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Kanashimi 11-21-2009 01:35 AM

Anyone else waiting for this game? I'm not generally a fan of let's shoot everything in sight, but Bayonetta looks like it has one heck of a style. I love all the little subtle features, and just how out there it is! It's sort of insane, though I'll admit I'm going to be jealous if we don't get a limited edition with a pink Bayonetta gun. My cosplay dreams are ruined!

Anyway, the theme song was released a little while back and awesomely enough MiChi ends up with the honors or producing the theme song. For those who haven't heard it, I suggest you check it out:

Either way, I really want to know the story as well. Since this hasn't been released to most of the world all we can gather is what's been told in the trailers. It makes it feel like Bayonetta will be a big game of sorts with a twist.

Elc1247 11-21-2009 04:42 AM

Re: Bayonetta
wait... are the US censors going to destroy it? kus if they are... i dont know if it will have as much appeal to many...

Shadows_Revenge 11-21-2009 10:29 AM

Re: Bayonetta
Heh... this game has some mix reactions from me. The story looks good, but then there are features like one handed play (Thats just CREEPY...) that draw me away because it looks like just a grab at action games from pre-pubescent teens...

Although I cant wait till start seeing cosplays of her :D

Elc1247 11-21-2009 03:05 PM

Re: Bayonetta
have you played it? -__-
it looks great, its like Devil may cry, but with an almost naked woman using her hair as a weapon.

Kanashimi 11-21-2009 06:21 PM

Re: Bayonetta
The demo is available if you have a Japanese PSN account. It's worthless fun just like Devil May Cry, and from my awareness there has been no talk to censorship for Bayonetta's US release.

Sandgolem 11-21-2009 06:45 PM

Re: Bayonetta
One handed play? makes the school girl outfit DLC seem a bit... XD lol

Kanashimi 11-22-2009 03:46 PM

Re: Bayonetta
One handed play was announced awhile back and there was a video showing an example of it. It's basically just the control of the face buttons, and from my awareness is available only on the easiest of modes.

Kanashimi 12-07-2009 01:45 AM

Re: Bayonetta
On an update, excuse the double post, the US demo is now out. I highly suggest playing it, there's a lot of combos to learn so it might be best to learn them now. Game looks absolutely gorgeous, I can't wait to play!

Mistress Victoria 12-09-2009 09:05 AM

Re: Bayonetta
I'll be picking up this demo. Also, the spoiler tag doesn't seem to be working. (At least for me.. I'm using FireFox. x_X)

But yeah, I didn't really like DMC that much, but Beyonetta seems to be so much better. It's actually something I'm looking forward to.

Kanashimi 12-09-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Bayonetta
Yeah, it's because the code was changed between my posting and now. Tweaks to the forums are still coming along and what not.

Shadows_Revenge 12-21-2009 04:12 AM

Re: Bayonetta
so I actually got around to playing the demo, and I was supprising impressed. I dont like beat-em-ups like Devil May Cry or God of War, but Bayonetta may actually deem worthy to rent and try out. The story seemed kinda complex for these type of games, and the combat was actually satisfying with the awesome animation in the moveset. I might have changed my mind... we will see

Kanashimi 12-21-2009 01:28 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I can at least be fond of Devil May Cry as a beat 'em up, but God Of War as a hack and slash can go suffer in a fire. *Coughs*

In general the story is what's getting to me, and bluntly how unique everything is. The strangeness of hair as a weapon, coupled with whatever Bayonetta is, whatever she's fighting, and why sort of add to the intrigue.

Mistress Victoria 12-21-2009 03:05 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I finished the demo last night and I have to say I really like the story and how fluid and pretty the animations are.

...I also like her sexy strut when she walks, although it seems a wee bit unrealistic, but I think I can pull something similar off. >_>;

Anyway, I'll definitely be picking up this game.

Elc1247 01-01-2010 09:00 PM

Re: Bayonetta
well, ive seen the demo, looking forward to trying it out, looks like a blast to play.

Oni 01-01-2010 09:11 PM

Re: Bayonetta
As far as I know it's basically just DMC, but with a kick ♫♫♫ female wielding guns on her feet. I'll probably buy it due to how elegant the main character is.

She'll be hard to cosplay though. Those shoes are, well...

Kibs 01-01-2010 10:02 PM

Re: Bayonetta

Originally Posted by Oni (Post 2352)
As far as I know it's basically just DMC, but with a kick ♫♫♫ female wielding guns on her feet. I'll probably buy it due to how elegant the main character is.

She'll be hard to cosplay though. Those shoes are, well...

"Elegant" is not the word I would use. Overly sexualized is, however.

I can't exactly get into the ovr-the-top style, and now it seems even worse that it's been reduced to a game comprised soley of fanservice. There's blatant, and then there's "one handed gameplay" blatant.

Oni 01-01-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Bayonetta

Originally Posted by Kibs (Post 2355)
"Elegant" is not the word I would use. Overly sexualized is, however.

I can't exactly get into the ovr-the-top style, and now it seems even worse that it's been reduced to a game comprised soley of fanservice. There's blatant, and then there's "one handed gameplay" blatant.

Well, she's been about as sexualized as Dante was. Of course, most males won't see that unless a female tells them so.

