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Kanashimi 01-10-2012 10:56 PM

Final Fantasy XIII-2
It goes without saying, but you should probably expect spoilers of the first game in this thread.

It's out at the end of the month and I'm downloading that sweet demo as we speak. All I want is a happy ending between Serah and Snow, preferably the new guy to go ride into the sunset with Hope or something.

Also, a little birdie told me Vanille and Fang will appear, but mostly in flashbacks.

Lastly, I know that Final Fantasy XIII-3 is a very real thing.


Apparently the end of Final Fantasy XIII-2 ends with a big, fat "To Be Continued..." Wonderful. Expect a cliffhanger, folks!

Kibs 01-11-2012 09:44 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Can't wait til it's released, I'm likely going to be getting it a day late from release, but it's still going to be an early birthday present from Kana, so it'll be worth it.

I've downloaded and played the demo, and can say they've improved a lot of things.

If I had to nitpick, I'd say I don't like the reskinning and recoloring of the menus, I think they had a good thing going with vanilla 13, and now they've made the colors a bit more...primary, I suppose.

I'd also say that the crystarium is more in-depth, but at first glance (without really being taught about it via tutorial or getting to play around with it too much) it's way more confusing than the original, but, again, this is due to lack of information.

Graphically, it seems to have improved, and they seem to have added a small black outline to the characters (much like what you'd see in Vesperia, or to a similar extent, Symphonia) which gives a bit more stylistic design and makes things look almost cel shaded, which is a good direction that many game developers have found for current graphical prowess (yes, Uncharted 3, I'm looking at you and your uncanny valley).

The addition of jumping any time is fun for the first 30 seconds, until you realize it's completely unnecessary in an RPG like this, and really only adds the need to push a button now, when you come to an obstacle.

Battle system is revamped, and seems to require you to switch paradigms a lot more often, but that could simply be because the demo is so early in game.

Weapon design is a give and take, Searh's bow/sword thing is the sexiest thing I've ever seen as far as weaponry goes, but Noel's weird sword combo thing (especially the way he weilds his secondary blade) just looks stupid, as well as the useless hilt on the larger blade, as well as Noel's costume design. The pants.,...just...no....he reminds me way too much of Sora, and not KH1 Sora, either. #hellno

The addition of Mog is inconsequential for me, but I'd wish they'd programmed more victory animations, so I don't have to see Serah hug him every minute and a half.

The end of the demo tricks you into thinking you're playing a lightning segment, but you're not, it's just a movie. Which made me mad.

One last thing to complain about is how Serah tilts as you turn her while running, way too steep way too soon.

Kanashimi 01-11-2012 10:00 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Agreed with tilting, menu coloring, and the demo trick.

I think the music was the thing I enjoyed the most without even knowing it. I was looking to catch differences and didn't take the music into account until I realized how I was bobbing my head during a fight, haha. I think it fits with the other one and sounds great so far.

I won't lie, I think there's just too much crap on screen. You know how you're supposed to go up these stairs past a guard to go whatever you need to in the demo. I couldn't frickin' tell those were stairs. It looked like a closed gate I was waiting for the guard to open (it delayed me like fifteen seconds, but still). I also kept trying to go into nooks and crannies because I felt like I was able to, but it was just more crap in my way. Maybe it was the rain, maybe it was how dark the town felt in some places, I dunno. Once I got out of the town I felt fine, but even out in the "dungeon" (?) there was a portion of land on the side of my map I couldn't get to. There was just a big ol' wall in the way. I know it's a demo, but I felt like I was constantly given the illusion of a big, open world only to find dead ends when I explored.

I liked Mog and how she/he/it found treasure. I thought that was pretty nifty and it was something I caught onto right away. It gave me a sense of, "Oh, look what I found!" and not there was just this thing floating here and I opened it.

I liked the addition of monsters though still not happy I could only control the party leader, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

I jumped everywhere cause I could, but I mostly instead just opened the map instead for some reason. Derp.

I dunno if you got to it, but at one point leveling up one of my classes I could choose a certain thing to boost or speed up, etc. That was something nice to toss in, I was fond of that.

