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Toonpenguin 01-29-2010 03:03 PM

How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Ok we got into the IRC about how you got your nickname and this is the thread for it

So how'd you decide on your nickname?

For me i was in 7th grade, still in yugioh at the time. I had found a game called dragonfable and was thinking of a name to sign up. So i was like hmm well my favorite yugioh monster are the toon monster. So i was like hmm toon what . Well i had just saw a commerical on animal planet for penguins and i was like ah-ha Toonpenguin. And since them i've always used toonpenguin as my username/nickname

So how did you come up with your nickname

Kibs 01-29-2010 03:05 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Back in the day I was into naruto, it was the first anime I watched, my favorite character was kiba, I used a derivative of that for my forum name back when NarutoMania was still around, it eventually got shortened to Kibs, since people called me that for short, I believe it was started by Rei, but made popular by KTA and Juno.

Yes, seriously.

Bonediddly 01-29-2010 03:05 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My friend randomly started calling me this. Yeah.

Shadowblade Edge 01-29-2010 03:08 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
I thought it was cool when I was 13. I was, in fact, wrong, as it's clearly dumb as hell, but it's an old habit, so I continue to use it.

Oni 01-29-2010 03:18 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Back when I was 11 and really just starting to get into anime I was pretty much a weaboo. Naturally, to come up with an 'original' username, I went to a English to Japanese dictionary.

I searched up two words, demon (Oni) and field (bokusu). So, naturally, I just combined the words together without another thought. Over the years I've kinda just stuck with it, eventually just getting rid of 'bokusu' altogether.

Other versions of it include: iOni, iOniV2, OniXera, Onicept.

mitamaking 01-29-2010 03:49 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My old user name was specialMark, but when I signed up for webtv for the second time I couldn't use it so I had to come up with something new. I had just finished Blue Seed so I decided Mitama King.

And I have never run into someone else using the name, no numbers for me.

ace8489 01-29-2010 03:59 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
I thought Ace sounded cool but everyone has ace already so I had to do something to make it my own so I added the day I was born.

Chris 01-29-2010 05:17 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Believe it or not, it really wasn't that difficult.

Usually I go by "ChrisBaker41" 41 being my hockey number, but every so often I'm lucky enough to come by a forum where just "Chris" isn't being used.

moonhawk81 01-29-2010 06:47 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Moonhawk was the name I took upon joining the Craft "officially." 81 has been my favorite number since I began school--it was the number of the very first bus that took me daily from the cows on the dairy to the wonders of books and other kids my age. . .

Kate 01-29-2010 06:54 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Well, it wasn't that hard. Kate is my actual name. Well, not my full, but short.

Rocco 01-29-2010 07:14 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Rocco is my actual name.

Zero Gravity 01-29-2010 10:02 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
in short:

Llian 01-29-2010 11:08 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
The username I came up with is apart of my middle name. I didn't like the first part of it (I do now though) so I cut it off and stuck with Llian. In some cases I'd use Lia.

EagleEyes 01-30-2010 06:44 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
It began in year 12 biology in a discussion that the Kracken from Pirates of the Caribean was at the top of every food chain. Then we decided that an eagle could beat the kracken.

Then I watched Lord of the Rings were Aragorn says "Legolas what do your elf eyes see". To Which I thought Legolas with an eagles eyes could beat the Kracken.

Yeah. Thats the actuall story.........

Lesserpawn 01-30-2010 11:52 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My name just describes me pretty well, a lesser form of the most worthless piece on a chess board.

Shin_No_Kokoro 01-30-2010 12:19 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Well my name Derives from Shin which can mean gentleman and Kokoro which is heart the No was thrown in there for the lulz

Tewy 01-30-2010 04:44 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
hey shin it kinda sound like gentleman no heart!! LOL! As for nickname i had that since elementary school so yea all my friends call me Tewy or Chewy. wasn't allowed to choose cause of shin( he wouldn't let me pick T_T he scary )

rivetKEH 01-31-2010 03:00 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
rivet is derived from one of my favorite words. KEH is a sound I used to make back in California when I was thinking how retarded someone was acting. I didn't notice it before but my friend made me aware of my little sound.

Marpolo 1991 02-01-2010 01:36 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My user name came from the fact that from kindergarten all the way to Senior year people kept calling me Marco Polo, naturally that go really old really fast and my friends would come up with different things to instead of Polo, like Polio (which i don't get) or another thigh which i don't really want to say on the forums. One friend just called me Po. Anyway Freshman year when creating my account I decided why not shorten it and save me some time on the teasing, which is where Marpolo came from. 1991 is the year I was Born. And I use it for most of my user names for various thing, mainly because i am unimaginative.

