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Leviathan Mist 08-18-2010 09:51 AM

Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Which do you like the most? Which do you hate the most? Which would you rather be in your house?

I think bees are the worst out of all of them. Any insect that can fly and sting should be exterminated. With spiders and scorpions, at least you can just get out of the way if you see it, it can't harm you if it can't get to you. You can't avoid a bee easily though, and unless you've got good aim, you can't swat one without the risk of being stung either.

Amui 08-18-2010 10:12 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
But no seriously, i have Apiphobia so Bee's and Wasp's are both at the top of my list #waterfall
I'd rather have a Spider or a Scorpion around here, cuz i know i could get the mofo before it got to me.....but with a Bee you got that guy going around all "IMMA GETCHU!" and i'm over in a corner afraid to move.

Chris 08-18-2010 10:58 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
I pretty much ditto what Amui said. I am dead afraid of bees and wasps. Not so much because of their stinger, but they're so furry, and ugly, and the noise they make *shutters*

I'm also dead afraid of spiders as well though. So if I HAD to choose one I'd rather see, it'd probably be a scorpion. They're bigger than the other two, it'd be easier to find after I had a panic attack.

Jubilee 08-18-2010 11:27 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
OH OH!!!! I love Bugs :awesome:

Bees are my favorites ... they are one of the most interesting beings in the whole animal kingdom, in my opinion .
(Note, if I see one around me, I still run though...they are just interesting to study...and I couldnt kill them as they are much more important to the ecosystem than the other two)

I guess a scorpion would fall as most hated...I find all 3 interesting though (even though I would run from all of them...they are cool to learn about...)

I do not kill spiders in my house unless they are venomous or huge. They eat the flies, they are free to stay yo.


Chris 08-18-2010 01:15 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions

Originally Posted by Jubilee (Post 18298)

They eat the flies, they are free to stay yo.

This would be why I have cats :awesome:

grimdefeat 08-18-2010 01:17 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
i would take a bee sting over a scorpion sting or spider bite any day

chefofdeath 08-18-2010 04:41 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions

Originally Posted by Amui (Post 18292)
But no seriously, i have Apiphobia so Bee's and Wasp's are both at the top of my list #waterfall
I'd rather have a Spider or a Scorpion around here, cuz i know i could get the mofo before it got to me.....but with a Bee you got that guy going around all "IMMA GETCHU!" and i'm over in a corner afraid to move.

heh unless u have jumping spiders #baw

Tyto 08-18-2010 05:17 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Oh man I love bees. When I was little my dad taught me how to fly bees. If I were some kind of wacky comic book super villain my murder methods would involve bees, a spider gag, a feed bag fit to a human head, and a vacuum. Police forensics can do little to nothing to track bees as a murder weapon.

ClearMetalVoltar 08-18-2010 05:33 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
bees are good. i have a small garden outside my apartment and their fun to watch(honey and bumble bees) dont know about those african hybrid bees. i heard that they can kill#shizam

ive only seen 6 scorpians in my life and they all were quarter sized and posed no danger.

spiders, eeek! well, small spiders are ok but at my parents house we have a problem with wolf spiders randomly showing up in places. it wasnt uncommon for one to be in ur shoes or between ur clothing. also we used to have to check the rooms b4 going to sleep becuase they had a tendancy of being curious in darkness and would like crawl on u and try to get in ur mouth.#shockzune#shock

moonhawk81 08-18-2010 08:53 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
I don't really want any of them in my house, thanks anyway. But wasps and bees are more threatening in that they live in groups. And if bees make a hive inside your wall, well, you're pretty well messed up.

Cyrus 09-15-2010 09:22 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions

Originally Posted by ClearMetalVoltar (Post 18326)
bees are good. i have a small garden outside my apartment and their fun to watch(honey and bumble bees) dont know about those african hybrid bees. i heard that they can kill#shizam

ive only seen 6 scorpians in my life and they all were quarter sized and posed no danger.

spiders, eeek! well, small spiders are ok but at my parents house we have a problem with wolf spiders randomly showing up in places. it wasnt uncommon for one to be in ur shoes or between ur clothing. also we used to have to check the rooms b4 going to sleep becuase they had a tendancy of being curious in darkness and would like crawl on u and try to get in ur mouth.#shockzune#shock

Thanks really that's a nice thought.

i wouldn't mind having ONE bee.

Mollybibbles 09-16-2010 05:28 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
I would by far rather have bees around. They are good for the health of our planet, granted, I'm still afraid of them. Scorpions..... no......spiders....NO NO NO. Actually, I just don't like insects or buggies in general. As long as they stay outside of my space bubble, I'm quite content with their presence.. kind of.

twillÿ 09-16-2010 04:42 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Bees: I am allergic, but they don't bother me much.