Cinematic cutscenes... At least it gives you the warning so when I put down the controller I can pick it up quickly, but I felt these were overused. Could be the place they picked for the demo, who knows.

I'm excited for the game, but dear god I am going to be more confused than ever with this constant paradox thing. Where was the demo even located? On cocoon? On Gran Pulse? I was pretty sure it was cocoon, but when? I was always kind of confused by the first game and it trying to make you accept this is a fal'Cie, this is PSICOM, this is Purge, this is etc. Yeah, I have a basic understanding of what those things are and what I did in the first game, but I don't feel connected or in said world because I have so many questions.

If I can compare it's like when Tidus' asked Yuna if she had ever thought if their sins was so bad. Yuna explains that she never thought about it that. Tidus is asking the questions we as a player want to know, but there's no one who symbolizes that in Final Fantasy XIII. Considering the whole paradox time travel... thingy is happening, I just hope that this is Serah instead of making her do the whole, "Huh?" or "Okay." without much thought to it.

Anyway, I'd like to play it now. *Waits in a box* http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx...vatjo1_250.gif

drewid 01-17-2012 11:32 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Wow, i'd probably not have known there was a demo if I hadn't seen this thread, going to try it when i get home tonight. Thanks guys.

I'm very excited about this game, and even more excited that there could be a 13-3. Still debating on where to preorder it, amazon gives the omega boss and $10 credit, gamestop gives the genji bow and a costume for serah.. hmm

Kanashimi 01-17-2012 12:32 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
I pre-ordered from Amazon. Most likely the pre-order bonuses will be released three to six months later as DLC. From what I know the Omega boss can be used in battle like any other monster, so assuming it might be more powerful than the bow. I dunno yet however for sure.

Kibs 01-29-2012 06:19 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
My body is so ready for this. I've been playing the demo for days now, I think the longest amount of time I've put into it to date is 4 hours.

I'm not sure they level cap you in the demo #hellno

Cheflelouch 02-01-2012 12:49 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
well a few days back I got my early copy for FF13-2 and just today I finish it (i still got alot of things that I need to collect)

and so far out of all the games i have played this one takes the worst possible true ending
and i have no idea if its going to continue in a DLC or if they are going to make another one i just hope it can be longer and with more RPG structure like cause its to much linear

other than that Im happy with the game after all if fixes some of the issues that existed in the previous one

Kanashimi 02-01-2012 02:25 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Considering Final Fantasy XIII-3 is already a registered domain we will see a third one. I have yet to beat it despite playing all day yesterday, granted trying to collect every fragment on the way.

Cheflelouch 02-01-2012 10:39 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
well of course its going to be long if you tried to get all fragments i only have a little more than half and since now I can purchase the strategy guide i can get the one that I'm missing but after finish the game i notice something strange so my guess its that it will probably a DLC I don't thing it has to be with FFXIII-3

Kanashimi 02-02-2012 02:55 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Well, I mean there has to be a reason Square registered the domain FF13-3...

Kayarath 02-07-2012 11:22 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Heard some DLC came out? Having fun with it? :P

Kanashimi 02-08-2012 12:08 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
No, no I'm not D: I hate DLC for RPGs that doesn't aide me as I play, but is directly for post-game use. If I wasn't someone who went after trophies I wouldn't ever play this DLC. It makes no sense to me, honestly.

However, if the DLC did offer a bonus besides the monsters of Lightning and Admor (perhaps trophies) I'd be more accepting of it. I remember when BioShock had DLC that literally added a new sub-chapter with a ton of new trophies. That's the DLC I prefer... big additions, not mini things that don't help enhance the game. Disappoint.

Cheflelouch 02-08-2012 11:49 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
well so far its been confirmed that There are two DLC are coming out one in which it talks about how Sazh got to the future and the other one are costumes for the players and Weapons

but if they do a DLC for the storyline then Square Enix really it's disappointing

Kanashimi 02-12-2012 08:54 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
I'm incredibly disappointed with the ending. I knew there was a "To Be Continued..." but to find that it's such a slap in the face makes me feel what was the point of playing. Usually when I get a platinum trophy I feel excited for my accomplishment, but I don't really feel that way with XIII-2. I dunno what it is, but it felt lack luster.