MaxDagger 02-03-2010 10:24 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My user is very simple. When I was in middle I wanted to draw or doodle for the sheer fun of it. When I was drawing. I came up with my character Max Dagger after I came up with some sketches of him. Sadly I don't have many, but you can see them here. www.maxdagger.deviantart.com I will start posting some picks soon. Just here and there doing some stuff. Also playing mabinogi non stop. x.x

cj16bit 02-04-2010 12:57 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My user name came from the first letter of my names CJ and since that name is always taken everywhere my friend suggested 16bit since he knows im a big snes fan and ive had the name for years

Mollybibbles 03-06-2010 04:31 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
This one time, at duel camp... no wait. This one time at ballet camp about two years ago, I killed my knee and couldn't perform so I spent the last two weeks with the American Ballet Theater mentors, hobbling along, watching anime and having a grand ol' time. By the end of the program all of the mentors called me anything from House to Mollybibbles.... So it was either that or House. One can guess which I would prefer. "bibbles" just kinda stuck I guess. Not entirely sure why >.>

deadlymustach50 03-06-2010 10:17 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
it started when i got my xbox, and i was deciding on a gamertag to use. My friend, who was with me at the time to help me set up my xbox, had a gamertag with deadly in the beginning of his, so there was the start.

Im really into the Mario series, so i included the mustache, but someone already had deadlymustache.
So i added 50 which was my soccer number, and had to delete the e of the stache to fit it in the gamertag.

And deadlymustach50 was born, and now you know... the rest of the story.

Sheep 03-07-2010 10:30 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My name's just a shorten copy of a username I use for a different site

I go by Mentally ILL Sheep on a different site, and that was from me liking the phrase "Your mentally ill! " from Trapeze

But I do love sheep =w= so I use it as a short name for things

Aravyre 03-08-2010 05:18 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Aravyre, its a nick I randomly generated for usage in an mmorpg a while back, and it stuck every since then, and appears in all mmos I play now xD

Hakuro de Killer 03-08-2010 06:25 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
For the prefix, I thought it up a long time ago when I was a huge weaboo and I was like "Why not combine the romaji for White and Black together into something cool sounding? So basically, Haku + Kuro = Hakuro. Later, I found out that 'Hakuro' was romaji for morning dew, so I was like "Okay, that doesn't sound TERRIBAD, so I'll keep it."

As for the suffix, it's a tribute to my favorite Phoenix Wright character, Shelly de Killer.

Tempest Wind 03-08-2010 08:16 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Oh, boy...

So back in late 2003 I decided to make my second account on gaiaonline. I wanted to be explore roleplaying more naughtyish characters (in what my innocent mind deemed naughty. Flirty perhaps? Evil/flirty?). So I wanted a nice dramatic name that summarized all the tumultuous.... stuff... and things. Emotions? Behavioral patterns? Whatever.

I sat with dictionary.com for a good couple of hours before I came across the word "Tempest." I thought, "Whoa, that would be an AWESOME name!" The definition of a tempest is a violent windstorm, and honestly part of the reason why I wanted to have this character was to be more unhinged and yell at idiots when I feel like it. ^^;;

But Tempest was already taken. So I went, "Uhhhh.... thinkfast.... WIND." Tempest Wind.

I found that I rather enjoyed letting loose and saying whatever was on my mind, so Tempest became my preferred avatar. Then it became my preferred internet name. It's the name I use for everything except certain RP forums, for some random reason.

Tempest has grown a considerable amount, and I no longer use her name to flame trolls and such, but she does express that I have a more tumultuous side. =) Ooooh, poetic.

Yeah, or I just thought it was purdy.

Drago142222 03-09-2010 12:41 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
i like Dragons but everyone uses the name dragon so i thought i would take away the n

helixD 03-09-2010 08:31 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
I thought I would make a website called helix-designs back in 2003, never panned out but the username stuck. I hate it, so I shortened it to helixD.

Itachi0970 03-09-2010 09:06 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Well, itachi means weasel...

Yeah, j/k. First forum I ever joined was a Naruto forum. Never bothered to change anything.
0970 doesn't really mean anything.

bemused_Bohemian 03-10-2010 09:32 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Back when dinosaurs were still sighted roaming the Kansas prairie aka before you were likely born...bohemian was an NYC term I heard describing someone socially hip above the beatniks during the '60's era. So, what the heck, why not? More uplifting than "better off dead" or someone who IDs with objects. Bemused is my usual state of mind at this stage of the game. After all, I am older than dirt.

