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Kibs 08-24-2010 03:42 AM

New Toys
The case being you don't have eyes, you might not have noticed the new "now playing" banner up top there. There's also a matching one on the main site. These have replaced our old amptracker, and allows us more control over the rating system, and what tracks are displayed (sorry, you can no longer vote up knife-wrench, your favorite promo of all time).

You're welcome.

Kanashimi 08-24-2010 03:48 AM

Re: New Toys
Also, it should be noted: Please do not point out incorrect covers at this time. As of now they are purely random until I've combed through them. Thank you~

Lite 08-24-2010 03:56 AM

Re: New Toys
I'm just staring in awe at it. So purdy~
Nice work Big Boss (and Big Boss-ette) :D

Drago142222 08-24-2010 03:59 AM

Re: New Toys

Jubilee 08-24-2010 06:32 AM

Re: New Toys
That was oh so very nice to wake up too #geee

I love it #poplar

Zero Gravity 08-24-2010 07:11 AM

Re: New Toys
Awesome sauce! :awesome:

moonhawk81 08-24-2010 07:19 AM

Re: New Toys
Looks great!

Mollybibbles 08-24-2010 08:14 AM

Re: New Toys
So shiny! So organized! Shiny and organized; my two favorite things :P

Llian 08-24-2010 10:49 AM

Re: New Toys
It is shiny and organized and nifty too! Nice work :'D

toyNN 08-24-2010 01:01 PM

Re: New Toys
Very nice...great look to this on both the Forms and on the site - good coding.

Can't help but to share a thought: maybe the next upcoming song also be shown along with the current one and previous 4 or 5?

Also does this mean the AmpTracker will be going away? Voting?

- toyNN

Kanashimi 08-24-2010 01:04 PM

Re: New Toys

Originally Posted by toyNN (Post 18849)
Very nice...great look to this on both the Forms and on the site - good coding.

Can't help but to share a thought: maybe the next upcoming song also be shown along with the current one and previous 4 or 5?

Also does this mean the AmpTracker will be going away? Voting?

- toyNN

Also, it is technically illegal for us to broadcast times of any upcoming songs. I know there are other sites that do this, but this is actually against "Webcaster Settlement Act".

You can still vote, but we can control this a bit more unlike the Amptracker. To do so simply hover over the song you wish to vote for. More than likely we'll completely switch over within the month.

Amui 08-24-2010 01:18 PM

Re: New Toys
Well done, it looks very clean and overall just great.

ZshadowX 08-24-2010 01:37 PM

Re: New Toys
Bravo!! Its much much better than last time!

Thank you!!

Dophanes "D!" Raosuke 08-24-2010 01:38 PM

Re: New Toys
OH NOES!!!!!!!!! KNIFE WRENCH!!!!!!!!!

bemused_Bohemian 08-24-2010 01:56 PM

Re: New Toys
Nice touch, guys! I like the new banner voting system better already. When voting on the old system I was never 100% sure my rating got tallied. At times there was no change in the count no matter how many times I re-applied, other times it was faster than lightning!??? Cool beans, keep up the good ideas.

Elanora 08-24-2010 05:03 PM

Re: New Toys
I love that the team is always working to improve the site.

Well done, guys!

twillÿ 08-24-2010 06:31 PM

Re: New Toys
I logged on today and a light shined down through my window as I loaded up our awesometastic new look. As my dear friend Jubi would say...This pleases Gaga. Nice job! #moar

ClearMetalVoltar 08-24-2010 07:17 PM

Re: New Toys
this is................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......1337 HAX0RZ WIN!!!#geee:stars::awesome::awesome::durhur:#true: srsly:

toyNN 08-25-2010 11:27 AM

Re: New Toys

Originally Posted by Kanashimi (Post 18850)
Also, it is technically illegal for us to broadcast times of any upcoming songs. I know there are other sites that do this, but this is actually against "Webcaster Settlement Act".

You can still vote, but we can control this a bit more unlike the Amptracker. To do so simply hover over the song you wish to vote for. More than likely we'll completely switch over within the month.

Wow - no I idea the showing "up coming" songs was a no-no...interesting...cross that suggestion off.

Bye-bye Amptracker - I'll have to see about re-design on my player then. Thanks for letting me know.

So the voting on the songs going to be all staring from 0?

Kanashimi 08-25-2010 01:46 PM

Re: New Toys
Yeah, voting will be at zero. We'll be using the old ratings for this week's top forty for training purposes and then switch over.

Kate 09-04-2010 10:11 AM

Re: New Toys
I love this site's new toys. They're always so FUN!

ZshadowX 09-05-2010 12:43 AM

Re: New Toys
its going to take me a while to get use to

hounddog 09-07-2010 02:58 PM

Re: New Toys

But I love this change so much I might kick mr. hounddog to the curb and marry it.

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