If anything I will say I prefer XIII over this one even if XIII-2 was easier in a lot of ways.


I had a feeling for a long time Serah was going to die. Kibs and myself both seemed to call it once we saw Yeul die a few times, but everything was technically fine. Her death scene was tragic, but also felt thrown away because the only person there was Noel. Snow wasn't there nor was Lightning to make the impact greater. Only when Hope appears does it tug my heart strings a little. Noel's obsessive must protect you because you're like Yeul doesn't make his connection with Serah stronger, in fact it fogs it making it seem more like Serah is a replacement.

He's consistently put back in place during Sunleth Waterscape since Snow is around. Serah's attention is directly on Snow and Noel gets frustrated for several reasons. He made himself an interesting, but unlikable character. While I personally don't dislike Noel, I will say my indifference was solidified as he literally begins fondling Serah while she is dead. Seriously, watch the scene again, it's vaguely creepy.

There's several unanswered questions that also bother me. Why couldn't Noel inherit Caius' heart? Is that a whole big lie? Even then that doesn't make sense since he does so in a paradox ending (and a paradox is just the untrue timeline, it doesn't actually make things that don't make sense have some weight). So why didn't he have Etro's heart that time? Was it because he hesitated? Was it because he didn't accept killing him?

This is strengthened by visiting the statue in The Dying World a second time for a fragment, they stress he has to accept killing him in someway. Regardless, Noel doesn't seem amazingly regretful at killing Caius. He just seems like... oh, well, whatever! Let's go find Lightning!

Also, how is Hope or Noel alive? If Chaos has been unleashed and the past doesn't exist or the future, then how are they even alive? What sense does that make to make the immune?

There's absolutely no closure to this mess. It's just a big kick to the shins. There's no actual hints to a continuation from Square Enix besides the XIII-3 domain registry. There are claims that the story will be completed via DLC, but let's be honest. Can a blunder like this really be fixed with DLC? We also know from confirmation that Versus XIII is not a sequel or is not in any way related to XIII, but is only something that occurs in the same world.

As such, sure... give me Lightning, Snow, and Sazh DLC that expand on their story. I can live with that assuming they're worth while. Don't make me play over a hundred hours of a game just to be told I couldn't get a happy ending anyway. It makes me mad and disappointed, which is a shame because the game was fun and enjoyable. I'd also still recommend it after playing XIII, but I can't help to be bitter without confirmation of the actual end of the game.

Cheflelouch 02-12-2012 09:39 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 32804)
I'm incredibly disappointed with the ending. I knew there was a "To Be Continued..." but to find that it's such a slap in the face makes me feel what was the point of playing. Usually when I get a platinum trophy I feel excited for my accomplishment, but I don't really feel that way with XIII-2. I dunno what it is, but it felt lack luster.

If anything I will say I prefer XIII over this one even if XIII-2 was easier in a lot of ways.


I had a feeling for a long time Serah was going to die. Kibs and myself both seemed to call it once we saw Yeul die a few times, but everything was technically fine. Her death scene was tragic, but also felt thrown away because the only person there was Noel. Snow wasn't there nor was Lightning to make the impact greater. Only when Hope appears does it tug my heart strings a little. Noel's obsessive must protect you because you're like Yeul doesn't make his connection with Serah stronger, in fact it fogs it making it seem more like Serah is a replacement.

He's consistently put back in place during Sunleth Waterscape since Snow is around. Serah's attention is directly on Snow and Noel gets frustrated for several reasons. He made himself an interesting, but unlikable character. While I personally don't dislike Noel, I will say my indifference was solidified as he literally begins fondling Serah while she is dead. Seriously, watch the scene again, it's vaguely creepy.

There's several unanswered questions that also bother me. Why couldn't Noel inherit Caius' heart? Is that a whole big lie? Even then that doesn't make sense since he does so in a paradox ending (and a paradox is just the untrue timeline, it doesn't actually make things that don't make sense have some weight). So why didn't he have Etro's heart that time? Was it because he hesitated? Was it because he didn't accept killing him?

