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Aravyre 03-08-2010 05:22 PM

so, any other players of mumorpugers around here?

I myself have played far too many of them over the years, but currently I play city of heroes/villains :)

Elc1247 03-08-2010 11:56 PM

Re: mmorpgs
i was a former momorpager, played various k-mmorpgs, the old school stuff, like ragnarok, maple story and the like... i tried a bit of WoW... didnt like it... im usually the person who picks up a mmo for a week... then uninstalls it a couple months after forgetting about it and noticing its existence when emptying room on my comp.

ive seen MMOs mess up peoples lives personally... and i dont wish it upon any decent person out there...

Tommy Vercetti 03-12-2010 12:00 AM

Re: mmorpgs
MMOs suck.

Llian 03-12-2010 03:20 PM

Re: mmorpgs

Originally Posted by Tommy Vercetti (Post 10634)
MMOs suck.

Care to elaborate instead of posting two worded posts?

Tommy Vercetti 03-12-2010 10:33 PM

Re: mmorpgs

Originally Posted by Llian (Post 10666)
Care to elaborate instead of posting two worded posts?

I fail to see the point in them. Especially the one where you have to fork over $13 a month.

XIamSogekingX 03-15-2010 06:22 AM

Re: mmorpgs
Lets see, I played Runescape for a little bit but the graphics hurt my eyes. I mostly play WOW but I have started to play EVE Online some. If anything, I can't wait to try out the new Knights of the Old Republic game and maybe get into FFXIV

My point in playing WoW now is playing on a RP server and chatting it up with other RPers. That's my reasoning anyway.

Llian 03-15-2010 09:32 AM

Re: mmorpgs

Originally Posted by Tommy Vercetti (Post 10713)
I fail to see the point in them. Especially the one where you have to fork over $13 a month.

Then I fail to see the reason you're in said thread. :true:

I've never played serious MMORGS like WoW, if I got addicted to it it'd be way bad. Plus I'm cheap I don't like paying for stuff that I can get free. This is why I turn to games like Maple Story. ;D

Aravyre 03-16-2010 06:47 AM

Re: mmorpgs

Originally Posted by Tommy Vercetti (Post 10713)
I fail to see the point in them. Especially the one where you have to fork over $13 a month.

There is nothing wrong with paying for a service which you enjoy.

Aero 03-26-2010 10:28 AM

Re: mmorpgs
I've played a lot of MMOs... but FFXI and EVE are definitely at the top of my list. FFXI had some of the best PvE (in my opinion) though it might be slow for people who are used to WoW and newer MMOs. And EVE... well... EVE is a great niche game. CCP really knows what they are doing and really, as far as I'm concerned, have no competitions in the sci-fi or sandbox MMO markets.

Jubilee 05-04-2010 09:26 PM

Re: mmorpgs
I've played quite a few.
-Runescape is just rediculous...I can't stand click walk crap.
-WoW is WoW...However I'm on hiatus until the next expansion, although now that I'm away from it...my addiction is dead...which is probably a good way for it to stay...o.o
-Mabinogi...What an awesome free game! I HIGHLY recommend it to people on a budget...it's gorgeous and has an anime feel to it.
-Endless Online ... Only tinkered...it was okay for free...had cute anime sprites...combat system stunk...
-Maple Story...again, a fun free mmorpg with cute anime theme...not my favorite though...
-Furcadia ... purely RPing...no combat or real action...can get kind of lame if your not really a regular there @.@ ...avoid it >.>
-Diablo...you can count it...Awesome game...stoked for III
-FFXI...was a good looking game...the price just didn't compare to WoW in my opinion though...I am a FF lover...I just played WoW first, so the combat system was a major loss for me @.@
Aika Online - Amazing MMO for FREE! Highly highly highly recommend it. The best Free MMO I've ever played...plus lots of us here at the fan play it...so go get it!

...That's all I can think of at the moment...I'm sure there are more...It is a bad addiction that I've been able to sort of break free from as of late...which is always nice ^-^

cdoublejj 05-05-2010 04:15 AM

Re: mmorpgs
I play now and then when i can afford it. I play a very small bit of Runescape once in a blue moon.

twillÿ 05-05-2010 08:42 PM

Re: mmorpgs
I play WoW when I can pay for it or have the time. That game demands a lot from someone to keep up. Basically now all I do is just collect random items in game and RP a bit as the silly pink-haired gnome that I am. = ]

I used to play Runescape, but then I found WoW. Lol, it's been years since I played that game...used to be lots of fun from what I remember, but then again, anything 'free' is fun, well for the most part.

I've just started to play a free MMO for my iPod called 'IMO'...not exactly sure what I'm doing on it quite yet, but it is beautifully illustrated with anime-esque themes and 8-bit chibi-style characters. = ] worth a try if you're bored.

There's my two cents. -twillÿ.

soundbreaker 05-17-2010 09:29 AM

Re: mmorpgs
Used to:
City of Heroes/Villains - Left it to play Champions Online.
WoW - Tried it for a week, really not my kinda game.
Diablo 1 & 2 - Stopped when my friends stopped, now play 2 offline until 3 comes out.

Champions Online - Stopped due to money constraints. Will pick up again when I get some spare cash.
Star Trek Online - Friend sent me a trial code, so I'm "trying" it.

Looking forward:
Star Wars The Old Republic - Bounty Hunter ftw!
DC Online - Questing with Batman. :shades:
Diablo III - Hellz yeah.

Kate 05-18-2010 12:55 AM

Re: mmorpgs
Meh, I still play Runescape once in a while. Slowly getting bored as everything I wanted is done. I tried MapleStory. I really loved the animish style, but I got bored in 30 minutes. So, I gave up. I haven't really played any MMOs seen then. But, if they did come up with a .Hack MMO, that would be awesome!

soundbreaker 06-08-2010 05:07 AM

Re: mmorpgs

Originally Posted by Kate (Post 13697)
But, if they did come up with a .Hack MMO, that would be awesome!

Seconded! It would have to come packaged with a controller and visor, which would jack up the price a bit though.#think

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