XIamSogekingX 03-15-2010 12:36 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My progression of screen names is as followed: sparx60407,Xplayman2541, SergeantRickJames, and finally XIamSogekingX. I have no idea about the numbers but sparx is from Spyro the dragon, Xplayman is from my love for the early days of X-Play, SergeantRickJames stems from my love of sergeant type characters and Rick James is from watching the Rick James bit. Now here is the origin of XIamSogekingX.

One Piece has been one of my favorite animes and the character of Usopp had always interested me because he used his wits instead of relying on brute strength to solve his problems. When he created his super hero personality, Sogeking, I just thought it was the greatest thing ever. It also connects with what video games I play. When I wasn't playing an RPG, I normally played a sniper in an FPS. I always liked sneaking around and trying to out smart your opponent. So I always considered myself a Sogeking and at the same time a fan of the superhero too.

The Xs at each end were just for flair. The I am stems from saying Sogeking with pride. Being able to say I AM SOGEKING is so awesome and it's sort of copied from the University I attend because their big thing is...We Are Marshall. Just being able to say it with pride.

TehScribbles 03-17-2010 10:10 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
My dad's nick name is Skribby, my brother's name is Binski, my nick name is Scribbles. It's kind of like a family thing actually. And my teachers started calling me it. Kinda creepy actually.

Cerulaine 03-17-2010 11:54 AM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Well...Cerulaine is derived from Cerulean my favorite color and an Irish goddess Aine (Or Anya but Aine is better)

I do not happen to be Irish, I'm mostly Norwegian but I thought of the name and wondered if it had any meaning and found an Irish goddess. :lol:

Soon after I made it my sister commented on how she thought I combined my first and middle name which would make you lulz if you knew my first and middle name. :biggrin:

The Eternal Scholar 03-17-2010 02:26 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Well, I had several old screen/nicknames that didn't really fit me. One day I was reading a philosophy book, and my friend said "You're quite the scholar aren't you?". This got me thinking. And one day while playing Tales of Symphonia, I had just gotten the title Eternal Swordsman. That's where I got the idea to make my name The Eternal Scholar, since The Eternal Swordsman would probably get me yelled at or people wouldn't get the reference. So I just made something original. =D

Colorado Avalanche 03-17-2010 03:34 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Mine is very simple, my favorite hockey team in the entire NHL.

And the best team in the whole league =D

Force-A-Nature 03-17-2010 04:54 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Force-a-Nature= FaN

Nerdy TF2 thing.

Elk 03-18-2010 12:41 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)

Originally Posted by Colorado Avalanche (Post 10962)
Mine is very simple, my favorite hockey team in the entire NHL.

And the best team in the whole league =D

Sorry, after Roy left that title went back to the Montreal Canadians.

Anyways, Elk once stood for EvilLaughKid(and if you frequented the BnG IRC chat, ElectricLizardKing), I got it in Gr. 6 at the local uni's anime club. After my first viewing of AYBABTU I nearly died of laughter, multiple times, and thanks to my mom's side of the family, when I REALLY get going I have a very unique laugh. So I was known as "The Evil Laughing Kid/Guy" so I ran with it. But once I stopped being a "Kid" I just kept ELK and turned it into a regular name. The Anarcho is an optional modifier because I'm an anarchist, and to diffirentiate more between me and Elc (whose name comes from Arc the Lad I believe)

machetecat 03-18-2010 02:58 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
Back when I was on gaia, my friends and I would chose weapons to "kill" trolls and such on our threads with, and I always went with machete, since it was a bit unusual and it's a funny word. Then I saw one of the AMV hells with the Azumanga Daioh kitties singing "I am the one and only" with their sharp teeth shining and such, and it made laugh and jump at the same time. I loved it so much, a new nickname was born.

My other online nickname is Kyoko, which long story short, I was a weeabo when I was 14, and I looked through a list of Japanese names until I found one I liked enough to use as a nickname. It's been 8-9 years since, and after all that time it's all but become my second name now. ^ ^;

Camajak 03-18-2010 04:22 PM

Re: How'd you decide on your nickname(on the forums)
When I was roughly 10 years old, I was REALLY into Neopets. So, I wanted to create a reaaaallly original name, something that sounded cool.
After a few tries, I came up with Cama, I think from the series with the girl with a photographic memory they call Cam? I don't remember the series. Ahaha.
Anyway, I had that. then, I kinda screwed around with random letters, and I came up with Cama-Jack.
There's at least 7 Acara Neopets (My favorite Neopet) Floating around with variations of this name.
Eventually, I dropped the hyphen and the c. So, Camajak was born! Kinda goes along with my real name, which is Jamilyn. LOL. And it's fun that Camajak isn't found ANYWHERE on the internet, unless it's from me. Cama is even difficult to find. :)
Anyway, that's how I got my username, which I use almost everywhere, and it's stuck for roughly 7 years now ^.^

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