This is strengthened by visiting the statue in The Dying World a second time for a fragment, they stress he has to accept killing him in someway. Regardless, Noel doesn't seem amazingly regretful at killing Caius. He just seems like... oh, well, whatever! Let's go find Lightning!

Also, how is Hope or Noel alive? If Chaos has been unleashed and the past doesn't exist or the future, then how are they even alive? What sense does that make to make the immune?

There's absolutely no closure to this mess. It's just a big kick to the shins. There's no actual hints to a continuation from Square Enix besides the XIII-3 domain registry. There are claims that the story will be completed via DLC, but let's be honest. Can a blunder like this really be fixed with DLC? We also know from confirmation that Versus XIII is not a sequel or is not in any way related to XIII, but is only something that occurs in the same world.

As such, sure... give me Lightning, Snow, and Sazh DLC that expand on their story. I can live with that assuming they're worth while. Don't make me play over a hundred hours of a game just to be told I couldn't get a happy ending anyway. It makes me mad and disappointed, which is a shame because the game was fun and enjoyable. I'd also still recommend it after playing XIII, but I can't help to be bitter without confirmation of the actual end of the game.

I feel a lot like you the game play of FFXIII-2 was better and easier that the previous one the story lines leaves to much to desired, there are things that like you say don't match and make little or no cense


One of my many concerns about the game its about the ButterFly effect that takes place on the game such as Noel existence on the world "if we learn something from Back to the Future" its that if you make a choice on the past it might actually kill you cause you wont exist any more in the future, doesn't this means that Noel should have been the fist one to die, or disappear like Snow did on Sunleth Waterscape.

Another concern that I have its that there its the name for a effect that takes place in time travel, I cant remember the name but its says that no mater how many time you travel back thought time to save the life of someone the person will always die not mater what, even if you tried 1000 times. In other words no mater how much Noel tried he could have never been able to safe any body

I get that Squar Enix its trying to do a game like this, but instead of make it right the fist time, they mess up, cause if there is one thing that gamers like me hate more than any thing its to wait once we have the game in our hands cause the story its not complete until a furder DLC that will take 6 months or a sequel will take more than a year

Kanashimi 02-12-2012 09:59 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Then naturally Noel should die. There's no purpose for him, no reason for him to exist, etc because everything will be fixed. There will be no pulling Lightning into Valhalla, no need for Noel to go after Serah, and so on.

This on its own is said to cause a paradox of sorts, but Square really doesn't seem to be playing by these rules since there is only "one true timeline". As such, in the third game if they do things logically Noel will cease to exist and die in The Dying World in his untrue timeline. Or he'll appear naturally through birth and death in the true timeline, possibly even earlier since we don't know what happens in the true timeline. All we know is that human life prospers. So in the right timeline Noel could be born at any time or he could become a new guardian of time, etc. There's plenty of possibilities for him, but all things considered he should be out of the picture by the end of the third game.

The thing is there wasn't a problem with the first game. In fact I played the first game more completing side quests and the like. I finished XIII-2 in ninety hours while XIII took me a hundred and twenty (and I still didn't finish every side quest).

The story is far more constructed in XIII, characters more developed and likable (most of them are already established so XIII-2 didn't have to do much work sadly), I prefer the Crystarium in XIII over XIII-2 and at least I could have a third party member that wasn't a monster.

Granted, the battle system was better in XIII-2, I enjoyed collecting fragments. I liked how you traveled as it made you feel in control, but the lack of guidance also upset me a few times when I couldn't find the right area to be in.

They both had pros and cons. To be fair though, usually the second movie is supposed to be the darkest. I believe this is the case with the original Star Wars films (correct me if I'm wrong). So in that sense I can see what Square Enix is going for; however, my rage stems from the fact we don't have a confirmation of a third one or a continuation. We have a "To Be Continued..." which contrary to popular belief does not actually confirm anything.

I can see why they wouldn't announce it, how many games do this sort of trick? Square must be fearful it will deter people from buying the game on release day with the announcement that the third one is one the way considering how much people complained over the first one. If anything, I'll wait a few months and hope I hear something by E3 (if I have to wait until the Tokyo Game Show then dear god, I will not be amused).

