who do acrobats with their pokemon. Has that been done yet?

stellarhush 12-25-2010 11:36 AM

Re: A comic you say?
I'm not sure.But those are pretty good ideas :D I could have some 1930's obsessed trainers so everything they say is slang that only they can barely understand :3

Amui 12-29-2010 09:42 PM

Re: A comic you say?
You guys managed to get to 2 pages without 1 supposed comic strip posted (before I had to delete all the crud posts), and managed to go off-topic into an argument over it.

Seriously, if this thread manages to somehow go off into la-la land one more time without either: discussion of the comic itself that doesn't break the rules, or posting of the comic, I'll be personally sending out final warnings to the perpetrators.

If you want to have a discussion or argument that, in the end, does not relate to the comic itself: Take it to PM's.

Carry on.

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