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Kanashimi 01-27-2012 09:33 PM

In conjunction with Tyto's challenge in one of his articles as well as Funimation offering a trial for their streaming service (which I must say is the best one I've used so far) I started watching this since it's a pretty short, simple show.

There were a few other titles I've dabbled in, but this is the first one I've completed. Fangirls kinda scared me away from this (with good reason considering some of the convention horrors I've seen), but realistically it's a show charged by hyper-activity (think Lucky Star, Fooly Cooly, etc) with some strong gay jokes littered about every five or so episodes.

The gay jokes aren't really past what you'd hear with making fun of your friends, and to be fair I've pretty much ignored most of the yaoi aspects.

It's funny, short, simple, sweet, lolz, internet, trololol, and kind of racists. The only downside to Hetalia was the history portion, and I absolutely love history so this was really noticeable to me. I think when I asked Christmas if the show ever realizes the Allied Forces won, and when he laughed at me I kinda tried to let go of my geekiness in terms of history.

So I'd say not to be scared off from this title. There's far worse shows you could be watching with overdone panty-shots, more perverted, etc.

Anyone else see it? Thoughts? Anyone who hasn't seen it? Why not?

moonhawk81 01-28-2012 07:46 PM

Re: Hetalia
I'm still trying to work up the nerve to ask Belarus out. . .

*oh, wait, that's not what you asked

Kanashimi 01-28-2012 08:50 PM

Re: Hetalia
She is creepy, I'm just sayin'.

nerdwerld 01-28-2012 09:30 PM

Re: Hetalia
As a history major I understand all of the little jokes that are placed in both the Japanese and English versions, but I prefer the dubbed jokes, because I am American. Hetalia is racist, but it isn't in the sense that "ahaha I'm racist" it is more of "let us make fun of racism". I own Hetalia season 1-3, and I generally enjoy the series. I also prefer the dub over the sub, just because in the Japanese there isn't the accents, which is also why I prefer the dub of Baccano over the Japanese subbed. The actual history of the Axis Powers not losing is kind of a cultural thing from both the Japanese persepective, and "not being too political". Even though i hear the Hetalia comic is quite graphic, and even more racist, but again I understand the series, and the jokes so I don't really care if it is historical accurate. It is a cartoon to make fun of history so I respect it as that.

On another note, Hetalia fan girls scare the raptor out of me. Seriously they do... I had to go to Otakon last year with four Hetalia fan girls, a Prussia fangirl who cosplayed as him, and three others. So I had to listen to their pairings, and fan girl squels. I wasn't expecting the cries of 1000 fan girls at the Hetalia panel. My ears died...

Kanashimi 01-29-2012 10:35 AM

Re: Hetalia
Yeah, I preferred the dub by a long shot really. The way everyone delivered their lines made it interesting, and makes the jokes more entertaining. It plays on the way Western people stereotype other locations (let's face it, we do it). To be honest, I love racism jokes, and this is pretty much done in a way where everyone is made fun of.

Oh, believe me, that's what kept me from watching the series. I've grown up since the first time I went to a convention at thirteen and the yelling, lack of politeness, and all around idiocy of some fans is something I've grown out of. When you're young that's funny... like a clown is funny. As you get older it's more obnoxious... like a clown is obnoxious. Fangirling itself doesn't bother me so much as molestation and other really awkward things that occur due to yaoi or some other fetish excuse. Keep it away from the public kthx.

victorious0702 04-06-2012 12:13 AM

Re: Hetalia
Vic thinks thats Hetalia is perty sweet sauce.

Japanese people do not really do a lot of racist jokes in their animes, but Hetalia has a good amount of those. I think its a good thing to help the Japanese people open up a bit. I lived for a good while with Japanese people and americans in japan so when a racist joke came out Japanese people didnt rly find it funny and even offensive. I know that it could be offensive but sometimes its just funny esp when its true and its about all races. (This was just from my experience im not saying all Japanese ppl are like this)

Also this anime makes History seem much moar funner. The moar history you know that funnier this show becomes dakara.

Cheflelouch 04-06-2012 12:28 AM

Re: Hetalia
Well I have all the series (that Funimation has for us here in the US) and the First manga volume

and what can I say this series have made me laugh like never before

girls seem to like this series a lot i just like the comedy of the series and the fact that you can easily forget your history while watching this series

gannon133 04-07-2012 02:27 AM

Re: Hetalia
I saw 3~5 episodes of the series and it was not enjoyable. I think watching the subs was one of the problems but the jokes were either you get it or left out. And I was left out for the entire episode that I saw. I haven't even seen the gay overtones like everyone claims it has but I am not interested in looking for it.

In short, I didn't enjoyed the anime.

Kanashimi 04-07-2012 09:30 AM

Re: Hetalia
I saw it subtitled and also didn't like it. I think that's probably why you didn't enjoy it. The Japanese people have their stereotypes and we have our own. Our American or English accent (or at least what we perceive it as) is going to be different than what the Japanese see it as. I think that's what makes it funny for us because it plays on stereotypes we know. In the Japanese version these are stereotypes I don't understand because I don't know how Japanese label other nations.

Cheflelouch 04-07-2012 09:40 AM

Re: Hetalia

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 33465)
I saw it subtitled and also didn't like it. I think that's probably why you didn't enjoy it. The Japanese people have their stereotypes and we have our own. Our American or English accent (or at least what we perceive it as) is going to be different than what the Japanese see it as. I think that's what makes it funny for us because it plays on stereotypes we know. In the Japanese version these are stereotypes I don't understand because I don't know how Japanese label other nations.

Some Series have their pros and cons when we talk about subs and dubs

this series is a perfect example of one of them, when you read the sub you can't understand the correct meaning but in the english dub you can find clear the meaning or what the japanese were trying to say

I got to say the people from Funimation do a good job with the traducions,

christmas4477 06-06-2012 06:37 AM

Re: Hetalia
Hetalia is so deliciously racist, but it's okay because it's all in good fun. I love listening to the commentaries for some of the episodes. "Did we go too far? Yes, I think we did."

Kanashimi 06-06-2012 12:28 PM

Re: Hetalia
The behind the scenes stuff is great. I've kinda lost track of where I am now in Hetalia since they're on the third season now...?

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