Cheflelouch 02-16-2012 11:29 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Well today I notice the fist add-ons for FFXIII-2 that are out

the fist one is the Noel Outfit for battle Attire

it looks good but to be honest im more exited about the Ezio Auditore that its coming soon

the next one its the Colisem challenge of lightning and Lt Amadar

and on my fist try I was wasted, I couldn't do any thing they are way more powerful than the final boss of the game, I guess i still need to level up before I can be a match for them

Kanashimi 02-17-2012 02:50 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
I got those day one last week. Here's a tip, Admor can be inflicted with poison and make sure you have your "Monster Catcher" fragment skill turned on. It seems that whoever you kill last is usually whose crystal you get. You can take out Admor quickly by poisoning and then staggering him when Lightning and he are healing up. Stagger, inflict poison (if needed), attack.

Admor will do stronger attack than Lightning alone, the problem is she knows Curaja. She's easier to get rid of first, but you want her over Admor quite honestly.

Honestly, waiting for the next DLC on the 28th which has an outfit with actual pants for Noel, Sazh's side story (and to get him as a monster as well), and Serah's swimsuit.

Cheflelouch 02-17-2012 11:31 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
thanks for the tip

and yea the next DLC its going to have more content so we will have to wait another two weeks for it

Kibs 02-27-2012 12:11 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Kind of a random thing to pick out and explain, but

Kana asked why Noel and Hope didn't disappear once chaos was unleashed. I think that destroying the future and past wouldn't wipe everything out, it would just mean that there is only that moment in time, as it was, nothing led up to it, and nothing will happen after it. Sort of like being frozen in place with no beginning or end, an infinite loop, if you will.

But that doesn't really explain anything that matters. I couldn't put my finger on it before, but now I can, and I'm actually going to semi-quote MovieBob's review of phantom menace. In the second one, what they did was just completely pander to the complaints everyone else had. Everyone complained about it being too linear, so they went in the complete opposite direction, to the point where the different segments of the game felt too...segmented, with just a little bit of ovrreaching story here and there, but, much like Kingdom hearts, the sections all felt self-contained and mostly unrelated. It gives you sort of an empty feeling. Not to mention every place is just a small island, with no interconnecting paths, so there was no sense of grand adventure, just little mini adventures.

I also mentioned this to Kana one time, but I felt like they took the whole idea that people complained about there not being any NPCs, and ran too far, the worlds seem overpopulated and crowded. They even had to change up the encounter system because of it. Did you notice that the reason monsters pop in out of nowhere is because the resources for populating the map that were used for monsters in 13 are being eaten up by the 40 some odd NPCs in 13-2? They did it in an elegant way, but just knowing that sort of cheapened things.

Monsters did drop gil, though, which was a major improvement, but the funny thing about that was it didn't matter, because there was no achievement/trophy that required billions of gil to accomplish. In fact, I felt like there was really no big need to buy anything. I never used items. I'd say throughout the game I MAYBE spent 200k, and well over half of that was int he casino. I bought weapons twice, then once I got the paradox weapons, i didn't need anything more. Sure, there are infinity+1 weapons to be gotten, but once I finished everything else, I found myself with no real motivation to go for 100% completion. Not that it was that far out of reach.

I think I just felt that the game was *too* easy. In so many different ways. In 13 I got my arse handed to me on a regular basis (at least my first time through the game) in 13-2 I lost once to a tonberry while i was way underlevel, and once to the final boss because it took a cheap shot.

I also really, really, really, really disliked how they limited you to three monsters. Do you realize how badly that throws off my battle strategy? They basically force you to decide which limb to cut off, as you can only have a half-baked tri-paradigm system. I think out of everything, this is the thing I actually hate the most.

The last thing that comes to mind is something silly, but still relevant. You had no last resort option. In 13 you had your summon. If you were up against the wall and you were about to eat it, you could use your summon and recoup. In 13-2 you had bugger-all if you were in a jam. Not that you ever got into a situation where it was necessary, so it's sort of a moot point, but I bet I could have survived the final boss the first time had I had some sort of thing like that up my sleeve. I know that your summoning in the game was in the form of the monster collecting, but I wasn't a big fan of that, either. I didn't like it in Symphonia2 and I don't like it in 13-2.