Kanashimi 01-02-2010 01:24 AM

Re: Bayonetta
Haha, Oni has a point. It's sort of like Metal Gear and Solid Snake... :lol:

Anyway, after playing the demo I can't say that this is just like Devil May Cry in the slightest. It feels more fluid, chaotic, and yet stylish. I always saw Devil May Cry as rough around the edges, but I don't necessarily get the same vibe with Bayonetta. Of course, I can't properly judge until I have the full game.

Oni 01-02-2010 02:02 AM

Re: Bayonetta
I think you just appropriately described the difference between men and women.

Loxes 01-08-2010 11:44 AM

Re: Bayonetta
I tried a demo of it, after eagerly anticipating for a while after reading a magazine article.

Harder than I expected, I needed assistance to get through the tutorial (although the guy said I wasn't the only one who had trouble with the spinny-shooty thing, so mmneyh) but it looked great and was awesome fun.

I want those shoes.

Oni 01-08-2010 04:42 PM

Re: Bayonetta
A friend of mine bought the game recently, he seems to agree that it is a rather 'one-handed' game.

Kanashimi 01-08-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Bayonetta
Well, Bayonetta is definitely overly 'sexualized'. Despite that, they make sure to make it aware they're shameless. They're not trying to sneak it in past the censors for sure.

Oni 01-08-2010 05:18 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I was also implying he found it easy too.

christmas4477 01-09-2010 11:44 AM

Re: Bayonetta
Here's something you might not know. Stephanie Sheh, voice actress of Hinata from Naruto and Orihime form Bleach, did some motion capture for Bayonetta

Yoruichilover 01-09-2010 12:42 PM

Re: Bayonetta

Originally Posted by Elc1247 (Post 708)
have you played it? -__-
it looks great, its like Devil may cry, but with an almost naked woman using her hair as a weapon.

And isn't that what counts? XD

No, I kid. It looks like an amazing game, though. A witch who hunts and kills evil angels with guns attached to her feet and uses her hair to summon demons. Epic, no?

As for the story, I read it on Wikipedia.

EagleEyes 01-09-2010 02:30 PM

Re: Bayonetta
The game is pretty damn awesome. The first one in a while I have sat down and played fora few hour my first play through.

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-09-2010 03:02 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I was thinking of picking this game up, but is it worth the buy?

EagleEyes 01-09-2010 03:03 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I think it is. The game play is pretty good.

But the cut scenes are the thing to look forward to. Its like watching a full cgi anime.

Kanashimi 01-09-2010 03:05 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I would definitely say it is worth a buy considering what else is on the market right now. You have about two months before anything else of interest comes out. Bayonetta is increasingly unique.

黒と赤「KUROtoAKA」 01-09-2010 03:09 PM

Re: Bayonetta
sounds good to me. i'll definitely be picking it up then. ^_^ i got the demo and i liked it a lot. i'm usually more of an RPG person, so i haven't played many games like this.

Kanashimi 01-09-2010 03:21 PM

Re: Bayonetta
Yeah, I was at first put off by the hack and slash aspect, but the combos make it a bit more like an overly complicated fighter. So I think you'll find it very accompanying to your tastes.

yugiboy360 01-09-2010 04:41 PM

Re: Bayonetta
it looked good and just rented it

chefofdeath 01-09-2010 07:59 PM

Re: Bayonetta
the game is pretty good i thought it was going to be longer... but there are a lot of things to collect in game so it should keep one quite busy

Kibs 01-09-2010 11:31 PM

Re: Bayonetta

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 3631)
You have about two months before anything else of interest comes out.

January 26th: Mass Effect 2, No more heroes 2
February 2nd: White Knight Chronicles, Star Trek Online
February 9th: Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno
February 23rd: Heavy Rain
March 9th: Linear Fantasy 13

Still, Bayonetta is pretty good.

EagleEyes 01-09-2010 11:32 PM

Re: Bayonetta

Originally Posted by Kibs (Post 3876)
January 26th: Mass Effect 2, No more heroes 2
February 2nd: White Knight Chronicles, Star Trek Online
February 9th: Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno
February 23rd: Heavy Rain
March 9th: Linear Fantasy 13

Still, Bayonetta is pretty good.

And sadly I wont probably get any of them besides NMH2.

Kanashimi 01-10-2010 02:27 AM

Re: Bayonetta
Thus the word "about" there Kibs, and everyone's tastes are different. I'm only looking at two on those list, which come out at the end of the month.

Bayonetta is slowly frustrating me, I must suck. xD

rivetKEH 01-12-2010 01:07 PM

Re: Bayonetta
Anyone know if I would be fine with just importing the game? I was told the game in the japanese version was fully translated into English including menus. If it isn't I have a level of reading so will it be ok?

Zero Gravity 01-12-2010 01:34 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I'm trying to avoid Bayonetta for -er hem!- obvious reasons.... but I love the music and play style.... so.... yeah prob gonna rent it

XIamSogekingX 01-12-2010 04:59 PM

Re: Bayonetta
I dont think it deserved that perfect score it got from Famitsu but it is a fun game. The game does have a problem of not knowing when to end itself :P

Zero Gravity 01-12-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Bayonetta
They played the theme song twice today and I'm constantly tempted to turn off the radio and play it on my Winamp

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