Wasps/Hornets: *runs* ...I will seriously drop everything and run from them, no matter who/what is around.

Scorpions: We have them around here, but I seldom see them. When I do, I just try to get out of it's way. ((@ ClearMetalVoltar, the smaller ones actually have a more potent venom.))

Spiders: I have been bitten by enough to not care anymore. Black widow bites really hurt, though. I generally leave spiders be unless I can spot them for their poisons, like a Widow or Recluse; I try to kill those if they are indoors. I leave outdoors spiders be. They help the garden. ^^

Cockroaches: Okay, so they weren't on this list, but they are the scariest bugs as far as this starfish is concerned. I will run and hide, jump over obstacles and push other people in the way of me and one of these. I just can't stand them. And it's not like I can kill them, the crunch sound, plus the feeling of it under my shoes is like nails on a chalkboard to me. NO THANK YOU!!!

soundbreaker 09-29-2010 10:52 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions

Originally Posted by twillÿ (Post 19655)
Cockroaches: ...And it's not like I can kill them, the crunch sound, plus the feeling of it under my shoes is like nails on a chalkboard to me. NO THANK YOU!!!

Don't forget having to clean-up/wipe-off whatever you used to crush it (shoe, heavy book, friend's pencil-case, etc).

I've got no problem with bees or wasps, I've been stung by both and they only hurt for a little while.
Not all spiders are bad, some are useful.
I was bit by a spider once at school, and got out of a test.
Never seen a scorpion in real life before. Of the three, they'd be the one I like least, only for the fear of the unknown. #gulp

withasigh 11-17-2010 02:34 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Sigh minds not wich creepy crawlie she encounters. However she would rather not find a scorpion in her house...

Snapplemonkey 11-17-2010 03:09 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
I love scorpions since they eat their children if they fall of their backs. Oh I have nothing against bees, even if they're flying in my face I don't evade them (It just confuses them and increases the chance of them stinging you anyway). I think I'd choose spiders in my house since they are harmless, statistically you swallow 3 spiders a year in your sleep.

TehScribbles 11-17-2010 06:50 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Scorpions I say, because I've never seen one or had a problem with them. I used to live with wasps before the Termex guy game, and for spiders. Their in the windows of every building, so it's more fun to watch them then to kill them. :P

nerdwerld 11-18-2010 09:24 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Bees are annoying and think they are better than everything else, also various bees perform kamikaze attacks on intruders instead of asking what the intruders want. Spiders are explorers, they however are prone to pick fights with things bigger than them. Scorpions like spiders and bees attack intruders, and anything that makes sudden moves around them. Bees however provide me with honey, though I honesty don't like honey, but because of all the three are the most hard workers and provide me the master with food I would say that they are the best

Gatx 12-02-2010 02:24 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Actually I'm pretty afraid of bees and wasps too. Even though they're probably not, they just seem threatening. That buzzing noise just sounds like they're angry at you, and I feel like if I just so much as touched them, I'd get stung.

I've never seen a scorpion but they're one of those things that when boys are young they think are "cool" so I guess I don't mind them.

I actually don't mind spiders. They're kind of creepy, but if you let them loose around the house they'll eat the other bugs.


Originally Posted by Snapplemonkey (Post 22636)
I think I'd choose spiders in my house since they are harmless, statistically you swallow 3 spiders a year in your sleep.


Though once I did see that there was a dead ant caught in between two of my teeth before I started to brush my teeth one morning...

SoulArbiter 12-02-2010 11:53 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Spiders absolutely terrify me. Call me a wuss, but I can't stand the things! I've never encountered a Scorpion before, and it's probably in my best interest that I never do and bees...well they sting. They get you, annoy you with the stinging and then they die. Meh. Might be worse if there is a lot of them though... #oh?

Elk 12-12-2010 09:14 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
I once fell face first into a beehive and was stung probably 50+ times. Was running from bees from another beehive. 11 on my head and face alone. Luckily it was a family outing so I was picked up and not stung more than that.

That wasn't fun.

But from worst to best I think Scorpion is worse than Spider is worse than Bee.

Many spiders are harmless, but then there are the ones that can kill you and stuff, so I'm a little wary of spiders.

Kate 12-12-2010 01:54 PM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
Let's get this fact down. I hate spiders. Yes, even if it's a harmless one, I just hate them. I get easily terrified of them when I see one. Even the really tiny ones.

Bees don't really bother me at all... Unless it's a wasp.. then is bothers me.

Scorpions are pretty cool. I've never held any but only seen them through some glass cases. I know they some can be venomous, but I think they're awesome.

Overall: Spiders > Bees > Scorpions (unless it's one that can kill me. That gets switched with Bees.)

EagleEyes 12-14-2010 01:12 AM

Re: Bees vs. Spiders vs. Scorpions
We don't have scorpions here, so Spiders T.T

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