Kanashimi 02-27-2012 09:01 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
After getting through the casino, grabbing collection catalogs, and so on I pretty much decided to stock up on basic items. I grabbed a ton of potions to take off "Wound" because you have no way of knowing it's cast on you. Near the end when I was completing the bestiary was the only time I figured out how to tell it was on me. The health bar turning gray (kind of like it does when turned to Stone in Final Fantasy X) would have be a nice indication, that bothered me.

There are too many NPCs and most of them don't have a thing to say. I was lucky there was little quests in Academia all things considered because those NPCs move EVERYWHERE. I wouldn't want to be running around trying to figure out did I talk to the lady with the red shirt. I did that once in Bresha Ruins, and that was enough times for me to begin complaining about a quest marker on your map.

Either way, I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII-2, but I agree with Kibs. It was too easy and I knew that many of the things added felt like it was there for fans who complained. As a fan who didn't complain, it did cheapen the experience. I really wish other people would play the first to completion and see how they enjoy it. Several people from IRC did before touching FFXIII-2 and the response has been nice to say the least.

Also, tomorrow is Sazh's DLC. I don't expect much naturally since Sazh felt so randomly placed in XIII-2 I had to take a picture with my cell phone, but I do like Sazh as a character. When we get the Snow or Lightning DLC then I'll be happy (Snow specifically because I felt he was left more open ended than Lightning even!).

Cheflelouch 02-27-2012 02:36 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
I Agree with you, to be honest this is one of the most easiest games I have played and the fist one in which I almost get all the trophies, the games play is to easy, and the only challenging enemy I encounter was Yomi, who was killing me, and annoying me but other than that and the fact that I lack the luck for the slot machines in the casino well... you know what I mean

and I will love it to if we can get a DLC with a story for Snow after all he is the so called "HERO" lol

Kanashimi 03-25-2012 07:09 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Well, I never updated this with the Sazh DLC, but it's nothing major. It was nice to see what occurred and it felt like it set something up, but it still felt empty. Now we're getting costumes and more monsters, some of which I don't think are really crucial characters (Jihl, really?). I know in May Lightning's DLC is supposed to come out, but is it worth it at this point? These DLCs aren't really extending much of the story sadly...

Kibs 03-26-2012 08:24 PM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
They're racking up the price of the game $5 at a time. Once all is said and done there will probably be more to this game than any other FF title before it in terms of actual story and side quests, but you'll have paid over $200 for it all. #hellno

Kanashimi 03-27-2012 08:10 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Well, I technically already spent close to $200.00 before we even got to DLC since I bought two copies (one being the special edition). I still don't think it has more content than the original honestly. Granted, I am dismissing the Coliseum battles since they are useless after finishing the game 100%.

Cheflelouch 06-22-2012 12:47 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 33355)
I am dismissing the Coliseum battles since they are useless after finishing the game 100%.

Well I finally beat the last of the challenges of the coliseum that was with snow and the arbiter of time Valfodr and once you have beat all the rest of the challenges you see a new scene in which talks about what happen to snow, and lets not forget about the DLC of lightning:Requiem of the Goddess which for me was more than enough to complete the game so for now I don't care how long they take make another game cause with lightning secret ending all my expectations are now been fulfilled

Kanashimi 06-22-2012 11:10 AM

Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2
It didn't explain anything with Snow. All it did was say he had to stay at the Coliseum, but not why. All we have is this vague he's tied to it because of his mark, but not who gave him the mark or why he's tied there.

Lightning's DLC also didn't explain much besides that she's sitting there as a memorial to Serah instead of kicking butt to save the day. If anything the most it did was give people the idea that Yeul was evil and not Caius.

The DLC was a waste of time. I played it all, did it all, and a lot of the battles were just fan-service for anyone who had 100% completion. Nothing has really been set up for the next game and it's still a big "To Be Continued". Once again, I still put several more hours into FFXIII over FFXIII-2 (about forty actually).

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